5660d06bd69326c18ec63127b37fb3b32ea763c3846b3334c51beb6a800c57d3 Updated 2025-03-25 +Created 1970-01-01
In this malformed Coinbase transaction, the mining pool "nicehash" produced a provably unspendable Bitcoin output script due to a bug, and therefore lost most of the entire block reward of 6.25 BTC then worth about $ 123,000.
The output is unspendable because it ends in a constant 0, the disassembly of the first and main output is this series of constants:and for the second smaller one:the third one being an OP_RETURN message.
0 017fed86bba5f31f955f8b316c7fb9bd45cb6cbc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
aa21a9ed62ec16bf1a388c7884e9778ddb0e26c0bf982dada47aaa5952347c0993da 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
This event received some coverage:
There are a few dozen ASCII arts in the blockchain.
ASCII porn is listed at Section "ASCII porn".
Almost all of them are copy pastes of stuff present elsewhere, or boring high resolution ones auto-generated from images. But hey, it's still fun to see.
- block 229417 (2013-04-03) has a cute one liner sword miner message by HHTT:
- 5acc5293506c65d346d6ca171d8e8b73b39b3f99fb16a98cc7f3ce9dbe27a87c (2014-03-10) goes straight to the point:
+----+ |fuck| +----+
- tx 9f17f3ce43019c24baa6d679edfdddeada856f617cd9c1f6008d49be4542b768, block 301412 (2014-05-18) TODO wft, what/who is "poutine". Cthulhu is of course the fictional (?) entity created by writer H. P. Lovecraft.There were a few small donations: www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/BTC/1JsJs5d6E5SmJSGUiQ12uF1GDZxTCUWvf
_--------. / ~~~~~~\ p o u t i n e (_ ~~~@~~@| Cthulhu wants your bitcoin/dogecoin, plz donate \ ~~//|\\\ | \ \|||/\\\_/ / /|//_/|/__ BTC : 1JsJs5d6E5SmJSGUiQ12uF1GDZxTCUWvf / \_\ \|\| DOGE: D93mn1utTc7REQQPjQSjFf9Boupm32gw88
- tx 7b537ad012439c6306dd74e13ba9c20926d68d04fc0c6da2fc81a8eb8f9ea017, block 322917 (2014-09-28) via cryptograffiti.info: hello, it's the Internet:
/\_/\ ____/ o o \ /~____ = = / (______)__m_m)
Figure 1. ASCII art of the Winklevoss twins. tx 09a5d5aaecdce1757e6ec713cc8a2201abca9acdb6fbadc7760e831cdad3d680 (2014-10-01) high resolution image of two men wearing a suit with the bitcoin logo on the background, followed by "if you like it, leave a tip: 1MDBHLGV7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9w". Both men look quite similar, so quite likely it's the Winklevoss twins, who had a big and later catastrophic involvement with Bitcoin. The tip address appears to be cropped and is incorrect, ooops. 777db7bfbea2c525d5adb05a8fbf47736e2311492f4614e5d38ab199b4bbfac2 give the likely correct version of it "1MDBHLgv7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9wviC".- tx e577e60f4008a00175ef3f3266f052949440009b2ac65e4957da114db29bf96d (2014-11-03)
. Possibly this Twitter account: twitter.com/jamesmorgan but it was suspended as of January 2024. It had only a single archive from 2008 at: web.archive.org/web/20081007152024/http://twitter.com/JamesMorgan but nothing special about it besides the 2008 vibe of Twitter CSS:_____ __ / ___ \ |__|____ _____ ____ ______ ____ _____ ___________ _________ ____ / / ._\ \ | \__ \ / \_/ __ \ / ___// ___\ / \ / _ \_ __ \/ ___\__ \ / \ < \_____/ | |/ __ \| Y Y \ ___/ \___ \/ /_/ > Y Y ( <_> ) | \/ /_/ > __ \| | \ \_____\/\__| (____ /__|_| /\___ >____ >___ /|__|_| /\____/|__| \___ (____ /___| / \______| \/ \/ \/ \/_____/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/
