Text is the only reasonbly interesting content that Ciro Santilli has seen in the ordinals, as opposed to images which are boring. They haven'g found a way to commercialize it yet it seems, thank God. Glad to have researcehd this a bit!
Shame that the plaintext ones don't show up too well on ordinals.com!
The largest inscriptions with mime
are:- ordinals.com/inscription/e15e19c587985e7dbb0554a6b51df976fdc8d95f4350b759c10b07399d34a7bbi0: 395,253 bytes (2023-02-23): an English translation of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler starting from the "Author's preface" section to the end of Chapter V. This seems to be the text: gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200601.txt gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200601.txt. Likely someone trying to be naughty, on the same vein as the "Hitler did nothing wrong" meme from previous eras
- ordinals.com/inscription/daed32652a82fa809be265a9a082d31e186b2b3c0cec80b52dc30e3c1c856c66i0: 394,346 bytes (2023-02-21): Mein Kempt just like ordinals.com/inscription/e15e19c587985e7dbb0554a6b51df976fdc8d95f4350b759c10b07399d34a7bbi0 but with the HTML in a single line, so it is slightly smaller
- ordinals.com/inscription/95f6909988dba38f1140d536c9cc2fdcf635c1522f93834045b093f0d4c2fdd7i0: 394,053 bytes (2023-02-21): HTML heart shaped index of the "Insignia Art" ordinal collection: ordinalswallet.com/collection/insignia-art. That one is kind of cool actually.
- ordinals.com/inscription/8af62aed75fdd9262d36d428a209a162394f0f463bf261ea253d0fb009f2277fi0: 392,866 bytes (2023-09-29) Majjhima Nikāya (Collection of Middle-length Discourses), Buddhist text that is part of the Pali Canon, the most original Buddhist scriptures. EMBII's inscription of the Bhagavad Gita comes to mind. Both Pali transliteration and English translation are present side-by-side.
- ordinals.com/inscription/6352b23c10ef20321d59735d8597af9be96db1bab4b50d728e618a1c5a21a991i0: 391,053 bytes (2023-03-03) "Satoshi Wars" Star Wars-themed browser game. It is a mouse-controlled Pong clone
- ordinals.com/inscription/ab420f90306948937432379dc3f768ef5f826714f53e0cea4e641debef460173i0: 389,001 bytes (2023-02-19) "The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell". People trying to be semi-naughty as usual.
- ordinals.com/inscription/d8ef417a8575e0fa3da7ab11f9e91ef7582c7275f54f8b9dc587c98c676bd41ci0: 388,196 bytes (2023-02-12)
This fully on-chain document contains all of Satoshi Nakamoto's posts on Bitcointalk.
- ordinals.com/inscription/2a260692fd8aca7fc5f825fe7965c914615fe1d62f7d3e5b078228d43fd93243i0: 387,818 bytes (2023-04-06) an HTML page, title:It seems t oallow you to upload images and reads metadata from the image. Didn't work too well on ordinals.com possibly due to narrow display port. Also it has a funny background music :-)
Welcome to the on-chain Pixogette Metadata Reader
- ordinals.com/inscription/a31b8e3e279a6e28ef49fa4dca54f820abf266223976b778833e8c47991ad403i0: 386,913 bytes (2023-02-19) a cute Bitcoin Cash ad:It appears to contain the entire first fork block of Bitcoi Cash from mainline bitcoin.
