TODO why is it so hard to find anything non perturbative :-(
- NanoNebula using raw Perl PDFL (the Perl NumPy)
- "Interplay of Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum Chromodynamics in the Nontrivial Vacuum" by CSSM Visualisation (2019)
On a quantum computer...:
- Simulating Quantum Field Theory with a Quantum Computer by John Preskill (2019)
- Quantum Simulation from Quantum Chemistry to Quantum Field Theory by Peter Love (2019)
Are we living in the matrix? by David Tong (2020)
Source. Talks about how the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem means it is impossible to simulate QFT on a computer in the case of a lattice gauge theory.As mentioned at Video "Are we living in the matrix? by David Tong (2020)" somehow implies that it is difficult or impossible to simulate physics on a computer. Big news!!!
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