Experimental Evidence for Quantized Flux in Superconducting Cylinders Updated 2025-01-01 +Created 1970-01-01
Paywalled at: journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.7.43
The first published experimental observation of the magnetic flux quantum.
The paper that follows it in the journal is also of interest, "Theoretical Considerations Concerning Quantized Magnetic Flux In Superconducting Cylinders" by N. Byers and C. N. Yang, it starts:So there was some previous confusion about the flux quantum due to the presence of Cooper pairs or not.
In a recent experiment, the magnetic flux through a superconducting ring has been found to be quantized in units of ch/2e. Quantization in twice this unit has been briefly discussed by London' and by Onsager. ' Onsager' has also considered the possibility of quantization in units ch/2e due to pairs of electrons forming quasi-bosons.
Dumping the fitures at: archive.org/details/experimental-evidence-for-quantized-flux-in-superconducting-cylinders One day we can also dump the paper scans when it goes into the public domain in 2056! Public domain scientific paper by year.
TODO is there any relationship between this and the Josephson effect?
Experimental observation published as Experimental Evidence for Quantized Flux in Superconducting Cylinders.
This appears to happen to any superconducting loop, because the superconducting wave function has to be continuous.
Video "Superconducting Qubit by NTT SCL (2015)" suggests that anything in between gets cancelled out by a superposition of current in both directions.
Here we list public domain academic papers. They must be public domain in the country of origin, not just the US, which had generally less stringent timings with the 95 year after publication rule rather than life + 70, which often ends up being publication + 110/120. Once these are reached, they may be upload to Wikimedia Commons!
- 2018
- Max Planck's works in Germany (1947 + 70)
- 2026
- Albert Einstein's works in Germany (1955 + 70)
- 2031:
- Max von Laue's works in Germany (1960 + 70)
- 1912: Interferenz-Erscheinungen bei Röntgenstrahlen (Interference phenomena in X-rays). Scan: archive.org/details/sitzungsberichte1912knig/page/n393/mode/2up. Clean upload: archive.org/details/interferenz-erscheinungen-bei-rontgenstrahlen
- Max von Laue's works in Germany (1960 + 70)
- 2032:
- 2042
- 1927: www.nature.com/articles/119558a0 The Scattering of Electrons by a Single Crystal of Nickel. (1971 + 70), Germer's death. Scan: archive.org/details/sim_nature-uk_1927-04-16_119_2998/page/554/mode/2up. Clean upload: archive.org/details/the-scattering-of-electrons-by-a-single-crystal-of-nickel. The Davisson-Germer experiment!
- 2049
- 1922 Stern-Gerlach experiment papers such as The experimental proof of directional quantization in the magnetic field. Stern died in 1969, Gerlach died in 1979, so 1979 + 70
- 2056
- 1961 Experimental Evidence for Quantized Flux in Superconducting Cylinders. Published in the US, so 1961 + 95.