#!/bin/bash # # ____ _ _ _ ____ _ # | __ ) (_) | |_ ___ ___ (_) _ __ / ___| __ _ ___ | |__ # | _ \ | | | __| / __| / _ \ | | | '_ \ | | / _` | / __| | '_ \ # | |_) | | | | |_ | (__ | (_) | | | | | | | | |___ | (_| | \__ \ | | | | # |____/ |_| \__| \___| \___/ |_| |_| |_| \____| \__,_| |___/ |_| |_| # # ___ _ _ # |_ _| _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ ___ # | | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / __| / _ \ # | | | | | | | (_| | | __/ | |_) | | __/ | | | | | (_| | | __/ | | | | | (__ | __/ # |___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| | .__/ \___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| |_| |_| \___| \___| # |_| # ____ _ _ # | __ ) | | ___ ___ | | __ # | _ \ | | / _ \ / __| | |/ / # | |_) | | | | (_) | | (__ | < # |____/ |_| \___/ \___| |_|\_\
- ordinals.com/inscription/f7ece21e1dc74874d7a6e5e11b77941be2db6f383d053242a40b63e0a28445ffi0: 386,819 bytes (2023-02-18) The Illiad Books I-XII
- ordinals.com/inscription/4f5e52115ef0fb4fc2a18cfc7f4caccfb712792c8bc318e71699a86ba4541719i0: 386,655 bytes (2023-08-09) Frogger browser clone
- ordinals.com/inscription/f04c0e94023e51fb995e48235773c77a471289baf44c1a3248d800a0a550c520i0: 385,743 bytes (2023-03-25) A Roguelike browser game
- ordinals.com/inscription/cd432a3e16c4a01db1df6a59b5941a69bd0cf130b24a61248643005f22a939d9i0: 383,098 (2023-02-18) Brave New World
Mt. Gox was the first Cryptocurrency exchange in existence, and when it shutdowon in Febrauary 2014 because the website was crap and they got hacked, some people were not happy at all about their missing funds!
tx 0540b5dda23ee870330c6b1e18a88c592cf8d847c47f1dc1d5328f46115b12b3 (2014-02-25)
2014-02-25: The day Mt.Gox shut down. Farewell, may even you rest in peace!
tx 2374f8575f65763caf6909551c131d3ae45399a73aee638bcbccaebdb1219d67 (2014-02-25):
Fuck you MtGox
Fuck you MtGox
tx c00a4a04905a2e8d8dee8a768165aa6bdf842413a8a648462a6349db89cd77f2 (2014-02-27) has an ASCII art of a seal, TODO understand meme:
/ |
| \
. | |
.'\` | \|
| \_/ \ \
<3 You Seals!
There are also a few Base58 messages referring to Mt Gox, the nicest and most expensive one being to burn addres:which as of 2025 holds 0.014537 BTC burnt on:Many of these transactions also contain other quick messages, e.g.:
- 14x 0.001 BTC transactions starting at tx b170551d4df68d714fa98189c73f61b0c2bc54cafe33a2953fcc0bc11f6aa72a, block 287826 (2014-02-26)
- plus one 0.001337 BTC transaction in the middle at tx 6b878716d1d9af0f50de441f318da68121261a5778fd541def4408c0aac531f6, block 287868 (2014-02-26), why not.
- tx e6d4cfbbc45b5e3cfcfa36613b04a8732c7b4606f5dbbd8af3ba06d8f3899fc2 also features a Rickrolling instance.
- tx 10a9bb0625447df044410cf9cd74742ec0bf334d48b4b1f93c10a4a60748bb5d also features
inside a spendable vanity address: 1Niggerw15VezU6rA7jRBuJt9ceg9VL1jh
Starting at tx cbbaa0a64924fe1d6ace3352f23242aa0028d4e0ff6ae8ed615244d66079cfb1 (2011-08-05), Catholic Bitcoin developer Luke Dashjr started to inscribe prayers in the miner messages of his mining pool "Eligius pool", usually one verse per message.
These are some of the earliest inscriptions in the blockchain, and therefore extremelly visible.
Although the prayer verses appear contiguous in ASCII dumps, Eligius was not actually mining every block: it is just that in those early days, miners still hadn't started adding advertisement messages to every block, so only Eligius shows up and appears contiguous.
At some point, opponents noticed these messages, and started adding atheist mockery graffiti replies, which appear interspersed in ASCII dumps with the prayer.
The first prayer is the Latin version of the Divine Praises, a Catholic prayer composed in 1797 in Italian by Luigi Felici for the purpose of making reparation after saying or hearing sacrilege or blasphemy. Luke claims he was referring to anything in particular that came prior in the blockchain: twitter.com/LukeDashjr/status/1749182637569122434. There arent many earlier inscriptions at all to refer to in any case! The prayer and correspondong interrupts (in transaction outputs, not by other miners) ordered by block are:
- 139690 (2011-08-05) prayer: "Eligius/Benedictus Deus. Benedictum Nomen Sanctum eius."