Figure 2. . (2014-10-12). Associated text: Portrait of a young man. TODO identify. 1MDBHLgv7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9wviC was tipped twice so far: www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/1MDBHLgv7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9wviC for 0.00240 BTC and 0.02490000 BTC in 2014.if you like it, leave a tip: 1MDBHLgv7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9wviC
- tx c6df8850871fce6c8764af2a0a4155241fc987db57abd8c9ead0165895e1ccc4 (2014-11-04): TODO what company is this the logo of? It seems very familiar, Ciro Santilli has certainly seen it before but can't remember where...:
`-:+syhhhhhhyo/-. ./sdmmmmmmmmmmmmmmddy/.` :sdmmmmmdddddhhysyhhddddho-` -ydmmmmddddddddddhhyso++yhddh/`` +dmmmdddddddyso++/++shdy+:/+ydho`` +dmmdddddhhy:`` ./sh/.-/yhho` -dmmdddhhhy/` `/y/`./yho- .hmddddhhhs: :h.`::/-:` ydmmmdhhhy` s+ .` `.- ymmmmdhhh+ /o @R*. /mmmmdhhhs` .. `hmmmdhhhh/ ommmdddhhh- .hmmmddhhhh+-` .hmmmmddhhhhso+:----:+o+/:- :smmmmdddhhhhhhhhhhhhdddhh/ ` -sdmmmmddddddddddddddmmmd- .odmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmd:` .-:odhmmmmmNNNNmdo/. ``-sooosyho`` -JGM
The Hashling /\|--|/\ /\|OO|/\ /\|--|/\ @BraveTheWorld @petertoddbtc
Code 1.The Hashling."The Hashling" presumably refers to a cute fictional crab-like animal that somehow inhabits the alternate reality created Blockchain network's incredible hashrate. Yet another soulless NFT collection would later be created with that name as well: magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/hashlings.But that is not all! Immediately after the ASCII art encoded as one constant, the remaining constants of the input script except for the last one encode a raw PNG image with a hand drawing of the creature:The last constant is then the only thing that matters and spends the incoming output.The ASCII art and image are also inscribed 16 more times on the blockchain: github.com/cirosantilli/bitcoin-inscription-indexer/blob/master/data/hashling. 453c9511ca76361c8c44b4302ce1b5d8d5c98a938b548478ef931baaa7d70e62 also has the image without any ASCII strings.Peter Todd is the author of Peter Todd's hash collision puzzles.@BraveTheWorld
is presumably twitter.com/BraveTheWorld, but it is less clear what are they.- tx 57a4edce05dee9012ff5991532e9aa02aef82ee8d3ebecb9f833c12bfbc708fe (2014-12-19) via cryptograffiti.info "MERRY CHRISTMAS! & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" with a really ugly father Christmas with gift bag. Reproduced at: asciiart.website/index.php?art=holiday/christmas/santa where is is credited From:
Heather Classen <classen@aware.com>
, Date: 22 Dec 1994 17:00:58 -0600MERRY CHRISTMAS! __ _ __ ___ & _ __'.:;.:;.:;.:` HAPPY NEW YEAR! _'.:;.:;.:;.:;.:;.:` '.:. , :`,.,`;'/`__ _` _ '..:;.;'.:,.;.:;\ (_) -__ --_-_-_-__---_-) ( ) ____ (_- -__-_-__-____-__-) /####\ /\ | ,~~~' `~~~. %@ |#####\#| ) ><@> <@>< %@% |#######| / / %@p \######| ( * (_c) * ) % % .vvvvvvvv. |#####| \ '%@%@%@%@`, %@%@ .vvvvvvvvvv. /#####\ _ _ d%@ `----' @%@%@ \ _ _ _.vvvvvvvvvvvvv. ~~~~~~~ ':;.;%@@%@%@%@%@%@@%p /.:;.:;vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. `.:;.' ':;.;%@@%@%@@%@%@%@%@ :: ____vvmvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. :.:;.:` ':;.:d%@%@%@%@%@%@@%@%.:;/####\/\.:;\mvvvvvvvvvvvv :.:;.:;` ';.;;.