Maximum subarray problem 1970-01-01
MCS algorithm 1970-01-01
Mehrotra predictor–corrector method 1970-01-01
Method of moving asymptotes 1970-01-01
Decidable sublanguages of set theory 1970-01-01
Definable set 1970-01-01
Linear-fractional programming 1970-01-01
Line search 1970-01-01
Lloyd's algorithm 1970-01-01
Büchi arithmetic 1970-01-01
Canan Dağdeviren 1970-01-01
Candle auction 1970-01-01
Local search (optimization) 1970-01-01
Mirror descent 1970-01-01
MM algorithm 1970-01-01
Multiple subset sum 1970-01-01
Original proof of Gödel's completeness theorem 1970-01-01
Potential isomorphism 1970-01-01
Pregeometry (model theory) 1970-01-01
Presburger arithmetic 1970-01-01