Species Updated +Created
Aharonov-Bohm effect Updated +Created
This shows that viewing electromagnetism as gauge theory does have experimentally observable consequences. TODO understand what that means.
In more understandable terms, it shows that the magnetic vector potential matters where the magnetic field is 0.
Video 1.
The Quantum Experiment that ALMOST broke Locality by The Science Asylum (2019)
Real world applications of the Lebesgue integral Updated +Created
In "practice" it is likely "useless", because the functions that it can integrate that Riemann can't are just too funky to appear in practice :-)
Its value is much more indirect and subtle, as in "it serves as a solid basis of quantum mechanics" due to the definition of Hilbert spaces.
Katla (TV series) Updated +Created
Church of England Updated +Created
Political division:
  • nominal leader: British monarch
  • toplevel arch-dioceses/provinces of Cantebury and York. One archbishop each, who is also bishop of Cantebury and York diocese
  • within provinces: one cathedral and bishop per diocese
Plasmid Updated +Created
Torus Updated +Created
Asian meme Updated +Created
Agnosticism Updated +Created
Of course, if you believe in modern science, agnosticism is just an euphemism for atheism.
The truth will set you free Updated +Created
Regular expression Updated +Created
Don't repeat yourself Updated +Created
Hydrogen emission spectrum Updated +Created
Steve Jobs quote on saving lives with a faster boot Updated +Created
This idea also comes up in other sources of course.
Meritocracy Updated +Created
Media rationale of Ciro Santilli's website Updated +Created
Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory Updated +Created
One of the first formal proof systems. This is actually understandable!
This is Ciro Santilli-2020 definition of the foundation of mathematics (and the only one he had any patience to study at all).
TODO what are its limitations? Why were other systems created?

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