Our definition: first generation to be born in country parent immigrated to.
We go forward by Owlturd
. Source. Being a first generation immigrant, this cartoon does make Ciro think about the future of his children.
Immigrating is incredibly time consuming and direclty limits what you can do in life later on. One can only hope that their children will take advantage of the new opportunities provided to them.
The author apparently self deleted his site at some point unfortnately: www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/7dyslp/apparently_shen_from_owlturd_is_going_on_hiatus/
Scott Hassan's shitty telepresence robot startup. Looking at the demos it is so painfully obvious why they failed, that feeble tall screen on wheels. But hindsight is 20/20... It is almost as bad as OurBigBook.
The most notable usage of the product is Snowden Snowbot, which is sad, the product name seems to have been "Beam". Who would use that if not for theatrics with an exilee when everyone already has a screen in front of their face all the time?[ref]
At least this phase produced some of the only videos of Hassan in existence such as:He's got a perfect american accent, so likely not a first generation immigrant.
A Conversation with Scott Hassan by Levin Associates
. Source.