Season 1 was amazing. The others fell off a bit.
This section is about companies that design semiconductors.
For companies that manufature semiconductors, see also: company with a semiconductor fabrication plant.
How AMD went from nearly Bankrupt to Booming by Brandon Yen (2021)
Source. - Buldozer series CPUs was a disaster
- got sued for marketing claims on number of cores vs number of hyperthreads
- Ryzen first gen was rushed and a bit buggy, but it had potential. Gen 2 fixed those.
- Ryzen Gen 3 surpased single thread performance of Intel. Previously Gen 2 had won multicore.
They have been masters of second sourcing things for a long time! One can ony imagine the complexity of the Intel cross licensing deals.
This was the CPU architecure that saved AMD in the 2010's, see also: Video "How AMD went from nearly Bankrupt to Booming by Brandon Yen (2021)"
- an issue tracker
- TODO vs the GitLab?
Mentioned e.g. at: as being part of RDNA 3.
AMD Founder Jerry Sanders Interview (2002)
Source. Source: Fun to watch.- Newton Minow mandated UHF on all television sets in 1961, and the oscillator needed for the tuner was one of the first major non-military products from Fairchild, the 28918 (?).
- Fairchild had won the first round of a Minuteman contract, but lost the second one due to poor management
Arm 30 Years On: Episode Three by Arm Ltd. (2022)
Source. This one is boring US expansion. Other two are worth it.This situation is the most bizarre thing ever. The dude was fired in 2020, but he refused to be fired, and because he has the company seal, they can't fire him. He is still going to the office as of 2022. It makes one wonder what are the true political causes for this situation. A big warning sign to all companies tring to setup joint ventures in China!
ARM Fired ARM China’s CEO But He Won’t Go by Asianometry (2021)
Source. For some reason they attempt to make a single chip on an entire wafer!
They didn't care about MLperf as of 2019:
- 2023: Cerebras Sells $100 Million AI Supercomputer, Plans Eight More
"Intel Research Lablets", that's a terrible name.
Open source driver/hardware interface specification??? E.g. on Ubuntu, a large part of the nastiest UI breaking bugs Ciro Santilli encountered over the years have been GPU related. Do you think that is a coincidence??? E.g. ubuntu 21.10 does not wake up from suspend.
Linus Torvalds saying "Nvidia Fuck You" (2012)
Source. How Nvidia Won Graphics Cards by Asianometry (2021)
Source. - Doom was the first killer app of personal computer 3D graphics! As opposed to professional rendering e.g. for CAD as was supported by Silicon Graphics
- they bet on Direct3D
- they wrote their own drivers. At the time, most drivers were written by the computer manufacturers. That's insane!
How Nvidia Won AI by Asianometry (2022)
Source. Ciro Santilli has always had a good impression of these people.
This company is a bit like Sun Microsystems, you can hear a note of awe in the voice of those who knew it at its peak. This was a bit before Ciro Santilli's awakening.
Both of them and Sun kind of died in the same way, unable to move from the workstation to the personal computer fast enough, and just got killed by the scale of competitors who did, notably Nvidia for graphics cards.
Some/all Nintendo 64 games were developed on it, e.g. it is well known that this was the case for Super Mario 64.
Also they were a big UNIX vendor, which is another kudos to the company.
Silicon Graphics Promo (1987)
Source. Highlights that this was one of the first widely available options for professional engineers/designers to do real-time 3D rendering for their designs. Presumably before it, you had to do use scripting to CPU render and do any changes incrementally by modifying the script.China's Making x86 Processors by Asianometry (2021)
Source. Articles by others on the same topic
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