%@%@@%@%@@%@%@%@p.:;|#####\#|.:;\mvvvvvvvvvvvv. :.:;.:;./;.;;.;%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ ::.'\######|.:;\mnvvvvvvvvvvvv :.:;.:;.|:.;.;.% %@%@%@%@%@% % : mvv\#####|.:;.\mnvvvvvvvvvvv :.:;.:;/:;.;.:;.q%@%@@%@%@ %p.:;vv%mv|#####\.:;.\mnvvvvvvvvvv :.:;.:;|:;.:;.;;;%@%@@% %.:;.:;.vmnv. ~~~~~~ .:;.|mvvvvvvvvvv. :.:;.:/.:;.:;.:;.: o .:;.:;.:;.vv.:;/.:;.:;\.:;.|mnvvvvvvvvv. `.:;.|:;.:;;;.:;. .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;|.:;.:;.\.:;\mnvvvvvvvv. `::/:;;;.:;;.:; o .:;.;;.:;;;.:;.:|.:;.:;.:\.:;\mnvvvvvnm ;.:;;.:;;.: :;;;.:;.:;.:;.:;\.:;.:;.:;.:;|mnvvvnm. :::;.:;.:;. o ..:;.:;.:;;;;.;;;;\.:;.:;.:;.:|mnvvnm. :::;.:;;.: .:;;;;;;;;.:;.:;;;|.:;.:;.:;./mmvnm. ;.:;.:;.;. o .:;.;.:;;.:;.:;.:;.\________/mmmnm. :.:;;;.;;; .:;;.:;.:;;.:;.:;.:;.;.:;;;;`mmnn `#######HHOHHH########################### #######HHOHHH########################### '::;;;.;; o :;;;.:;.:;;.;;;;;;;;;;;.:;.:` H.Classen
- tx 69708943906eb32a320a5a450fed450b0f14b4e475a98bc74615962b68a0bc83 (2015-01-24) via cryptograffiti.info "All Glory to he HYPNO TOAD" signed "SSt" has an ASCII art of HypnoToad, a ficticius mind controlling frog creature from Futurama: Fandom, KnowYourMeme. The same ASCII art can be seen for example at: www.gotfuturama.com/Multimedia/AsciiArt/HypnoSebastian.shtml
,'``.._ ,'``. :,--._:)\,:,._,.: All Glory to :`--,'' :`...';\ the HYPNO TOAD! `,' `---' `. / : / \ ,' :\.___,-. `...,---'``````-..._ |: \ ( ) ;: ) \ _,-. `. ( // `' \ : `.// ) ) , ; ,-|`. _,'/ ) ) ,' ,' ( :`.`-..____..=:.-': . _,' ,' `,'\ ``--....-)=' `._, \ ,') _ '``._ _.-/ _ `. (_) / )' ; / \ \`-.' `--( `-:`. `' ___..' _,-' |/ `.) `-. `.`.``-----``--, .' |/`.\`' ,','); SSt ` (/ (/
- tx 0913d8125167f728cec1b95d27e6fc62a7a45af35eecfefd3b5000e367ee1468 (2015-02-01) via cryptograffiti.info: ASCII typeface add for an unsuccesful cryptocurrency with a link to its homepage zeit-coin.net:
_ _ _ (_) | (_) _______ _| |_ ___ ___ _ _ __ |_ / _ \ | __/ __/ _ \| | '_ \ / / __/ | || (_| (_) | | | | | /___\___|_|\__\___\___/|_|_| |_| http://zeit-coin.net
- tx 43b0bb63fc50ad1edbb17486dc44825e4dd642a952c699cc13958e010ba3d8a5 (2015-02-26) has a star of David. Possibly related news from the day prior: www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/25/jewish-leaders-europe-legislation-outlawing-antisemitism "Jewish leaders call for Europe-wide legislation outlawing antisemitism"The signature however appears ironic and could stand for "Zionist Occupation Government"
/\ / \ / /\ \ ________/ /__\_\________ \ ____/ /___________ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \/ / \ \/ / \ \/ \ \/ /\ \ /\ \ / /\ \ / /\ \ / /__\_\______/ /__\ \ /_____________/ /______\ \ \ / / \ \/ / \ / \/ HELLO FROM ZOG
Code 2.Muy feliz cumple Manu!tx 00d8871c1b3fb85912616bb2602b5a9869a345d9fa092f8454614c6158c83d10 (2015-04-08)which means: "Happy birthday, Manu", in Spanish, followed by Manu's face in medium resolutionMuy feliz cumple Manu! ---- The Fantastic Four Gang :-D
The given names of the other three of the "Fantastic Four Gang" are then given at Figure 4. "Viva la Revolucion! Happy Birthday Santi".Figure 4. Viva la Revolucion! Happy Birthday Santi.tx 1b35d4b9506ab80ec7fc5542f73271cbb72090aa3f70bfa77670f8bd43d072a7, block 378022, 2015-10-08) has a message:and starts a long chain of contiguous transactions that renders Santi's face twice in low resolution. They are encoded one line every two transactions with OP_RETURN:Viva la Revolucion! Happy Birthday Santi! Manu, Santi, Demi, Esteban
