Computational physics is a good way to get valuable intuition about the key equations of physics, and train your numerical analysis skills:
- classical mechanics
- "Real-time heat equation OpenGL visualization with interactive mouse cursor using relaxation method" under the best articles by Ciro Santillis
- PhET simulations from University of Colorado Boulder
Other child sections:
Theoretical framework on which quantum field theories are based, theories based on framework include:so basically the entire Standard Model
The basic idea is that there is a field for each particle particle type.
E.g. in QED, one for the electron and one for the photon:
And then those fields interact with some Lagrangian.
One way to look at QFT is to split it into two parts:Then interwined with those two is the part "OK, how to solve the equations, if they are solvable at all", which is an open problem: Yang-Mills existence and mass gap.
- deriving the Lagrangians of the Standard Model: why do symmetries such as SU(3), SU(2) and U(1) matter in particle physics?s. This is the easier part, since the lagrangians themselves can be understood with not very advanced mathematics, and derived beautifully from symmetry constraints
- the qantization of fields. This is the hard part Ciro Santilli is unable to understand, TODO mathematical formulation of quantum field theory.
There appear to be two main equivalent formulations of quantum field theory:
Second quantization also appears to be useful not only for relativistic quantum mechanics, but also for condensed matter physics. The reason is that the basis idea is to use the number occupation basis. This basis is:
- convenient for quantum field theory because of particle creation and annihilation changes the number of particles all the time
- convenient for condensed matter physics because there you have a gazillion particles occupying entire energy bands
- "How to Visualize Quantum Field Theory" by ZAP Physics (2020). Has 1D simulations on a circle. Starts towards the right direction, but is a bit lacking unfortunately, could go deeper.