Lamb shift by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
2s/2p energy split in the hydrogen emission spectrum, not predicted by the Dirac equation, but explained by quantum electrodynamics, which is one of the first great triumphs of that theory.
Note that for atoms with multiple electrons, 2s/2p shifts are expected: Why does 2s have less energy than 1s if they have the same principal quantum number?. The surprise was observing that on hydrogen which only has one electron.
Initial experiment: Lamb-Retherford experiment.
On the return from the train from the Shelter Island Conference in New York, Hans Bethe managed to do a non-relativistic calculation of the Lamb shift. He then published as The Electromagnetic Shift of Energy Levels by Hans Bethe (1947) which is still paywalled as of 2021, fuck me: by Physical Review.
The Electromagnetic Shift of Energy Levels Freeman Dyson (1948) published on Physical Review is apparently a relativistic analysis of the same: also paywalled as of 2021.
TODO how do the infinities show up, and how did people solve them?
Video 1.
Lamb shift by Dr. Nissar Ahmad (2020)
Source. Whiteboard Lecture about the phenomena, includes description of the experiment. Seems quite good.
Video 2.
Murray Gell-Mann - The race to calculate the relativistic Lamb shift by Web of Stories (1997)
Source. Quick historical overview. Mentions that Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger were using mass renormalization and cancellation if infinities. He says that French and Weisskopf actually managed to do the correct calculations first with a less elegant method. History and Some Aspects of the Lamb Shift by G. Jordan Maclay (2019)
Video 3.
Freeman Dyson - The Lamb shift by Web of Stories (1998)
Mentions that he moved to the USA from the United Kingdom specifically because great experiments were being carried at Columbia University, which is where the Lamb-Retherford experiment was done, and that Isidor Isaac Rabi was the head at the time.
He then explains mass renormalization briefly: instead of calculating from scratch, you just compare the raw electron to the bound electron and take the difference. Both of those have infinities in them, but the difference between them cancels out those infinities.
Video 4.
Hans Bethe - The Lamb shift (1996)
Ahh, Hans is so old in that video, it is sad to see. He did live a lot tough. Mentions that the shift is of about 1000 MHz.
The following video: Hans Bethe - Calculating the Lamb shift.
Video 5.
Lamb shift by Vidya-mitra (2018)
Python scientific library by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
GFP tagging by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Momentum operator by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
One dimension in position representation:
In three dimensions In position representation, we define it by using the gradient, and so we see that
Video 1.
Position and Momentum from Wavefunctions by Faculty of Khan (2018)
Source. Proves in detail why the momentum operator is . The starting point is determining the time derivative of the expectation value of the position operator.
Fermion by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Infinitely many slits thought experiment by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Thought experiment that illustrates the path integral formulation of quantum field theory.
h-index by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
PageRank was apparently inspired by it originally, given that.
Riverlane by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
When you fail a HR interview, then you know you've reached rock bottom.
Video 1.
The Operating System for Quantum Computing by Steve Brierley (2021)
Source. Founding CEO. He seems nice. You might as well just start watching at: where more specific things start to come out.
Diffraction grating by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Optical cavity by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Operon vs transcription unit by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
That single operon can produce two different mRNA transcription units:
The reason for this appears to be that there is a rho-independent termination region after thrL. But then under certain conditions, that must get innactivated, and then the thrLABC is produced instead.
Dark web by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Transfiguration of Jesus by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
This is one of the most canonical examples of "Cult leader Jesus tries to divert faith from an old religion into his own".
Hydrogen hypothesis by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Micro Bit v1 by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created

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