- 139717 prayer: "Eligius/Benedictus Deus. Benedictum Nomen Sanctum eius.'
- 139758 interruption:
. This is not a Coinbase message: www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/23befff6eea3dded0e34574af65c266c9398e7d7d9d07022bf1cd526c5cdbc94. This Bitcoin input script appears to spend a standard P2PKH output, but it first adds an extra value to the stack which contains the***
. - 139792 prayer: "Benedictus Iesus Christus, verus Deus et verus homo.'
- 139831 prayer: "Benedictum Nomen Iesu.'
- 139838 (2011-08-06) interruption: "I LIKE TURTLES" (tx 78eb16507b3d3df615e3b474e853db4667f4b11954ec6d918b1ded0fca7ad25a)
- 138898 prayer: "Benedictum Cor eius sacratissimum."
- 139904 prayer: "Benedictus Sanguis eius pretiosissimus."
- 139921 prayer: "Benedictus Iesus in sanctissimo altaris Sacramento."
- 139942 prayer: "Benedictus Sanctus Spiritus, Paraclitus."
- 139954 interrupion: "aC-C-C-COMBO BREAKER" (tx 138c024a76df99ecafd2236d5429cf574b7778a3c6508bd83f116c832f3c6980)
- 139960 prayer: "Benedictus Sanctus Spiritus, Paraclitus."
- 139977 prayer: "Benedicta excelsa Mater Dei, Maria sanctissima."
- 139990 (2011-08-06) prayer: "Benedicta sancta eius et immaculata Conceptio."
Then comes:and various others + output message interruptions.
- 140181 Latin Trinitarian formula
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
- Act of Contrition
- Act of Hope
Then at last come the first miner message interruptions. Luke explained on Twitter[ref] that they were also made by Eligius pool, as there was a system in which contributors besides Luke could submit their own strings:followed by more prayers and interruptions such as tx ec92d245822fa1ff862f3314b9102f36fe1eb8bc055865674c75323540aedef6:
- 142547: (2011-08-25) tx 8e1e44a48b5e79636675d1476f8e4add075bbeb7f49e00ec743eed56f17feaaa A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join. Yandere Simulator comes to mind, but it can't be because that was pitched 2014.
- 142550: "A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join."
- 142573: (2011-08-25) "Militant atheists, bit.ly/naNhG2 -- happy now?". A Rickrolling link. Perhaps one of the fist.
- 142596: (2011-08-25) "<cjdelisle> ran out of prayers?! That explains the price drop.". Possibly quoting this dude on som twitter.com/cjdelisle Bitcoin IRC channel givesn the
format? - 142640: "an de ti go su by ra me ni ko hu vy la po fy ton": Tonal system numerals. Interesting.
The last Luke prayer appears to be on block 143822 (2011-09-03)
... the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth labourers into his harvest.
Then there is a bit of radio silence, until finally Slush Pool started self advertising for the first time on block 163970 (2012-01-26):They had been mining for a long time by then (December 2010 according to en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Slush_Pool), but this is when they decided to add a human readable ASCII message as well.
From then on, miner messages would be forever polluted with ads, and Luke's multi-miner message feat would never again be reproduced.
The non-obvious interruptions are all well known memes/anime references:
- "I like turtles": knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-like-turtles
- Combo breaker: knowyourmeme.com/memes/combo-breaker
- "Yukkuri Shiteitte ne": knowyourmeme.com/memes/yukkuri-shiteitte-ne
- "kLhLUKE-JR IS A Pedophile! Oh, and God isn't real, sucka. Stop polluting the blockchain with your nonsense.", tx 9740e7d646f5278603c04706a366716e5e87212c57395e0d24761c0ae784b2c6, block 141460
- "Help me, ERINNNNNN!!": touhou.fandom.com/wiki/Lyrics:_Help_me,_ERINNNNNN!!