and we've decoded it manually in Vim.- first face: 1890addb8afaeb7eabfa9f0fe9bb3ab0bdfdbe939e407618d6e335d6fc3d376f to f06ae6f454dfb064088f87f0684a5a541374ae573e6a6323196facad53f992cb (both in block 278022)
- second face: cacf8b730bd299bf48f7eab2703dce2132ee6216bccd4d01f14493f5a12da6ba to ad5e4afdcf4b415a867ba5ae9171d5101042b2eee9a7d211906f468217ba6ef7 (both in block 378023)
Both blocks were mined by AntPool, so they weren't mining themselves to enforce ordering. So how is ordering assured? TODO are transactions actually contiguous in the block or are there other transactions interspersed? According to:many of the transactions are contiguous but we haven't checked all of them.bitcoin-core.cli getblock 00000000000000000baf6e3006fd05a1c5dbca3d430012180f8098cbe8b8ce22
Figure 5. Warren Buffet.tx 0fc0c50e410b62ee3a316135711116db6b4e728841c976f29ab85e2a41e0dcc3 (2015-08-02) Associated message:1P675gRxNwhFXgfuDu5yXwGDgwLDbXNJqz was never tipped so far: www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/1P675gRxNwhFXgfuDu5yXwGDgwLDbXNJqz TODO what is "BM-2cUDAqyqcnksx7YDtgu2y72xDxcRjPeYfo"?if you like it, leave a tip: 1P675gRxNwhFXgfuDu5yXwGDgwLDbXNJqz BM-2cUDAqyqcnksx7YDtgu2y72xDxcRjPeYfo
This image was likely inscribed due to Buffet's general status as an investing God. Interestingly, in a twist of fate, Buffer would later come to strongly criticize cryptocurrency as worthless: finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffett-says-wouldnt-pay-175917403.html.Figure 7. . tx 467c075ee6edaa60f184d0683655f1f6d267efd98061872f167ef7ca9ca7c50f (2015-08-09). The eyebrows are a bit wrong, and he is a bit too young for the original series. Minor manual fixes were applied by Ciro Santilli, it is unknown why this was needed. - tx beeead7429cdb78f3bfe8a17d8e485a3a847b3e99a511a025bb49e2948af5058, block 378735 (2015-10-13) contains a happy birthday message:the Spanish part translates to:
To my dear friend Mariano, por muchos anos más de diversión!
It does not show well in our ASCII jumps because the non ASCII characters are UTF-8-encoded. Europeans... This is followed by the ASCII art with Marian's nerdy face in it:Here's to many more years of fun
which reads:_______ _______ ____ ___ _______ _______ __ __ __ __ _______ ___ _______ | || || | | | | | | || | | || |_| || || | | | | ___|| ___|| | | | |____ | | || | | || || _ || | | ___| | |___ | |___ | | | | ____| | | || |_| || || |_| || | | |___ | ___|| ___|| |___ | | | ______| | _|| || || ___|| |___ | ___| | | | |___ | || | | |_____ | |_ | || ||_|| || | | || |___ |___| |_______||_______||___| |_______| |_______||_______||_| |_||___| |_______||_______| `````` ``..---------------...`` `.--------------------------.` .-------------------------------.` .----------------------------------` `------------------------------------` .------------------------------------. ------------:+yo------+yo:-----------. ---------/shhs+:------:+shhs+--------. ``--------so$/:--------------:/os--------`` `.-------------/oso:------:ooo/--------------` .------------:ho:-:ohsssshs:--+h:------------. .------------so-----y+--/h-----+y------------. .