Browser platform game Updated +Created! 2D top down dungeon crawler/brawler, controls feel good.
bsdgames Updated +Created
There is great beauty here. Great beauty. It's pure terminal poetry.
The most canonical source code Ciro Santilli can find right now is:
1960 Nobel Prize in Physics Updated +Created
1918 Nobel Prize in Physics Updated +Created
Perl (programming language) Updated +Created
TODO why did Python kill it? They are very similar and existed at similar times, and possibly Perl was more popular early on.
Perl likely killed Tcl.
Short Code (programming-language) Updated +Created
Git Updated +Created
ILoveYouMore.jpg Updated +Created
This is the first of many love declarations and mentions EMBII makes of his partner Chiharu! This came just one day afte the very first uploads of the system.
Figure 1.
. Source.
My Dearest Chiharu....I Love you more. <3 Eric
Note that she's Japanese and not really bond, it's hair dye.
Figure 2.
. Source.
My Dearest Chiharu, I will love you forever. Taken Aug 6th 2014 in Ipswich, SD.
Figure 3.
. Source.
Associated messages:
A #father could not ask for more perfect daughters. I #Love you both so much!! <3 Pa
My oldest daugher moves into the dorms tomorrow morning. Dear Mady, You are forever my baby. <3 PaEMBII's daughter, Maddy Bobby, (presumably not with Chiharu) is going off to college! Sadface.
Figure 4.
Chiharu EMBII and The Atom Sea say Happy Halloween.jpg
. Source.
#Chiharu #embii & the #AtomSea #Fargo #ND
so their location was:,_North_Dakota
Figure 5.
. Source.
mini camera test #Wilson #Chiharu #embii #Broadway #Fargo #ND
"Trip to Italy" Mini Digital Camera N. Broadway, Fargo, ND 49°F
TODO actual Italy? Or some place named Italy in the US? One of the photos is from the First Lutheran church in Fargo, Nort Dacota.
Figure 6.
. Source.
Photographer unknown, but presumably EMBII's father or another close family member.
In loving memory of Loraine Elizabeth WhiteEMBII's mum died :-(
Cost: ~0.001 BTC ~ $0.80 at the time.
Figure 7.
. Source.
This one gives Chiharu's full identity with picture basically. Message:
The Sato Family Arrives from Japan! Taken Aug 2. 2014 in Minneapolis MN. (Keiko, Chiharu, Hideaki, Katsuhiko) Now preparing for the Sato / Bobby Great American Vacation!!
so presumably Chiharu's full name is Chiharu Sato.
More EMBII social media:
Extinction event Updated +Created
Chinese Communist Party Updated +Created
Caesium-133 Updated +Created
Chinese government media Updated +Created
Junzi Updated +Created
Chinese scholar Updated +Created
On Wikipedia we only find the term Scholar-official. But the idea of the ancient Chinese scholar is a bit wider as a concept, and even people who were not trying to be officials could thrive to follow certain aspects of the scholar way of life.
Wiley (publisher) Updated +Created
1936 Nobel Prize in Physics Updated +Created
1926 Nobel Prize in Physics Updated +Created
Spain Updated +Created

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