- "EASY MODO? How lame!F?": knowyourmeme.com/memes/kimoi-girls
- 2011-08-19 bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=38007.0 "Eligius miners aware of prayers in block headers?" from on bitcointalk.org by user "Graet" who quotes prior discussion from a Bitcoin IRC channel:<luke-jr> cosurgi: by design, it contains "random" data-- I've just been setting some of that "random" data to prayers<Graet> mm interesting luke-jr i understand you are strong in your faith but you dont think putting prayers in might alienate some ppl - after all btc is multidenominational<luke-jr> Graet: Catholics do not believe in freedom of religion.<Graet> and you make your non catholic miners aware of this?
- 2011-11-02 bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=52979.0 "Mysterious transaction spotted in blockchain!"
In this section we document events that led to a large number of thematically related messages being added to the chain e.g. referencing some current event that happened, as opposed to the media encoding/type like images and text sections.
The "Hitler did nothing wrong" meme[ref] is repeated several times, e.g.: tx 41967a7d75e9e1ca8c142a45ce29ea08b451a3b55c3e33538f5cc8a389ec66ab (2015-07-20):This one is also an Eternity Wall message. The message had also been previously Base58 encoded at address 1HitLerDidNothingWrongggggghJewfv in two different instances:
EW Hitler did nothing wrong.
- tx 55654178fe601c1fbe8b52b544286962523f11ec60ef12c94bc55198bb8c405c, block 216909 (2013-01-17). That one is also followed by some other niceties:
: 4x "Niggers"1JewsDidTheEconomyXXXXXXXXXXbd7ZkE
: "Jews Did the Economy"
- tx daa7fa928b8079174a646a9456ce9dad14eac44beb2fe5a2cb1c35ce70e92916, block 310007 (2014-07-10)
- tx 1c05bb7c0a8c9498d33a1e6d4a91bbb4c651daa5ea5a21aa5c8c600d3300b8bb Viva Brazil's Impeachment!
- tx 105fb3a0be8ab50bfa36012e0319a752dee39702cb44f3904cf423eb20367d57 contains a misogenous joke:which translates to:
A mulher feia so tem uma coisa a oferecer,uma boa foda(Diego Silva de Oliveira)
It is attributed to Diego Silva de Oliveira, possibly this football player: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_Silva_(footballer,_born_1990)Ugly women only have one thing to offer, a good fuck
- c72dc315a5504362d01f2dcdfe77826d14a9eb3411b83edd7aa782e95e4a7794 via cryptograffiti.info:
NÓS DISSEMOS SIM AGÊNCIA TRANSITIVA 2015 Nota pública de reconhecimento do Acordo Reconformado, assinado pela Agência Transitiva e pela Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, em 22 de Abril de 2015. #ENCRUZILHADA EAV PARQUE LAGE 22.04.2015
- 1c05bb7c0a8c9498d33a1e6d4a91bbb4c651daa5ea5a21aa5c8c600d3300b8bb via cryptograffiti.info:
Viva Brazil's Impeachment!
Our indexer does not handle UTF-8, here's a collection of some UTF-8 messages we've stumbled upon somewhat randomly:
- 7eb561f2139761064de20033fa4843f1f3e1a9551268704b36f84d94e66fd91a
يا سلم!
شعرك جميل
و عينيك حلوة
انا عطشان
اِروني من عينيكO peace!
Your hair is beautiful
And your eyes are beautiful
I'm thirsty
Show me from your eyes - b7376cae03b88392e5fd0292bcb43105386fbb534fc9be68c1e3d0b8f39e5ba4 via cryptograffiti.info
sjalom, salaam, peace!
الدين - 7a898b7e6b2145f4f887e1ff890d0b613e3008fbe350aa92662735e3acd0c0bc
هذه رسالة من المستقبل
إلى الماضي ...
الحياة صعبة في المستقبل
رعاية العالم
وتحمل المسؤولية
/yThis is a message from the future
To the past...
Life is difficult in the future
Caring for the world
And take responsibility
- 1dcd62c922eb1ddbc1f58615b6271d64736bf55e83408cef02a7d0ac6707e423 via cryptograffiti.info
А на Земле Быть Добру!
