Crystallography Updated +Created
Csound FLOSS manual Updated +Created
Very good open source book:
Includes introduction to the basic sound synthesis and their implementation in Csound.
Examples run on browser via Emscripten and just worked on Ubuntu 20.04!
Examples can also be downloaded all at once from: Shame not in Git as standalone files.
Crystal detector Updated +Created
The first diodes. These were apparently incredibly unreliable, especially for portable radios, as you had to randomly search for the best contact point you could find in a random polycrystalline material!!
And also quality was highly dependant on where the material was sourced from as that affected the impurities present in the material. Later this was understood to be an issue of doping.
It was so unreliable that vacuum tube diodes overtook them in many applications, even though crystal detectors are actually semiconductor diodes, which eventually won over!
For a long time, before artificial semiconductors kicked in, people just didn't know the underlying physical working principle of these detectors. What I cannot create, I do not understand basically.
Electronic voting Updated +Created
This is a must if the people want to regain control of their society from apathetic politicians.
I would also increase voter percentage due to convenience, and reduce the weight of voting fraud cases, as everyone would be able to check that their own vote was counted correctly.
And then, we would be able to have referendums for basically any important decision being made. No need to go out on the streets and waste your time in a mass protest! Just vote!
It is possible to implement anonymous electronic voting with ring signatures, an algorithm also used by Monero, an anonymity focused cryptocurrency, as mentioned e.g. on this 2004 paper The system can be set in a way such that you can only deanonymize someone if everyone else, or a very large number of people, conspire against that person.
The same system could also be used to setup forums where only citizens of the country could comment and propose changes and vote on them.
With electronic voting, we could have a system where you can let someone you trust vote for you automatically, or vote automatically for certain subjects alone, a bit like we do by electing senators. But then you would also be able to override specific votes if you wanted to.
In this system therefore, anyone who can proxy vote has to have their vote public, and placed in a decent website that shows clearly who voted for what.
  • allows you to delegate your voting power to someone else, that's perfect!
Critical path Updated +Created
Diffraction of light Updated +Created
Cuju Updated +Created
Lit. "to kick (leather) ball".
Figures notbaly in Water Margin, where it is played by Gao Qiu. The novel also suggests that it was considered a lesser art, e.g. as opposed to the scholarly Four arts and the "proper" martial arts.
Video 1.
Ancient Chinese Football Freestylers by Tifo Football (2021)
Source. Mentions that it was popular in the Ming dynasty, but then, if you will, the ball fell off a bit.
Video 2.
Bernardo cuju challenge by Manchester City (2019)
Cyborg beetle Updated +Created
Video 1.
Singapore's Remote-Controlled Cyborg Insects by Vice Media (2018)
By Dr. Hirotaka Sato from Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
It is a bit rough, but kind of works. Flight control is only left or right though, they don't stimulate the wings directly.
Digital micromirror device Updated +Created
Video 1.
The Insane Engineering of DLP by Zack Freedman (2022)
CuriousMarc Updated +Created
Mostly on vintage electronics. Lots of focus on microwave, which he has worked a lot with.
Has been going wild with restoration and reverse engineering of the Apollo moon mission.
Video 1.
Inside the WILD Lab of CuriousMarc by Keysight Labs (2022)
How to use a single source multiple times in a Wikipedia article? Updated +Created
Definition, anywhere on article, likely ideally as the first usage:
<ref name="myname">{{cite web ...}}</ref>
And then you can use it later on as:
<ref name="myname" />
which automatically expands the exact same thing, or using the shortcut:
To cite multiple pages of a book:, the best method is to define and use the reference without adding the p or location in cite as:
<ref name="googleStory">{{cite book |title=The Google Story}}</ref>{{rp|p=123}}
Do not set the page in cite, otherwise it shows up on the references. Instead we use the {{rp}} template. And then use the reference with the {{r}} template as:
or for multiple pages:
{{r|googleStory|pp=123, 156-158}}
CTE insert values Updated +Created
sqlite3 :memory: 'WITH t (i, j) AS (VALUES (1, -1), (2, -2)) SELECT * FROM t'
D'alembert operator Updated +Created
Darknet market Updated +Created
Cycling lobbying group Updated +Created
Deep learning Updated +Created
Deep learning is the name artificial neural networks basically converged to in the 2010s/2020s.
It is a bit of an unfortunate as it suggests something like "deep understanding" and even reminds one of AGI, which it almost certainly will not attain on its own. But at least it sounds good.
Cytoskeleton Updated +Created
Cytosol Updated +Created
Decimal day Updated +Created
Video 1.
Predecimal Currency: The Nightmare in Your Pocket by BritMonkey (2021)
Video 2.
Saltburn's Halfpenny Toll Bridge by BBC (1971)
Source. What they mean is one penny return, good clickbait though. Also the presenter is hot, that Nouvelle Vague feel.

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