Only certain battery voltages exist, because this voltage depends intrinsically on the battery's chemical composition. (CC BY-SA) has a very good summary list, reordered from lowest to highest voltage:
Battery Shape | Chemistry | Nominal Voltage | Rechargeable? |
AA, AAA, C, D (Rechargeable) | NiMH or NiCd | 1.2V | Yes |
AA, AAA, C, and D | Alkaline or Zinc-carbon | 1.5V | No |
Coin Cell | Lithium | 3V | No |
Silver Flat Pack | Lithium Polymer (LiPo) | 3.7V | Yes |
9V | Alkaline or Zinc-carbon | 9V | No |
Car Battery | Six-cell lead acid | 12.6V | Yes |
This dude actually managed to convince a brain-dead British court that he was Satoshi and force a takedown of the Bitcoin whitepaper from where it had been for many years prior: The page was updated to simply display the following Satoshi quote:
It takes advantage of the nature of information being easy to spread but hard to stifle. - Satoshi Nakamoto
The mere thought that Satoshi would attempt to copyright takedown the Bitcoin whitepaper, and not be able to back his identidy with any cryptographic keys, makes one shrivel to the bones.
Also, kids, this is why you put a fucking license on everything you release to the public, and especially when doing so anonymously!!! A quick CC BY-SA on that paper would have prevented all this bullshit.
The existence of this outrageous fraudster has had two good effects on the world however it must be said:
- the release of Adam Back and Martti Malmi early email history with Satoshi:
- the memes: Craig Steven Wright memes
- 2015-12-08 Wired article claims he may be Satoshi: A few days later, evidence of foul play emerged, and on 2019-04-30 Wired retracted the article altogether
- 2016-05-02 publicly claims he is Satoshi
- 2024-05-20 British judge James Mellor fisting the fuck out of Craig:
An Australian computer scientist who claimed he invented bitcoin lied "extensively and repeatedly" and forged documents "on a grand scale" to support his false claim, a judge at London's High Court ruled on Monday.
Dr Wright presents himself as an extremely clever person. However, in my judgment, he is not nearly as clever as he thinks he is.
Social media:
- "Strange edits on Craig Wright's Wikipedia page made two days before the revelation, from an IP address in Barbados (possibly made by Craig himself?)"
XML file format (but with 99% of the action of interest in a domain-specific language on the
and CsScore
elements) that can be played and the reference implementation. Offers complex effects out-of-box apparently.Allows you to easily define instruments with seemingly arbitrary mathematical functions, and then use them to play notes at given time intervals.
The instrument functions can be parametrized, and each note played can have different parameters.
The instrument definition actually defines a block diagram graph, much like a hardware synthesizer would.
Csound is so not-bloated that it contains an UI system. And it includes an interactive virtual MIDI keyboard that interacts with parameter knobs:
But hey, it's fun. And like any other good domain-specific language, debugging it is barbaric of course.
If only it had been written in Python... the array manipulation boilerplate would be likely perfect for NumPy, and this would have been exactly what Ciro Santilli wanted!
CSound states that one of its design goals is backward compatibility, and it shows. Some of the stuff is utterly arcane, e.g. you have to remember what
, GEN11
, etc. mean instead of having named enums.It just worked on Ubuntu 20.04 no questions asked:which runs this file: and this plays a relly cool sound demo:
sudo apt install csound
git clone
cd csound
git checkout 92409ecce053d707360a5794f5f4f6bf5ebf5d24
csound examples/xanadu.csd
Save to file instead of playing:or direct ogg output:or pipe to stdout to FFmpeg TODO:
csound -o xanadu.wav xanadu.csd
csound --ogg -o xanadu.ogg xanadu.csd
TODO find the most amazing set of songs made with it on GitHub? Some examples:
- has a good 101 on instrument design
- Csound FLOSS manual
- about 100 CC BY-SA examples. Each is a minimal study showing a specific technique, not a full composition, some seem advanced. Dude's a beast.
- in-tree minimal examples
- contains the examples for the manual which is rendered at: It's insane, but it's fun! Ah those newbs who separate manuals from main tree.
- on LinuxSynths
- as a few dozen examples
- 10 pieces with source
Documentation-wise, it's a bit lacking. The only dude who can explain it really well, Dr Richard Boulanger, made the "The Csound Book" closed source, so, congrats, this will forever hurt the popularity of Csound.
- csound/sine.csd
- csound/amplitude_frequency.csd
- csound/linen.csd: simple attack/release envelope, documented at:
- csound/chorus.csd: chorus effect
- csound/bend.csd: bend using
- csound/vibrato.csd
- csound/crossfade_generators.csd
- csound/table.csd
- csound/virtual_keyboard.csd
Uses CC BY-SA, what a hero.
E-learning websites must keep content free, only charge for certification Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
Charging for certification is fine. Creating exams and preventing cheating has a cost.
Another thing that is fine charging for is dedicated 1-to-1 tutor time. This is something Udacity is doing as of 2022. has a good mention:and it links to:, very good article!