And on Earth To Be Good!
- 596cc6e905a5fc8248cf59198a19ce5070228b302a9f3a993197e2c87ddcaf14 via cryptograffiti.info
Книга Вечно Живущих открыта
The Book of the Ever-Living is open
- 596cc6e905a5fc8248cf59198a19ce5070228b302a9f3a993197e2c87ddcaf14 via cryptograffiti.info
Это тест, сука блять.
This is a test, motherfucker.
- ed56ef68ccbfb1d47bc159fb62fab6807ee4d7363d0ad4cded2e922a5b47362e via cryptograffiti.info
Путин хуйло лалалалалалалалалал
Putin sucks lalalalalalalalala
- 12b32b6752fbf521243c63dfb5e3fda46523dd7b572143635458f743591d3e35 via cryptograffiti.info:
Chinese test
- a3dbd6cbb8637b6bf91d22ea97db2843d995498fd62740b9ed1e9dc068f2ad2d via cryptograffiti.info
R.I.P aaarobbie(書玄)
- Ordinal ruleset inscription
- tx 8e89ce6bef85aea795f41f97a4dcd550d8cbc6d1f606f37109f6dc8b31f91bc1: Diamond Sutra in Chinese. Again at tx 0bc660cc2c6d0ec4f7dfe61bfb3a592b4a65677b16da7db35729fd43eee5323e.
- tx 7b0a0b9f18a729e905822304f9c4c05f8851d10bdc82efa902fd936ef874efeb: the first few poems from Three Hundred Tang Poems, a collection of famous Chinese poems from the Tang dynasty compiled in 1763. Each poem uses a classical Chinese poetry form with a small number of verses, usually 4, and fits into one line. Most lines contain the poem title, dynasty, author name followed by the poem, e.g. the first line:is amazingly translated by Google Translate as:
《春晓》唐 文嘉 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。 夜来风雨声,花落知多少。
"Spring Dawn" by Wenjia of the Tang Dynasty: When I sleep in spring, I don't realize the dawn, and I hear the singing of birds everywhere. The night comes wind and rain, Whispering Colour.
- ac2ad7c15162a8e461387b0d0d681bb5f81f2db1138b8f200b81bbc585bd0b8f via cryptograffiti.info:
Don't forgive Moky's flashbang
- 0b32736592ce7abdd4d971bc4591544e1610ff51f498c9a14a6ba34a3abcad5d via cryptograffiti.info
חתימה טובה לכולם בכלל ולחברי ביטקוין ישראלי בפרט.
A good signature for everyone in general and Israeli Bitcoin members in particular.
- d7b80c8fefc88cc3f06d74f8496e2dc6f44b5f5f0a59f9ba1ba27266848a8666 via cryptograffiti.info contains what appears to be UTF-8 Hebrew text on my terminal, but Google Translate couldn't translate it, so we are unsure.
This dude actually managed to convince a brain-dead British court that he was Satoshi and force a takedown of the Bitcoin whitepaper from bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf where it had been for many years prior: coinmarketcap.com/academy/article/bitcoin-org-ordered-to-take-down-bitcoin-whitepaper-because-of-copyright-infringement The page was updated to simply display the following Satoshi quote:
It takes advantage of the nature of information being easy to spread but hard to stifle. - Satoshi Nakamoto
The mere thought that Satoshi would attempt to copyright takedown the Bitcoin whitepaper, and not be able to back his identidy with any cryptographic keys, makes one shrivel to the bones.
Also, kids, this is why you put a fucking license on everything you release to the public, and especially when doing so anonymously!!! A quick CC BY-SA on that paper would have prevented all this bullshit.
