You SSH into a an OS like Ubuntu and do whatever you want from there. E.g. Amazon EC2.
The OS is usually virualized, and you get only a certain share of the CPU by default.
Highly managed, you don't even see the Docker images, only some higher level JSON configuration file.
These setups are really convenient and cheap, and form a decent way to try out a new website with simple requirements.


This feels good.
One problem though is that Heroku is very opinionated, a likely like other PaaSes. So if you are trying something that is slightly off the mos common use case, you might be fucked.
Another problem with Heroku is that it is extremely difficult to debug a build that is broken on Heroku but not locally. We needed a way to be able to drop into a shell in the middle of build in case of failure. Otherwise it is impossible.
git push heroku HEAD:master
View stdout logs:
heroku logs --tail
PostgreSQL database, it seems to be delegated to AWS. How to browse database:
heroku pg:psql
Drop and recreate database:
heroku pg:reset --confirm <app-name>
All tables are destroyed.
Restart app:
heroku restart
Arghh, why so hard... tested 2021:
  • SendGrid: this one is the first one I got working on free tier!
  • Mailgun: the Heroku add-on creates a free plan. This is smaller than the flex plan and does not allow custom domains, and is not available when signing up on directly: And without custom domains you cannot send emails to anyone, only to people in the 5 manually whitelisted list, thus making this worthless. Also, gmail is not able to verify the DNS of the sandbox emails, and they go to spam.
    Mailgun does feel good otherwise if you are willing to pay. Their Heroku integration feels great, exposes everything you need on environment variables straight away.
  • CloudMailin: does not feel as well developed as Mailgun. More focus on receiving. Tried adding TXT and CNAME entires with custom domain to see if it works, took forever to find that page... Domain verification requires a bit of human contact via email.
    They also don't document their Heroku usage well. The envvars generated on Heroku are useless, only to login on their web UI. The send username and password must be obtained on their confusing web ui.

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