Lebesgue integral of is complete but Riemann isn't by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
- complete under the Lebesgue integral, this result is may be called the Riesz-Fischer theorem
- not complete under the Riemann integral: math.stackexchange.com/questions/397369/space-of-riemann-integrable-functions-not-complete
And then this is why quantum mechanics basically lives in : not being complete makes no sense physically, it would mean that you can get closer and closer to states that don't exist!
TODO intuition
For Ciro Santilli's campaign for freedom of speech in China: Section "github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship".
Ciro has the radical opinion that absolute freedom of speech must be guaranteed by law for anyone to talk about absolutely anything, anonymously if they wish, with the exception only of copyright-related infringement.
And Ciro believes that there should be no age restriction of access to any information.
People should be only be punished for actions that they actually do in the real world. Not even purportedly planning those actions must be punished. Access and ability to publish information must be completely and totally free.
If you don't like someone, you should just block them, or start your own campaign to prepare a counter for whatever it is that they are want to do.
This freedom does not need to apply to citizens and organizations of other countries, only to citizens of the country in question, since foreign governments can create influence campaigns to affect the rights of your citizens. More info at: cirosantilli.com/china-dictatorship/mark-government-controlled-social-media
Limiting foreign influence therefore requires some kind of nationality check, which could harm anonymity. But Ciro believes that almost certainly such checks can be carried out in anonymous blockchain consensus based mechanisms. Governments would issues nationality tokens, and tokens are used for anonymous confirmations of rights in a way that only the token owner, not even the government, can determine who used the token. E.g. something a bit like what Monero does. Rights could be checked on a once per account basis, or yearly basis, so transaction costs should not be a big issue. Maybe expensive proof-of-work systems can be completely bypassed to the existence of this central token authority?
Some people believe that freedom of speech means "freedom of speech that I agree with". Those people should move to China or some other dictatorship.
Some key points that are a bit hard to grasp, at least in some versions:
- How did Bill Haydon know Jim Prideaux was going to Prague if it appears to be organized as a closely guarded secret by Control?so which one is it?
- the film suggests Prideaux must have told Haydon himself, his close friend, against Control's orders of secrecy, out of loyalty, and in order to protect his friend.
- The series suggests it was a honeypot
- How does Smiley deduce that the Witchcraft source, Merlin, is Poliakov? A key step is when top people at the Circus question him about Ricki Tarr, and appear to suggest that there is a link between Ricki Tarr and Merlin. And Ricki told Smiley that Poliakov as the link to the Mole. Smiley understands that it was Karla who tipped off London Center about Ricki's coming through Merlin. He also observers that Witchcraft gives ideological infiltration campaign intelligence after Ricki comes back, as a way to discredit Ricki. It is still all a bit indirect.
Previously called "Lending Library" it seems: help.archive.org/hc/en-us/articles/360016554912-Borrowing-From-The-Lending-Library
You can borrow online books from them for a few hours/days: help.archive.org/hc/en-us/articles/360016554912-Borrowing-From-The-Lending-Library This is the most amazing thing ever made!!! You can even link to specific pages, e.g. archive.org/details/supermenstory00murr/page/80/mode/2up
They seem to a have a separate URL with the same content as well for some reason: openlibrary.org/, classic messy Internet Archive style.
Bastards are suing them www.theverge.com/2020/6/1/21277036/internet-archive-publishers-lawsuit-open-library-ebook-lending: Hachette, Penguin Random House, Wiley, and HarperCollins
It is quite hard to decide if an upload is from the official legal lending library, or just some illegal upload, e.g.:so the URLs are basically the same style. Some legality indicators:
- archive.org/details/TheGoogleStory likely illegal
- archive.org/details/isbn_9780385342728 likely legal
: true- present in the collection: archive.org/details/internetarchivebooks?tab=about
Half-precision floating-point format by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
Keep the example/theory ratio high, very, very high.
For natural sciences, add as many reproducible experiment images/videos/descriptions as you can.
It is OK to treat things as black boxes by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
Nature is a black box, right?
You don't need to understand the from first principles derivation of every single phenomena.
And most important of all: you should not start learning phenomena by reading the from first principles derivation.
Instead, you should see what happens in experiments, and how matches some known formula (which hopefully has been derived from first principles).
Only open the boxes (understand from first principles derivation) if the need is felt!
- you don't need to understand everything about why SQUID devices have their specific I-V curve curve. You have to first of all learn what the I-V curve would be in an experiment!
- you don't need to understand the fine details of how cavity magnetrons work. What you need to understand first is what kind of microwave you get from what kind of input (DC current), and how that compares to other sources of microwaves
- lasers: same
Physics is all about predicting the future. If you can predict the future with an end result, that's already predicting the future, and valid.
See also some remarks of Ciro Santilli's thoughts on the instrument Ciro Santilli's musical education.
Like isomorphism, but does not have to be one-to-one: multiple different inputs can have the same output.
The image is as for any function smaller or equal in size as the domain of course.
This brings us to the key intuition about group homomorphisms: they are a way to split out a larger group into smaller groups that retains a subset of the original structure.
As shown by the fundamental theorem on homomorphisms, each group homomorphism is fully characterized by a normal subgroup of the domain.
Globalization reduces the power of governments by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
While Ciro Santilli is a big fan of having "one global country" (and language), which is somewhat approximated by globalization, he has come to believe that there is one serious downside to globalization as it stands in 2020: it allows companies to pressure governments to reduce taxes, and thus reduces the power of government, which in turn increases social inequality. This idea is very well highlighted in Can't get you out of my head by Adam Curtis (2021).
The only solution seems to be for governments to get together, and make deals to have fair taxation across each other. Which might never happen.
A set of theorems that prove under different conditions that the Fourier transform has an inverse for a given space, examples:
As shown in Video "Simple Groups - Abstract Algebra by Socratica (2018)", this can be split up into two steps:This split is sometimes called the "Jordan-Hölder program" in reference to the authors of the jordan-Holder Theorem.
Good lists to start playing with:
History: math.stackexchange.com/questions/1587387/historical-notes-on-the-jordan-h%C3%B6lder-program
It is generally believed that no such classification is possible in general beyond the simple groups.
Ciro Santilli has already watched all the best films in history, and as a result any of those new movies that is full of clichés and has no innovative aspect at all (99.99999% of all modern movies) makes Ciro want to puke and to start Googling TV Tropes to classify as many clichés as possible.
Good movies are those that teach you mechanisms of the real world. Willing suspension of disbelief must be maintained at all costs.
Or of what could happen a world where a single sci-fi element is added and explored to its limits.
Love is not an interesting aspect of the world. You solve your love life at university, Tinder or Tango.
The actually interesting aspects of the world are:
- business film
- war
- crime
- government
- science
Movies with a lot of action scenes, with exception of some war movies, are shit.
The Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism must be close to Cynicism max at all times. Movies with pure good and pure bad are shit.
Knowing spoilers has no effect in the film's enjoyment. The interest of storyline concepts is all that matters, visuals and acting are useless.
In a multi-language film, when two foreign characters speak English to each other when they obviously would have spoken their native language, that is a crime. Original language + subtitles is a must!
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