The existence of this outrageous fraudster has had two good effects on the world however it must be said:
- the release of Adam Back and Martti Malmi early email history with Satoshi: www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/02/23/new-emails-reveal-staggering-clues-to-the-mystery-of-bitcoin-creator-satoshi-nakamoto
- the memes: Craig Steven Wright memes
- 2015-12-08 Wired article claims he may be Satoshi: www.wired.com/2015/12/bitcoins-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-is-probably-this-unknown-australian-genius/. A few days later, evidence of foul play emerged, and on 2019-04-30 Wired retracted the article altogether
- 2016-05-02 publicly claims he is Satoshi www.timesofisrael.com/australian-entrepreneur-craig-wright-says-he-created-bitcoin/
- 2024-05-20 British judge James Mellor fisting the fuck out of Craig: www.reuters.com/technology/self-proclaimed-bitcoin-inventor-lied-repeatedly-support-claim-says-uk-judge-2024-05-20/
An Australian computer scientist who claimed he invented bitcoin lied "extensively and repeatedly" and forged documents "on a grand scale" to support his false claim, a judge at London's High Court ruled on Monday.
Dr Wright presents himself as an extremely clever person. However, in my judgment, he is not nearly as clever as he thinks he is.
Social media:
- www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4i7k9a/strange_edits_on_craig_wrights_wikipedia_page/ "Strange edits on Craig Wright's Wikipedia page made two days before the revelation, from an IP address in Barbados (possibly made by Craig himself?)"
Once Ciro was at a University course practical session, and a graduate was around helping out. Ciro asked if what the graduate did anything specifically related to the course, and they replied they didn't. And they added that:Even though Ciro was already completely disillusioned by then, that still made an impression on him. Something is really wrong with this shit.
One has to put the bread on the table.
Other people that think that the educational system is currently bullshit as of 2020:
- Einstein, quoted in The New York Times, March 13 1949, p. 34:[ref]
It is nothing short of a miracle that modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry.
- Ron Maimon
- Xavier Niel: fortune.com/2018/11/30/billionaire-xavier-niel/ "Want This Billionaire's Attention? Drop Out of School" (2018). He also created 42.
- Year On
- by Zach Caceres
- Anand Raja submission "Students and Universities": publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmselect/cmdius/170/170ii.pdf, www.linkedin.com/in/anandraja/.
- xsrus.com/life-school-and-the-80-20-rule. Also GPA 2.0 linked from xsrus.com/ to xsrus.com/gpa-2.0 but down now
School rewards effort linearly [...]. Unlike school, the real world is nonlinear. By that, I mean most of what you do at work is a waste of time.
- A Mathematician's Lament by Paul Lockhart www.maa.org/external_archive/devlin/LockhartsLament.pdf
- www.learningforreal.org/ by Mary Ruth McGinn, a K12 teacher in the USA.www.learningforreal.org/quotes/ quotes Elbert Hubbard:She's somewhat focused on the performing arts, but what she says applies basically equally well to the natural sciences. A talk: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggYL9gQeVEk She talks about authentic learning.
School should not be preparation for life. School should BE life.
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG9CE55wbtY Do schools kill creativity? by Sir Ken Robinson (2017)
- Erik Finman thinks school is broken
The true value of a college education is intangible!
The true value of snake oil is intangible as well.
David Deutsch on Education interviewed by Aidan McCullen (2019)
Source. Key quote that hits the nail:
[...] the existing assumptions behind educational systems are that the purpose of education is to transmit valuable knowledge faithfully from on generation to the next. From people who already have that knowledge, to people who don't.So the knowledge is conceived of as a kind of valuable fluid, which you pour from one generation to the next, pour it into their brains.
So right... the purpose of education is not to teach facts. The purpose of education is to propose ways of thinking, which students themselves must try to apply and decide if it suits them! And use the patterns of thinking that are useful to reach their goals.
Like Noam Chomsky, he proposes education has been a system of indoctrination more than anything else e.g. twitter.com/daviddeutschoxf/status/1406374921748496386:At twitter.com/DavidDeutschOxf/status/1051475227476185089 another good quote by Churchill:
All compulsory education, "tough" or not, "love" or not, in camps or not, and whether it "traumatises" or not, is a violation of human rights.
Headmasters have powers at their disposal with which Prime Ministers have never yet been invested.
The same video also mentions in passing that john Wheeler used to be Deutsch's boss, but I can't find a reference for it very easily.