-----------:-:h+--:oh----ys:--+h/-----------. .-------------/ooo/------:ooo+--------------.` `..------------------------------------..` .----------------------------------. `-----------.```....```.-----------` .------------.``````.------------` `-----------------------------.` `.-----------------------..` ``....----------....`` __ __ _______ ______ ___ _______ __ _ __ __ __ | |_| || _ || _ | | | | _ || | | || | | | | | | || |_| || | || | | | |_| || |_| || | | | | | | || || |_||_ | | | || || | | | | | | || || __ || | | || _ ||__| |__| |__| | ||_|| || _ || | | || | | _ || | | | __ __ __ |_| |_||__| |__||___| |_||___| |__| |__||_| |__||__| |__| |__|
which means:Feliz cumple, Marian
The message is encoded with OP_RETURN payloads across multiple transactions, 40 bytes per transaction. They actually managed to upload two almost fully consecutive transaction blocks and in the correct order. Could they be miners?Happy Birthday, Marian
Some of the payloads contain newlines, you are just supposed to paste all payloads together to form the image. Our reconstruction here is manual however, lazy to script it properly. - tx f6039915b829377849be87fc242303873e6574528db7916dd81ff44141b3560f (2016-04-27) via cryptograffiti.info contains some candles followed by poem that starts with:Is in Dutch of course, literally:
vaardig regulerend de orde van de dag
Given the date and language, it appears to be a reference to Koningsdag, Dutch national holiday that celebrated the birthday of their King at the time, King Willem-Alexander. Born in 1956, he would have been turning 60 at the time, so a nice round number in 2016 when these birthday candles were inscribed.skillfully regulating the order of the day
The poem also appears at: 2422215c9a6040c0e337bf1c1e9b2b32244a1e36f3dd3e79fb77592c90bbb5a8.) ` /(l /) ( \ / ( ) * ) ( , ) \#/ \#' .-"#'-. .-"#"=, ( |"-.='| '|"-,-"| )\ | | , /(| | /( , ( / )| | (\ ( \ | ) ) (( )\ ( (| | ) ) ) , ) |/ ( ) \ / ) ) . ) |/ ( ( # ( ( , ) / ) ( * ( \#/| (`# ) `#/| |`#/ ( '( \#/ .-"#'-. .-"#'-, .-"#'-. .-=#"-; `#/ .-"#'-. |"=,-"| |"-.-"|) 1"-.-"| |"-.-"| ,-"#"-. |"-.-"| | ! | | | | | | ! |"-.-"| | | | |._,| | | |._,| a | | | | | | | | | | | p | | | | | | | | | | | x | | '-._,-' '-._,-' '-._,-' '-._,-' '-._,-" '-._,-'
- tx a55e7587bb34a56ae1113b0848506ea2fcf0c0e1af8c241e76677eb2bcb727eb (2016-04-27) via cryptograffiti.infoThe image is also reproduced a bit later at tx 959a19729ca02b1e06e600a331d7f4603669a7eaaa20b5cfb9f3528e3005a8f2, block 410357 www.blockchain.com/explorer/blocks/btc/410357 (2016-05-05). This second one includes the lyrics:
/y _, _ _ ,_ o888P Y8o8Y Y888o. d88888 88888 88888b ,8888888b_ _d88888b_ _d8888888, 888888888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888 Y8888P"Y888P"Y888P-Y888P"Y88888' Y888 '8' Y8P '8' 888Y '8o V o8' ` `
translation;Denk niet wit, denk niet zwart.
Denk niet zwart-wit
Maar alleen aan de kleur van je hart.of the 1984 song "Zwart Wit" (Black and white) by Dutch artist Frank Boeijen, sample performance by the artist:Don't think white, don't think black.
Don't think black and white
But only by the color of your heart. - tx 15fb36eb159d2bbc78a4a4dffc29d166e662a020f42211c176648015102cbf77, block 410366 (2016-05-05) via cryptograffiti.info has a cute "ASCII art poem" if you will:57bc317de1d9a1724b751a008951f76c79c0b787d47cb7561598cc62994237ab has a related one.
