John Wesley Young 1970-01-01
Joseph Engelberger 1970-01-01
Logic of information 1970-01-01
Many antennas 1970-01-01
Map communication model 1970-01-01
Punched card 1970-01-01
Robotics by century 1970-01-01
Robotics by year 1970-01-01
Water-pouring algorithm 1970-01-01
Search engine 1970-01-01
Glenn Davis (web design) 1970-01-01
Free will 1970-01-01
Mary Edwards (human computer) 1970-01-01
Measure-preserving dynamical system 1970-01-01
Metcalfe's law 1970-01-01
Minimum Fisher information 1970-01-01
Modulo-N code 1970-01-01
Shannon capacity of a graph 1970-01-01
Original meaning 1970-01-01
Partition (number theory) 1970-01-01