Material point method 1970-01-01
Meshfree methods 1970-01-01
Mesh generation 1970-01-01
Method of fundamental solutions 1970-01-01
Minimax approximation algorithm 1970-01-01
Kahan summation algorithm 1970-01-01
Kantorovich theorem 1970-01-01
Karlsruhe Accurate Arithmetic 1970-01-01
Kempner series 1970-01-01
Kummer's transformation of series 1970-01-01
Lady Windermere's Fan (mathematics) 1970-01-01
Fixed-point computation 1970-01-01
Galerkin method 1970-01-01
Gal's accurate tables 1970-01-01
Generalized-strain mesh-free formulation 1970-01-01
Lanczos approximation 1970-01-01
Legendre pseudospectral method 1970-01-01
Level set (data structures) 1970-01-01
Lie group integrator 1970-01-01
Linear approximation 1970-01-01