Undecidable problem Updated +Created
Is a decision problem of determining if something belongs to a non-recursive language.
Or in other words: there is no Turing machine that always halts for every input with the yes/no output.
Every undecidable problem must obviously have an infinite number of "possibilities of stuff you can try": if there is only a finite number, then you can brute-force it.
Some undecidable problems are of recursively enumerable language, e.g. the halting problem.
Coolest ones besides the obvious boring halting problem:
Cell (journal) Updated +Created
Imperial College London Updated +Created
Nice, nice place. Natural sciences only, no bullshit.
FTX Updated +Created
ITER Updated +Created
Cyc Updated +Created
Lysergic acid diethylamide Updated +Created
LevelDB Updated +Created
One "LevelDB" database contains multiple file in a directory. Off the bat inferior to SQLite which stores everything in a single file!
The best technology YouTube channels Updated +Created
Artificial general intelligence Updated +Created
Given enough computational power per dollar, AGI is inevitable, but it is not sure certain ever happen given the end of end of Moore's Law.
Alternatively, it could also be achieved genetically modified biological brains + brain in a vat.
Imagine a brain the size of a building, perfectly engineered to solve certain engineering problems, and giving hints to human operators + taking feedback from cameras and audio attached to the operators.
This likely implies transhumanism, and mind uploading.
Ciro Santilli joined the silicon industry at one point to help increase our computational capacity and reach AGI.
Ciro believes that the easiest route to full AI, if any, could involve Ciro's 2D reinforcement learning games.
You can learn more from older students than from faculty Updated +Created
Wikipedia mentions quoting his Nobel Prize biography:
In Monod's studies he discovered that the course work was decades behind the current biological science. He learned from other students a little older than himself, rather than from the faculty.
Bitcoin inscription Updated +Created
Blood cell Updated +Created
Nature (journal) Updated +Created
Ended up under Springer in 2015 after a massive merger.
CC BY version Updated +Created
CC BY-NC-ND Updated +Created
CC BY-SA 4.0 Updated +Created

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