- quantumtech.blog/2023/01/17/quantum-computing-with-neutral-atoms/ OK this one hits it:So we understand that it is truly like the classical computer analog vs digital case.
As Alex Keesling, CEO of QuEra told me, "... whereas in gate-based [digital] quantum computing the focus is on the sequence of the gates, in analog quantum processing it's more about the position of the atoms and where you place them so they can mirror real life problems. We arrange the atoms and define the forces that drive them and then measure the result... so it’s a geometric encoding of the problem itself."
- thequantuminsider.com/2022/06/28/why-analog-neutral-atoms-quantum-computing-is-a-promising-direction-for-early-quantum-advantage on The Quantum Insider useless article mostly by Pasqal
This is a term invented by Ciro Santilli, and refers to a loose set of uncommon Bitcoin inscription methods that involve inscribing one or a small number of payloads per Bitcoin transaction.
These methods are both inefficient and hard to detect and decode, partly because Bitcoin Core does not index spending transactions: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/61794/bitcoin-rpc-how-to-find-the-transaction-that-spends-a-txo. This makes finding them all that more rewarding however.
On the other hand, they do have the advantage of not depending on any block size limits, as their individual transactions are very small.
Inscribing anything large would however take a very long time, as you'd have to wait until the previous payload chunk is confirmed before going to the next one. This alone makes the format impractical perhaps.
The channel is also notable for the fact that the author makes his own music.
Remarkable 2 is really, really good. Relatively fast refresh + touchscreen is amazing.
No official public feedback forum unfortunately:
PDF table of contents could be better: twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1459844683925008385
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