Nucleocapsid phosphoprotein, sticks to the RNA inside.
www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-20768-y mentions functions:
- helps pack the viral RNA into the capsule
- also has a side function in immune suppression
Reuploaded into the blockchain itself: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/35959/how-is-the-whitepaper-decoded-from-the-blockchain-tx-with-1000x-m-of-n-multisi/105574#105574 by using the Satoshi uploader.
More conveniently available on bitcoin.org: bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf nowadays, except when it was down for a few years due to our master Craig Steven Wright.
- the advantage of using Lagrangian mechanics instead of directly trying to work out the equations of motion is that it is easier to guess the Lagrangian correctly, while still imposing some fundamental constraints
- youtu.be/bTcFOE5vpOA?list=PLDfPUNusx1EpRs-wku83aqYSKfR5fFmfS&t=3375
- Lagrangian mechanics is better for path integral formulation. But the mathematics of that is fuzzy, so not going in that path.
- Hamiltonian mechanics is better for non-path integral formulation
- youtu.be/bTcFOE5vpOA?list=PLDfPUNusx1EpRs-wku83aqYSKfR5fFmfS&t=3449 Hamiltonian formalism requires finding conjugate pairs, and doing a
DRAM is often shortened to just random-access memory.
Has Serial wire debug debug. Why would you ever get one without unless you are a clueless newbie like Ciro Santilli?!?!
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