Improve article editing which is very buggy and inconvenient!
I'll also look into some more likely easy but very important topic improvements:
As of 2020, basically means "liquid nitrogen temperature", which is much cheaper than liquid helium.
The dream of course being room temperature and pressure superconductor.
Unit of electric current.
Affected by the ampere in the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units.
Yup, this one Focks you up.
It seems that all/almost all of them do. Quite cool.
The "last" gene, and also an E. Coli K-12 MG1655 gene of unknown function.
Has a separate power cord, not USB powered. Unbelievable. Edit: actually high ends are still like that as of 2023, e.g. at that time, a the max non-cabled was 5 TB, but top of line was 20 TB.
Disk label:
.Ubuntu 20.04
benchmark, ext4 partition: 37MB/s.The key takeaway is that setting an explicit value function to an AGI entity is a good way to destroy the world due to poor AI alignment. We are more likely to not destroy by creating an AI whose goals is to "do want humans what it to do", but in a way that it does not know before hand what it is that humans want, and it has to learn from them. This approach appears to be known as reward modeling.
Some other cool ideas:
- a big thing that is missing for AGI in the 2010's is some kind of more hierarchical representation of the continuous input data of the world, e.g.:
- intelligence is hierarchical
- we can group continuous things into higher objects, e.g. all these pixels I'm seeing in front of me are a computer. So I treat all of them as a single object in my mind.
- game theory can be seen as part of artificial intelligence that deals with scenarios where multiple intelligent agents are involved
- probability plays a crucial role in our everyday living, even though we don't think too much about it every explicitly. He gives a very good example of the cost/risk tradeoffs of planning to the airport to catch a plane. E.g.:
- should you leave 2 days in advance to be sure you'll get there?
- should you pay an armed escort to make sure you are not attacked in the way?
- economy, and notably the study of the utility, is intrinsically linked to AI alignment
Ubuntu 20.10 as per we see that all you then need is a single CLI command:Seems simple, well done devs!
sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libuv1-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev
git clone
mkdir xmrig/build && cd xmrig/build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
xmrig -o -u <your-monero-address>
Benchmark on Lenovo ThinkPad P51 (2017) as per according to the mining pool would generate 0.0005 XMR/day, which at the February 2021 rate of 140 USD/XMR is 0.07 USD/day. The minimum payout in that pool is 0.004 XMR so it would take 8 days to reach that.
./xmrig --bench=1M
948.1 h/s
So clearly, application-specific integrated circuit mining is the only viable way of doing this.
Some people considering Raspberry Pis also conclude obviously that it is useless at a 10H/s rate: is a completely full of bullshit article that says otherwise. How can someone publish that!
It is just mind blowing that Christians, Muslims and Jews can have so many conflicts considering that their religions are basically the same. Uncanny valley comes to mind. See also remarks at:
The transfiguration of Jesus is a notable example where Jesus/the Church tries to divert older religions into him. And then Muhammad does the same during isra and Mi'raj, and meets up with Jesus, John the Baptist and Abraham. The Kaaba was also clearly an earlier place of worship of local religions before Muhammad. But of course, Abraham was one of the builders of the Kaaba, so all good.
A polynomial of degree 1, i.e. of form .
A slow development test cycle will kill your software.
New developers won't want to learn your project, because they would rather shoot themselves.
This means that build time, and the time to run tests, must be short.
5 seconds to rebuild is the maximum upper limit.
Of course, at some point software gets large enough that things won't fit anymore in 5 seconds. But then you must have either some kind of build caching, or options to do partial builds/tests that will bring things down to that 5 second mark.
You also have to spend some time profiling execution and build from scratch times.
A slow build from scratch will mean that your continuous integration costs a lot, money that could be invested in a new developer!
It also means that people won't bother to reproduce bugs on given commits, or bisect stuff.
One anecdote comes to mind. Ciro Santilli was trying to debug something, and more experience colleague came over.
To reproduce a problem, ciro was running one command, wait 5 seconds, run a second command, wait 5 seconds, run a third command:
# wait 5 seconds
# wait 5 seconds
The first thing the colleague said: join those three commands into one:And so, Ciro was enlightened.
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