Octagon by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Received Pronunciation by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Video 1.
Hard Attack: How English is getting more "choppy" by Dr Geoff Lindsey (2023)
Source. Goodness this dude is a master of it.
Age of Empires by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Raising and lowering indices by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
History of radio by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Quantum Hall effect by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Quantum version of the Hall effect.
As you increase the magnetic field, you can see the Hall resistance increase, but it does so in discrete steps.
Figure 1.
Hall resistance as a function of the applied magnetic field showing the Quantum Hall effect
. Source. As we can see, the blue line of the Hall resistance TODO material, temperature, etc. It is unclear if this is just
Gotta understand this because the name sounds cool. Maybe also because it is used to define the fucking ampere in the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units.
At least the experiment description itself is easy to understand. The hard part is the physical theory behind.
The effect can be separated into two modes:
Video 1.
Integer and fractional quantum Hall effects by Matthew A. Grayson
. Source. Presented 2015. This dude did good.
Bell's theorem by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Basically a precise statement of "quantum entanglement is spooky".
Quantum computing player by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Quantum computer simulator by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
ZX-calculus by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
How can we easily prove that that quantum circuit equals the state:
The naive way would be to just do the matrix multiplication as explained at Section "Quantum computing is just matrix multiplication".
However, ZX-calculus provides a simpler way.
And even more importantly, sometimes it is the only way, because in a real circuit, we would not be able to do the matrix multiplication
What we do in ZX-calculus is we first transform the original quantum circuit into a ZX graph.
This is always possible, because we can describe how to do the conversion simply for any of the Clifford plus T gates, which is a set of universal quantum gates.
Then, after we do this transformation, we can start applying further transformations that simplify the circuit.
It has already been proven that there is no efficient algorithm for this (TODO source, someone said P-sharp complete best case)
But it has been proven in 2017 that any possible equivalence between quantum circuits can be reached by modifying ZX-calculus circuits.
There are only 7 transformation rules that we need, and all others can be derived from those, universality.
So, we can apply those rules to do the transformation shown in Wikipedia:
Figure 1.
GHZ circuit as ZX-diagram
. Source.
and one of those rules finally tells us that that last graph means our desired state:
because it is a Z spider with and .
Video 1.
Working with PyZX by Aleks Kissinger (2019)
Source. This video appears to give amazing motivation on why you should care about ZX-calculus, it mentions
Qubit by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Saylor Academy by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
This is an interesting initiative which has some similarities to Ciro Santilli's OurBigBook project.
The fatal flaw of the initiative in Ciro Santilli's opinion is the lack of user-generated content. We will never get there without UGC and algorithms, never.
Also as of 2021, it mostly useless business courses: learn.saylor.org unfortunately.
But it has several redeeming factors which Ciro Santilli aproves of:
The founder Michael J. Saylor looks a bit crooked, Rich people who create charitable prizes are often crooked comes to mind. But maybe he's just weird.
Video 1.
Michael Saylor interview by Lex Fridman (2022)
At the timestamp:
When I go, all my assets will flow into a foundation, and the foundation's mission is to make education free for everybody forever.
What statement... maybe he's actually not crooked, maybe it was just an accounting mistake... God, why.
If only Ciro Santilli knew how to contact him and convince him that his current approach is innefective and that Ciro has something better! Michael, please Google into this page some day, Ciro Santilli needs funding for OurBigBook.com. A hopeless Tweet at: twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1548350114623660035. Also tried to hit his saylor@strategy.com.
Single particle double slit experiment by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
This experiment seems to be really hard to do, and so there aren't many super clear demonstration videos with full experimental setup description out there unfortunately.
For single-photon non-double-slit experiments see: single photon production and detection experiments. Those are basically a pre-requisite to this.
photon experiments:
Non-elementary particle:
  • 2019-10-08: 25,000 Daltons
  • interactive.quantumnano.at/letsgo/ awesome interactive demo that allows you to control many parameters on a lab. Written in Flash unfortunately, in 2015... what a lack of future proofing!
Video 1.
Single Photon Interference by Veritasium (2013)
Source. Claims to do exactly what we want, but does not describe the setup precisely well enough. Notably, does not justify how he knows that single photons are being produced.
Metagenomics by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Experiments that involve sequencing bulk DNA found in a sample to determine what species are present, as opposed to sequencing just a single specific specimen. Examples of samples that are often used:
One related application which most people would not consider metagenomics, is that of finding circulating tumor DNA in blood to detect tumors.
Derivation of the Dirac equation by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
The Dirac equation can be derived basically "directly" from the Representation theory of the Lorentz group for the spin half representation, this is shown for example at Physics from Symmetry by Jakob Schwichtenberg (2015) 6.3 "Dirac Equation".
The Diract equation is the spacetime symmetry part of the quantum electrodynamics Lagrangian, i.e. is describes how spin half particles behave without interactions. The full quantum electrodynamics Lagrangian can then be reached by adding the internal symmetry.
As mentioned at spin comes naturally when adding relativity to quantum mechanics, this same method allows us to analogously derive the equations for other spin numbers.
Spin (physics) by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Spin is one of the defining properties of elementary particles, i.e. number that describes how an elementary particle behaves, much like electric charge and mass.
Possible values are half integer numbers: 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, and so on.
The approach shown in this section: Section "Spin comes naturally when adding relativity to quantum mechanics" shows what the spin number actually means in general. As shown there, the spin number it is a direct consequence of having the laws of nature be Lorentz invariant. Different spin numbers are just different ways in which this can be achieved as per different Representation of the Lorentz group.
Video 1. "Quantum Mechanics 9a - Photon Spin and Schrodinger's Cat I by ViaScience (2013)" explains nicely how:
Video 1.
Quantum Mechanics 9a - Photon Spin and Schrodinger's Cat I by ViaScience (2013)
Video 2.
Quantum Spin - Visualizing the physics and mathematics by Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky (2016)
Video 3.
Understanding QFT - Episode 1 by Highly Entropic Mind (2023)
Source. Maybe he stands a chance.

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