Digital geometry 1970-01-01
Lattice points 1970-01-01
Mathematics of rigidity 1970-01-01
Packing problems 1970-01-01
Theorems in discrete geometry 1970-01-01
Triangulation (geometry) 1970-01-01
Arrangement (space partition) 1970-01-01
Arrangement of lines 1970-01-01
Bellman's lost in a forest problem 1970-01-01
Big-line-big-clique conjecture 1970-01-01
Borsuk's conjecture 1970-01-01
Carpenter's rule problem 1970-01-01
Centroidal Voronoi tessellation 1970-01-01
Close-packing of equal spheres 1970-01-01
Combinatorial Geometry in the Plane 1970-01-01
Connective constant 1970-01-01
Covering problem of Rado 1970-01-01
Discrete & Computational Geometry 1970-01-01
Disk covering problem 1970-01-01
Dissection problem 1970-01-01