Is a decision problem of determining if something belongs to a non-recursive language.
Or in other words: there is no Turing machine that always halts for every input with the yes/no output.
Every undecidable problem must obviously have an infinite number of "possibilities of stuff you can try": if there is only a finite number, then you can brute-force it.
Some undecidable problems are of recursively enumerable language, e.g. the halting problem.
Coolest ones besides the obvious boring halting problem:
If there are infinitely many inputs, we can always construct a (potentially exponentially huge) Turing machine that hardcodes the outcome for every possible input, so the problem is never undecidable.
The problem is of course deciding and proving the outcome for each possible input, notably as it is possible that calculation for some of the inputs may be independent from ZFC.
One of the most simple to state undecidable problems.
The reason that it is undecidable is that you can repeat each matrix any number of times, so there isn't a finite number of possibilities to check.
The prototypical example is the Busy beaver function, which is the easiest example to reach from the halting problem.


There are only boring exampes of taking an uncomputable language and converting it into a number?

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