Ross Ulbricht told her about Silk Road, but then later said he had sold the website to someone else, without really doing that.
As of 2023, she's apparently a photographer with a porny focus (boudoir photography). claims to contain a photo of him without source. He has no easy to find online profiles.
Variety Jones: IRL, is there anyone with a clue at all? A girlfriend, boyfriend, buddy you talk to, etc?
myself: Unfortunately yes, there are two but they think I sold the site and got out, and they're quite convinced of it.
His email was published: They actaully talked on Google Chat. OMG.
TODO no information about her? Real name, how did the meet. has a photo of them hugging at the jail parking lot just after he was released in 2025.
Figure 1.
Ross Ulbricht with his wife soon after he was released from jail in 2025
. Source.

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