Davydov soliton 1970-01-01
Electrophysiology 1970-01-01
Entropy and life 1970-01-01
Fast parallel proteolysis 1970-01-01
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching 1970-01-01
Frog galvanoscope 1970-01-01
Gated drug delivery systems 1970-01-01
Gecko feet 1970-01-01
Hydrophobicity scales 1970-01-01
Hyperaccumulators table – 3 1970-01-01
Index of biophysics articles 1970-01-01
Isothermal titration calorimetry 1970-01-01
Lipid bilayer fusion 1970-01-01
Lipid polymorphism 1970-01-01
Magnetomyography 1970-01-01
Magnetoreception 1970-01-01
Mechanotransduction 1970-01-01
Microbial electrochemical technologies 1970-01-01
Nanophysiology 1970-01-01