MOOCs were first created by people with utopian visions for the internet. This means the idea for platforms like Coursera was likely conceived without a business plan in mind. Nonetheless, Coursera has managed to monetize its platform. It is worth noting, however, that monetization has lead to the effective elimination of the original MOOC idea, which is predicated on ideals like free and open access, as well as the building of online communities.Coursera users must pay to engage with the material in a meaningful way and take courses for individualistic purposes. This has been a consistent trend among all major online education platforms.
That is a fundamental guiding principle of The educational content must be licensed CC BY-SA!
Perhaps the most reliable way of reaching this state is E-learning websites must allow students to create learning content.
- Is it financially worth it to teach a MOOC (e.g. Coursera)?
- amazing, they can make money just from ads! I wouldn't expect that they could scale like TripAdvisor, because travelling means very local knowledge, I would expect there to be much fewer MOOCs and for them to be more easily findable on Google. Good thing though, this website.
Force public university teachers to publish their teaching material with an open license Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 2024-09-03
With CC BY-SA of course. Not the evil CC BY-NC-SA.
Public university and also universities with charity status, e.g. since Section "Most British universities are registered as charities".
Any lectures must be recorded. But of course, text is cheaper than video.
Just fucking pay teachers a decent salary comparable to industry instead of basically requiring them to try and sell their knowledge to complement their income. They must get paid, and their knowledge must
We don't need that many teachers teaching the same subjects over and over. We just need a few good men and women who can truly teach the masses. And we must pay those men and women a decent wage.
The perfect platform for this will of course be ;-)
I wonder where the spray painted sign went: As mentioned at and elsewhere, Jeff did all he could to save money, e.g. he made the desks himself from pieces of wood. Mentioned e.g. at from Video 4. "Jeff Bezos presentation at MIT (2002)".
The first Amazon logo
. Source. The logo actually depicts the Amazon report by Computer Chronicles (1996)
Source. Contains some good footage of their early storehouse.Jeff Bezos interview by Chuck Films (1997)
Source. On the street, with a lot of car noise. CC BY-SA, nice.Order from Bulgaria by Jeff Bezos (2002)
Source. Full video: Video 4. "Jeff Bezos presentation at MIT (2002)"Jeff Bezos presentation at MIT (2002)
Source. Good talk:- why Seattle: tech talent, and nearest to the largest book warehouse in Roseburg Oregon
- first hire, VP of Engineering, Shel Kaphan
- screenshot of the first version. Can't find any working version from before 2000 on*/ unfortunately.
- kadabra/cadaver
- Shel, how tall do you want your desk to be?
- order from Bulgaria: Video 3. "Order from Bulgaria by Jeff Bezos (2002)"
- customers don't really know what they want. One is reminded of Steve Jobs customers don't know what they want quote
- item merging in a single package from warehouse
- and other points mentions repeatedly how much effort they've put into result personalization. But of course, that also means tracking everything people do. Including users that are not logged in. Would not fly well in 2020's increasing privacy concerns!
- A/B testing
- passes word to employee Robert Frederick, MIT alumni, black dude, AWS manager
- demos something in AWS
- Jeff's back
- similarity searches on some somewhat perverted for-male books. Golden. 2020's political correctness would never allow that in a presentation. A bit further ahead mentions they've optimized to run it in "small machines" with only 2GB RAM, still likely large for the time. Also mentions that if you do it naively, then you're going to say "also bought Harry Potter" for everyone (hugely popular book at the time). You've got to work harder to do better non obvious recommendations.
- warehouse uses a technique called random stow, which store items randomly.
- OXO Good Grips Salad Spinner. The reviews must be fake, but Jeff doesn't recognize it. Priceless. Still on sale:
- decentralized pub/sub pattern, cache warming
- "you've bought this previously feature" that reduces sales: people forget they bought things and buy them a second time!
- vote fraud after someone from crowd mentions. God reviewed the Bible.
- hiring slide with contact Send your CV, today!
Jeff Bezos Revealed by Bloomberg (2015)
Source. - Tim O'Reilly bomb shelling Amazon anticompetitive acquisitions
I do know of a number of cases in which he [Bezos] has acquired companies in order to take out competitors, potential future competitors. Rather than because he actually wants that business to continue.
cosine by Jeff Bezos (2018)
Source. Yasantha Rajakarunanayake:
PDE mention in another video from 2009:
Full original video from The Economic Club of Washington, D.C. (2018):
Bezos also told PDE stuff in interviews as early as 1999:
- This is what it was like to work at Amazon 20 years ago (2015). Good annecdotes from the first offices.
Created by Dr. Rod Nave from Georgia State University, where he worked from 1968 after his post-doc in North Wales on molecular spectroscopy.
While there is value to that website, it always feels like it falls a bit too short as too "encyclopedic" and too little "tutorial-like". Most notably, it has very little on the history of physics/experiments.
Ciro Santilli likes this Rod, he really practices some good braindumping, just look at how he documented his life in the pre-social media Internet dark ages:
The website evolved from a HyperCard stack, as suggested by the website name, mentioned at:
Shame he was too old for CC BY-SA, see "Please respect the Copyright" at has some good photo selection focused on showing the department, and has an interview.
