Lebesgue integral Updated +Created
"More complex and general" integral. Matches the Riemann integral for "simple functions", but also works for some "funkier" functions that Riemann does not work for.
Ciro Santilli sometimes wonders how much someone can gain from learning this besides the beauty of mathematics, since we can hand-wave a Lebesgue integral on almost anything that is of practical use. The beauty is good reason enough though.
Lebesgue integral of is complete but Riemann isn't Updated +Created
And then this is why quantum mechanics basically lives in : not being complete makes no sense physically, it would mean that you can get closer and closer to states that don't exist!
TODO intuition
The missing link between basic and advanced Updated +Created
Video 1.
Being valued as a lab technician interview with Norman Greenwood by Web of Stories (2017)