Follow car terminology and be done with it. Also follows marking of all bike shifters.
Full range achieved, going from fastest to slowest works (downshift), but going from slowest to next slowest (upshift) fails. Limits are good, B-tension screw didn't help
It is true, something Ciro Santilli often things about. One likely reason is that the world is broken and most cyclist are speed maniacs willing to put the time in. Unlike Dutch people where everyone cycles.
Yes, Sheldon he has separate American and British English versions of pages!!!
For example, Kross bicycle (2017) had a Schwalbe tyre with markings:
42-622 (28 x 1.60, 700x40C)
When inflated, the tires were about 3.5cm wide as measured with a ruler.
And the Mavic A319 rim had markings:
In this:

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