Quote selection by Charles Bukowski (2016)
Source. Generally speaking, you're free until you're about 4 years old. Then you go to grammar school and then you start becoming... oriented and shoved into areas. You lose what individualism you have, if you have enough of course, you retain some of it... Then you work the 8 hour job with almost a feeling of goodness, like you're doing something. Then you get married like marriage is a victory, and you have children like children is a victory... Marriage, birth, children. It's something they have to do because there's nothing else to do. There's no glory in it, there's no steam, there's no fire. It's very, very flat... You get caught into the stricture of what you're supposed to be and you have no other choice. You're finally molded and melded into what you're supposed to be. I didn't like this.
I "Crashed Out" After Studying Physics In College by Alex Wei
. Source. A large part of his problem are High expectations Asian father issues. But society does absolutely nothing to help either, treating education as an IQ test.The Universe I, II & III | Tim and Eric Awesome Show by Adult Swim UK (2017)
Source. This amazing video contains the best mind blown meme ever, Ciro Santilli almost shat himself when he first watched it.Reviews mostly old RPG and strategy games. And hentai games when it is possible to hide the porn from YouTube. He also sponsors Hentai and uploads it on his website: www.ssethtzeentach.com/nsfw
Ciro Santilli really likes his sense of humor, always going into "politically incorrect" areas, and often making fun of both dictatorships and the USA. He actually knows a bit about politics. Due to the nature of his humour, many of his earlier videos have been taken down from YouTube apparently, www.ssethtzeentach.com/videos mentions:
Ever since going full time, I'm usually very clean and stay out of trouble, but in the past a fair number of my videos were taken down.
The videos are also incredibly packed full of well selected edited-in "memes jokes". He particularly likes very short snippets of gay porn which cannot actually be taken down as porn, even though the obviously are porn excerpts, like the buffed dude blowing a kiss to his tit.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw8v5__Ytf4 Heroes of Might and Magic III (2018) is one of the best reviews. Sseth likes to find and make fun of game breaking imbalances, something that Ciro likes due to his Ciro Santilli's self perceived creative personality.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOJdDvf-tUs The Sseth Streaming Experience (2019), being a live stream, likely shows more realistically how Seth actually talks in real life.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG9g2byXR2c Might and Magic VI (Re)Review is another good video (2021)
Sseth has a certain vaporwave aesthetic, which Ciro also enjoys.
knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/ssethtzeentach gives his profile image from: www.aljazeera.com/features/2012/7/30/the-two-most-loyal-soldiers-in-the-dr-congo
youtu.be/se6Y2o3OqJQ?t=2 shows what could actually be outside of his real window.
The best place to get answers to programming questions as of 2019. Google into Stack Overflow is always the best bet.
An overview of Ciro Santilli's Stack Overflow contribution can be found at: Ciro Santilli's Stack Overflow contributions.
Stack Overflow in a nutshell
. Source. As the "WTF look at my points" guy, Ciro Santilli approves of this meme. A few more elements could be added, notably deletion of the last link-only answer, but good enough.
By the profile image, the "Grammar Nazi" editor is actually appropriately the notorious serial editor Peter Mortensen. Ciro Santilli welcomes grammar fixes, but more subjective style fixes can be a bit annoying.
Catching mice by Nakanoart
. Possible non-canonical source: twitter.com/nixcraft/status/1376023938749190147How stack overflow hires meme using Welcome Aboard! meme template
. Source. Because when this gets converted to a OurBigBook.com page, it will be easier for people to copy paragraphs/fork and write a canonical page about Ciro.
What do you do when creating a pull request? Do you say "I", which is not true because Ciro did not say that, or do you say "John Doe thinks" bla bla?
And because his name is awesome! :-) Just kidding.
This became a micro-meme in 4chan:Correction: cirosantilli.com is not Ciro Santili's resume. It is your life.
- 2020-09-21 archive.vn/wip/Zz7fx (original) "ITT: weird sites you found by accident" a comment reads:
cirosantilli.com/ this is some guys resume who repeats his own name well over 1,000 times.
- 2020-04-30 archive.is/LgDbK (original) "Interesting Website thread" a comment reads:cirosantilli.com/ What is even this?"a guy who says his name over 500 times in his resume."