Liquid Updated +Created
Gas Updated +Created
Quantum computing bibliography Updated +Created
Red Hat Updated +Created
Software design pattern Updated +Created
GNU General Public License Updated +Created
Porting Updated +Created
Invariance of the speed of light Updated +Created
This single experimental observation/idea is the basis for all of special relativity.
Special relativity is the direct result of people bending their backs to accommodate for this really weird fact.
Chevalley group Updated +Created
Jim Baggott Updated +Created
Code drop Updated +Created
Open source development model in which developers develop in private, and only release code to the public during releases.
Notable example project: Android Open Source Project.
This development model basically makes reporting bugs and sending patches a waste of time, because many of them will already have been solved, which is why this development model is evil.
Computer programming Updated +Created
Programming is hard. To Ciro Santilli, it's almost masochistic.
What makes Ciro especially mad when programming is not the hard things.
It is the things that should be easy, but aren't, and which take up a lot of your programming time.
Especially when you are already a few levels of "simple problems" down from your original goal, and another one of them shows up.
This is basically the cause of Hofstadter's law.
But of course, it is because it is hard that it feels amazing when you achieve your goal.
Putting a complex and useful program together is like composing a symphony, or reaching the summit of a hard rock climbing proble.
Programming can be an art form. There can be great beauty in code and what it does. It is a shame that this is hard to see from within the walls of most companies, where you are stuck doing a small specific task as fast as possible.
Software testing Updated +Created
All but dissertation Updated +Created
Michio Kaku Updated +Created
Well known popular science character. He just looks futuristic and wraps stuff in exciting empty words. When he shows up, you won't be learning much.
Cocos2d Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli considered this as the basis for Ciro's 2D reinforcement learning games, but ultimately decided it was a bit too messy. Nice overall though.
Playstation Updated +Created
The missing link between basic and advanced Updated +Created
Video 1.
Being valued as a lab technician interview with Norman Greenwood by Web of Stories (2017)
Anti-cancer mechanism Updated +Created
The best code is no code at all Updated +Created
Some blogs:
Also resonates with backward design.

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