This section is about the male/female trait.
For the act, see: sex.


It is not obvious why there have to be two sexes.
Sex itself is obvious: by mixing genes we increase variability.
But having two sexes rather than just being able to reproduce with anyone reduces the possible mating pool by half!
One of the key thesis of Power, Sex, Suicide by Nick Lane (2006).
Analects translation by Robert Eno (2015) 16.7:
The Junzi has three cautions.
When he is young and his blood and energy are not yet settled, he is cautious about sex.
When he is in his prime and his blood and energy have newly achieved strength, he is cautious about combativeness.
When he is old and his blood and energy are declining, he is cautious about acquisitiveness.
He seems highly censored by search engines as of 2024!
A signal that indicates that an animal is ready for mating.
Ciro Santilli is for abortion rights of women, until very late in pregnancy.
But it's not something that he would do himself, unless under extreme cases.

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