Kell hall is a building of GSU that was demolished in 2019:
Follows the "certified teacher only" approach which is in Ciro Santilli's opinion a fatal flaw of most elearning systems out there, won't suffer from that!
But that is a very, very good project.
All notes appear to have been extracted from existing notes, as noted on the bottom of each page.
Appears to have mixed licenses. E.g.:
- is CC BY
- but we had seen another one that was CC BY-NC-SA
- uses the custom "CK-12 license" which seems a bit like CC BY-NC-SA
- some don't even have a free license, e.g.:
TODO how does it work exactly? Do they ask for permission from authors in every case, including when the content has open license? Or when it has open license, do they just do it? In some cases, the notes have no license, so they must have asked.
TODO what is the source code that authors write? LaTeX or something else? LaTeX feels extremely likely given that it is what most original materials were already written in.
They are attempting a "model up this entire university" thing: which is good. E.g. they have a bunch of "quantum mechanics ones under:
Appears to be UC Davies-based mostly.
They claim to use this closed source backend: Seriously? For a publicly funded project with low-tech requirements?? It is mind blowing.
Some issues:
- the internal cross references are somewhat broken as of 2022.
- their URLs are HUGE! All components of every ancestor are in it. E.g. check this out: Insane.
OK let's database it:
Some possible/not possible sources that could be used to manually bootstrap content:
- LibreTexts. Good project. "Teacher-only-content" unfortunately as usual. But besides that fundamental flaw, they do exactly what we want to do in a sense.
- OpenStax: CC BY. This could be a great entry point, as they already have some university integration going on, and might be interested in this project.
- "List of freely available physics books" explicitly asks for:but the thread was locked, and basically none of the sources in the answers have free licenses, nor do they note it. It just seems that the physicists don't know what a free license is.
a list of physics books with open-source licenses, like Creative Commons, GPL
- MIT OpenCourseWare: CC BY-NC-SA, so not really usable
- MIT License. Workable but wonky.
- wiki with some upper graduate math subjects presumably by this Indian dude: Description on his homepage: He's also got other interesting but not so relevant projects:He's also into Stack Overflow, Quora and Wikipedia editing. That's a cool dude. He's into in LessWrong it seems.
- pro freer immigration laws:
- free mentoring project for interested students
- massive mathematics books
- Infinite Napkin.CC BY-SA mathematics infinite book: Very similar type of content to what we want in this project!
- Stacks Project
Existing lecture notes by students:
- Google Docs-based: An actual student uploading tons of lecture notes in one coherent system. CC BY-NC-SA unfortunately.
- mentions:Related:
- Cambridge Mathematics Lecture Notes by Dexter Chua (2014-2018)Comments:
Lecture note upload website:
- likely illegal reuploads of PDFs from teachers
- Paywall. PDF uploads. Unclear if simple teacher reuploads or actual novel notes.
- Chinese GitHub repos. Some of these are very advanced in terms of content quantity and organizational quality! The Chinese are miles ahead in this area:
- Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. Chinese. Appears to try and store all past exams.
- Wuhan University
- UNSW from Australia, but by a Chinese dude
- translation of MIT course to Chinese
- TODO which univeresity
- nothing to do with this project, but since I'm making a list, this dude is copying YouTube videos to Bilibili. And he's edgy anti-CCP on Twitter, what a legend.
- ShangHai University CS course source code
- Taiwanese high school notes
Exams uploads:
- University of Cambridge Mathematics past examinations
Previously on EdX: "DelftX: Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots".
But then they regained their sanity and put the source code on GitHub: and is CC BY-SA.
Those guys are really good, Ciro Santilli especially enjoyed their quantum mechanics playlist:
The quantum electrodynamics one was a bit too slow paced for Ciro unfortunately, too much groundwork and too little results.
Accompanying website with a tiny little bit of code:
TODO: authors and their affiliation.
Videos licensed as CC BY-SA, those guys are so good.
YouTube channels that just go over Stack Exchange questions Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
Some people have been creating YouTube channels that just post and go over a large number of Stack Exchange questions, some of them with a quick random intro video. Perfectly legal due to CC BY-SA but really weird stuff!
- Roel Van de Paar This one seems to be the OG. As of June 2024 it had 2M videos (!), 161K subscribers and only 47M views. mentions "he has the highest number of uploads of any YouTube channel". Interestingly at he says he is a test engineer at MariaDB.
- Peter Schneider e.g. "How to put a newline special character into a file using the echo command and redirection operator?" from
- Sophia Wagner As of June 2024 it had 14k videos and only 88k views, so she made 88 bucks on it.
- E.g. "Vertically stack multiple images using ImageMagick" goes over
- Luke Chaffey, an Indian-American dude, e.g. "Do Boost Geometry nearest queries always sort results ordered by smallest distance first?"
- The Python Oracle. Speech synthesis, with different accents. Cute!