Fractal Updated +Created
The best samurai movies of all time Updated +Created
Avatar (franchise) Updated +Created
Scientific software Updated +Created
Web crawling Updated +Created
Reverse image search Updated +Created
Type of semiconductor Updated +Created
Dildo Updated +Created
Female Updated +Created
Metal Updated +Created
Metallurgy Updated +Created
Metastable electron Updated +Created
A fundamental component of three-level lasers.
As mentioned at from Video "How Lasers Work by Scientized (2017)", they stay in that state for a long time compared to non spontaneous emission of metastable states!
This is also one of mechanisms behind phosphorescence with triplet states.
Marco Reps Updated +Created
This mostly faceless German dude is awesome!
Mathematical constant Updated +Created
Sodium chloride Updated +Created
Microsoft Updated +Created
And also their monopolistic practices: United States v. Microsoft Corp.
So, as put in Video "Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs by Epic Rap Battles of History (2012)" by fake Steve Jobs to fake Bill Gates:
Why'd you name your company after your dick?
However, like all big tech companies with infinite money, they do end up doing some cool things in their research department, Microsoft Research, notably for Ciro Santilli being:
README Updated +Created
Google employee Updated +Created
Buildroot Updated +Created
Buildroot is good.

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