Roger Scantlebury 1970-01-01
Founders of statistics 1970-01-01
Mathematical Olympiads in India 1970-01-01
MIMO-OFDM 1970-01-01
Outage probability 1970-01-01
History of Programming Languages (conference) 1970-01-01
Pointwise mutual information 1970-01-01
Shock and Awe: The Story of Electricity 1970-01-01
Software Heritage 1970-01-01
Spatiotemporal pattern 1970-01-01
History of statistics 1970-01-01
Statistical Accounts of Scotland 1970-01-01
Pragmatic theory of information 1970-01-01
Statistical Methods for Research Workers 1970-01-01
Principle of least privilege 1970-01-01
Privilege revocation (computing) 1970-01-01
The Beginning and End of the Universe 1970-01-01
Theil index 1970-01-01
The Lady Tasting Tea 1970-01-01
Archie (search engine) 1970-01-01