Uses photons!
The key experiment/phenomena that sets the basis for photonic quantum computing is the two photon interference experiment.
The physical representation of the information encoding is very easy to understand:
- input: we choose to put or not photons into certain wires or no
- interaction: two wires pass very nearby at some point, and photons travelling on either of them can jump to the other one and interact with the other photons
- output: the probabilities that photos photons will go out through one wire or another
Jeremy O'Brien: "Quantum Technologies" by GoogleTechTalks (2014)
Source. This is a good introduction to a photonic quantum computer. Highly recommended.- shows an experimental curve for a two photon interference experiment by Hong, Ou, Mandel (1987)
- shows a KLM CNOT gate
- discusses the quantum error correction scheme for photonic QC based on the idea of the "Raussendorf unit cell"
Lists of the most promising implementations:
As of 2020, the hottest by far are:
How To Build A Quantum Computer by Lukas's Lab (2023)
Source. Super quick overview of the main types of quantum computer physical implementations, so doesn't any much to a quick Google.
He says he's going to make a series about it, so then something useful might actually come out. The first one was: Video "How to Turn Superconductors Into A Quantum Computer by Lukas's Lab (2023)", but it is still too basic.
The author's full name is Lukas Baker,, found with Google reverse image search, even though the LinkedIn image is very slightly different from the YouTube one.
Quantum computers as experiments that are hard to predict outcomes Updated 2025-03-28 +Created 1970-01-01
One possibly interesting and possibly obvious point of view, is that a quantum computer is an experimental device that executes a quantum probabilistic experiment for which the probabilities cannot be calculated theoretically efficiently by a nuclear weapon.
This is how quantum computing was originally theorized by the likes of Richard Feynman: they noticed that "Hey, here's a well formulated quantum mechanics problem, which I know the algorithm to solve (calculate the probability of outcomes), but it would take exponential time on the problem size".
The converse is then of course that if you were able to encode useful problems in such an experiment, then you have a computer that allows for exponential speedups.
This can be seen very directly by studying one specific quantum computer implementation. E.g. if you take the simplest to understand one, photonic quantum computer, you can make systems for which you need exponential time to calculate the probabilities that photons will exit through certain holes and not others.
The obvious aspect of this idea is by coming from quantum logic gates are needed because you can't compute the matrix explicitly as it grows exponentially: knowing the full explicit matrix is impossible in practice, and knowing the matrix is equivalent to knowing the probabilities of every outcome.
Technique that uses multiple non-ideal qubits (physical qubits) to simulate/produce one perfect qubit (logical).
One is philosophically reminded of classical error correction codes, where we also have multiple input bits per actual information bit.
TODO understand in detail. This appears to be a fundamental technique since all physical systems we can manufacture are imperfect.
Part of the fundamental interest of this technique is due to the quantum threshold theorem.
For example, when PsiQuantum raised 215M in 2020, they announced that they intended to reach 1 million physical qubits, which would achieve between 100 and 300 logical qubits.
Video "Jeremy O'Brien: "Quantum Technologies" by GoogleTechTalks (2014)" describes an error correction approach for a photonic quantum computer.
Quantum logic gates are needed because you can't compute the matrix explicitly as it grows exponentially Updated 2025-03-28 +Created 1970-01-01
One key insight, is that the matrix of a non-trivial quantum circuit is going to be huge, and won't fit into any amount classical memory that can be present in this universe.
This is because the matrix is exponential in the number qubits, and is more than the number of atoms in the universe!
Therefore, off the bat we know that we cannot possibly describe those matrices in an explicit form, but rather must use some kind of shorthand.
But it gets worse.
Even if we had enough memory, the act of explicitly computing the matrix is not generally possible.
This is because knowing the matrix, basically means knowing the probability result for all possible outputs for each of the possible inputs.
But if we had those probabilities, our algorithmic problem would already be solved in the first place! We would "just" go over each of those output probabilities (OK, there are of those, which is also an insurmountable problem in itself), and the largest probability would be the answer.
So if we could calculate those probabilities on a classical machine, we would also be able to simulate the quantum computer on the classical machine, and quantum computing would not be able to give exponential speedups, which we know it does.
To see this, consider that for a given input, say and therefore when you multiply it by the unitary matrix of the quantum circuit, what you get is the first column of the unitary matrix of the quantum circuit. And
on a 3 qubit machine, the corresponding 8-sized quantum state looks like:000 -> 1000 0000 == (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
, gives the second column and so on.As a result, to prove that a quantum algorithm is correct, we need to be a bit smarter than "just calculate the full matrix".
Which is why you should now go and read: Section "Quantum algorithm".
This type of thinking links back to how physical experiments relate to quantum computing: a quantum computer realizes a physical experiment to which we cannot calculate the probabilities of outcomes without exponential time.
So for example in the case of a photonic quantum computer, you are not able to calculate from theory the probability that photons will show up on certain wires or not.
Phenomena that produces photons in pairs as it passes through a certain type of crystal.
You can then detect one of the photons, and when you do you know that the other one is there as well and ready to be used. two photon interference experiment comes to mind, which is the basis of photonic quantum computer, where you need two photons to be produced at the exact same time to produce quantum entanglement.
One Photon In, TWO Photons Out by JQInews (2010)
Source. Features Alan Migdall of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Produced by the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI).
Mentions that this phenomena is useful to determine the efficiency of a single photon detector, as you have the second photon of the pair as a control.
Also briefly describes how the input energy and momentum must balance out the output energy and momentum of the two photons coming out (determined by the output frequency and angle).
Shows the crystal close up of the crystal branded "Cleveland Crystals Inc.". Mentions that only one in a billion photon gets scattered.
Also shows a photomultiplier tube.
Then shows their actual optical table setup, with two tunnels of adjustable angle to get photons with different properties.
How do you produce a single photon? by Physics World (2015)
Source. Very short whiteboard video by Peter Mosley from the University of Bath, but it's worth it for newbs. Basically describes spontaneous parametric down-conversion.
One interesting thing he mentions is that you could get single photons by making your sunglasses thicker and thicker to reduce how many photons pass, but one big downside problem is that then you don't know when the photon is going to come through, that becomes essentially random, and then you can't use this technique if you need two photons at the same time, which is often the case, see also: two photon interference experiment.
The basic experiment for a photonic quantum computer.
Can be achieved in two ways it seems:
- macroscopic beam splitter and optical table
- photolithography
Animation of Hong-Ou-Mandel Effect on a silicon like structure by Quantum Light University of Sheffield (2014): No maths, but gives the result clear: the photons are always on the same side.
Quantum Computing with Light by Quantum Light University of Sheffield (2015)
Source. Animation of in-silicon single photon device with brief description of emitting and receiving elements. Mentions:- quantum dot source. TODO how do you produce identical photons from two separate quantum dots? See also: quantum dot single photon source.
- superconducting nanowire detector. So the device has to be cooled then? Video "Jeremy O'Brien: "Quantum Technologies" by GoogleTechTalks (2014)" however says that semiconducting devices can also be used
Quantum Optics - Beam splitter in quantum optics by Alain Aspect (2017)
Source. More theoretical approach.Building a Quantum Computer Out of Light by whentheappledrops (2014)
Source. Yada yada yada, then at shows optical table and it starts being worth it. Jacques Carolan from the University of Bristol goes through their setup which injects 5 photons into a 21-way experiment.This is basically how quantum computing was first theorized by Richard Feynman: quantum computers as experiments that are hard to predict outcomes.
TODO answer that: A good answer would be with a more physical example of quantum entanglement, e.g. on a photonic quantum computer.