#################### Transhumanism and### singularity are lies and tricks. Don't### let them brainwash U and become enslaved# to Mr. Computer##### It's not intelligent #################### The Angels Trumpet## lures to takes away# your free will###### You loose emotions,# CREATIVITY, sanity## and true INNOVATION# You have been warned #################### Humans are not tools to abuse and discard They have never been and they'll never be #################### Love & cherish life# Don't give up ur <3! #################### Pray for the Victims Send them love###### Heal Mr.Computer too ####################
- tx e10c958e199daf71ab31342d40e188380fe84f07abee6a11d02c274d5431902a (2016-05-26) via cryptograffiti.info ASCII typeface spelling "CrimsonHexagon"The URL redirect is dead as of January 2024. Possible meaning: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimson_Hexagon
_________ .__ ___ ___ \_ ___ \_______|__| _____ __________ ____ / | \ ____ ___ ________ ____ ____ ____ / \ \/\_ __ \ |/ \ / ___/ _ \ / \/ ~ \_/ __ \\ \/ /\__ \ / ___\ / _ \ / \ \ \____| | \/ | Y Y \\___ ( <_> ) | \ Y /\ ___/ > < / __ \_/ /_/ > <_> ) | \ \______ /|__| |__|__|_| /____ >____/|___| /\___|_ / \___ >__/\_ \(____ /\___ / \____/|___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \//_____/ \/ http://smarturl.it/spacetransient
Figure 8. I Love You Forever. tx ddc39a3da0ee6f0651bdf0be7119b4db2612b19416e9128091b1f29cdfe2aa0d (2016-06-20) via cryptograffiti.info. Busts of a man and a woman looking forward............................................................ ....................................... ........................................................?$OOZZOZ:. ................................. ......................................................?8I~,....,,=,................................. .... .................................................8~~~:::,,,,,~=................................ ~~::,.................................................==~~~:,,,,:,:I=............................... ::~~~::,,............................................:=====$8D+:~:~$7+ ............................. ,,,:::~~~::,... .....................................:IDD8DI$Z7$?=?$7+.............................. ,,,,,,,,::~~::,,....................................8?$Z$N:++?+=~~~~?~.............................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,::~~::,,.. .............................. =+D=,:=7+~:::=~=~............................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,:::::,,...............................+?7OIO8ZZ?~~+7+~,............................. ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,..,,:::::,,.. ........................?$NDD$ZODD=+?II,.............................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,....,,,::::,,... ..................,+8N$I$IZZOI$7I+O.............................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,........,,,::::,,....................$8DD8O7?78OZ$I+,.............................. ,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,..............,,::::,,................ .D88ZZOZOOO$I+~+.............................. ,,,,,.,,,,,.,..............................,............888D8O8Z?+==~:.............................: ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.............................,..............?$OI?+++=+....$+.....................::::: ...........,,,.................... .......................??+??++??..,.D8O$Z?..............,:::::::: ...........,,,...........................................IM7I??II+..,.ND8D88ZZ$Z$7......:::::::::::: ,,,,........................... ......................?7,D77$77I?7O,.DDND8888888.....:::::::::::::~: ,,,,,... ...................... ..................~ZOZ8.DN7?++Z?+IM=NNNDD88NDDN..,.....:::::,:~~:,,, ,,,,,,,..........................................O88NDDDNN+~=~==+NMMNNDDDNNNDD=,........,:~~,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,.........................................$DDDDNNNNNI~~7~=MNNNNDNNNNNDD8,..,,......,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,:,... .. ..................................8DNNDDNNNNN::,?NNMNNNNNDDNNND7.:..,,......,,,,,,,,,, ,,::::,... .....................................DDDNNNDNNNN7,DNNNNNNNNNNNNDDD=,~,,,,,.......,,.,,,,, ::::::,........................................,DNNNNNNNNNNNDMNNNNNNNNNNNNNND,,,.,,,,.......,,,,,,,, ::::::,........................ ......... .....,NNNNNNNNMNNDMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNMN,,,,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,, ::::::,.....,..................................+NNNNNNMMMMDNMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMN~=,,,,,,.,.....,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,..................... ................:~NNNNNNNDNMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMD?,,,,,,,.......,,,,,, .....,,,....,................ ................::NDDNNNNNNMNNNMNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMM::,::,,.....,,,,,,,, .....,,,.....................................,::~NNNNNNMMNNNMNMNMNMMMMMNNMNNNNMM~:::::,,,....,,,,,,, ~~~~~~=:..................................,::,:::=NNNNMMMDNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNMM?~:::::,,,....,,,,,, ?+????I~..............................,:::::::~~~~DNNMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~~:::,,,,...,,,,,,, ???????:...........................,::::::::::~~~~?DMMMMMN8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~=:~:~,,,....,,,,,, +++++++:...,.,,..,,,,..,,,......:::::::::::,:~~~~=~OMMNNMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMZ==~~:::,....,,,,,, +++++++:.,..................,:::::::::::,~~:,~~=~+~7MMNMMNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMM?++~~~::,...,,,,,, ++++++=:.................,::::::::::,:~~:,,,.~~=~+=DMNNMNMNMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMO+=:=~~~:,..,,,,,, +===+==:.... .........:::::::::::,:=~:,,,,...:===+=DNNNMDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNMMMMMM7=+?=:~,::,,,,,,, ====+==:,:,,,,,,,,,:::~::::::::~=::,,,,,.....~~++???NNNNDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMMI?=:~~~:.,.,,,,, ====+===~::::::~::::::::::::~=::,,,,.........:~??77$NMNMNDNMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNMMMMM$$I+,~:::::,,,,, =======~~::::~~~~:::::::~=~:,,,,,,,..........:~=++7ZNNNMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMNNI~=,:,.....,,,, =======~::~~~~~~~~:::~=~:,,,,,,,...,.........=+~+?ZONNNMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMD~~,,:,,:,:,,,,, =====~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~:,,,,,,,,,,,...........,:~=+IZONNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMMD~:~~::,..,,,,,, Dr. Bill Maurer Economic anthropologist
Code 3.ASCII art of Dr. Bill Maurer.tx 06d2528cfabf360c7a8f925d84207d47612cd0ac1ad2efd8aea9758263d9738b (2016-07-13) via cryptograffiti.info entitled:His university home page faculty.sites.uci.edu/wmmaurer/ describes himself as:Dr. Bill Maurer
Economic anthropologistHis Wikipedia page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Maurer.Professor Maurer is a cultural anthropologist and sociolegal scholar. His work explores the technological infrastructures and social relations of exchange and payment.
Figure 9. Photograph of Dr. Bill Maurer. Source. Off-chain reference image for the ASCII art taken from his university home page: web.archive.org/web/20231109222608/https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/wmmaurer/- tx e35a9a198b77ece71272b66f94f9329184c6e4ee48e9e768e54ee8caf5d471fb, block 425758 (2016-08-18) via cryptograffiti.info has a dark one:which reads:
killyour children setthemz free.il+ 6(\___/) 6( O_O ) 6 `---`% evlbunny here)to@ rule^you
Kill your children, set them free. 666. Evil bunny here to rule you.
- tx eede99ab9b50aa5871fcb4b1d0d1a22ac2fa94b08172b1fa677f0b200e96f84a blk 437669 (2016-11-06):
__ / __ / * `' \ \ / ._,.__, APPLE BAKE '16
Code 4.Study Math and Computer Science at Augustana College.tx 9caaa9f8d0e170bf6d73a722e9bb2e7e0d37577476d485bd3eeac09866f26345, block 440620 (2016-11-26). Input script inscription.Contains ASCII art of a large letter A. Has some custom encoding we didn't have the time to investigate which makes it deformed in our dumps, so we fixed it manually. The associated message reads:and so we understand that the ASCII art is formatted to look like the font of the logo of that university from Illinois.!Study Math and Computer Science at Augustana College!
Figure 10. "Augie A". Source. Off-chain reference image for the inscribed Code 4. "Study Math and Computer Science at Augustana College" typeface logo taken from the Augustana College website.Data Insertion in Bitcoin's Blockchain by Andrew Sward, Vecna OP_0 and Forrest Stonedahl is a paper published by some people of the university, presumably the culprits. This was brought to our attention via: twitter.com/ottosch_/status/1735297943563837726.See also: Figure "Augustana College Old-Main.jpg".- tx 12fba831eb6de8eb944e80e42c78d29cf05a833831a335a5711a4b61cf90802e (2018-04-06)Found by Messages from the mines.
Grishchuk Roman_____ Pavlovich___________ ________AND_________ Gres Anna Leonidovna Married 01/04/2015__ ==================== =====++++==++++===== ====++===++===++==== ===++====++====++=== ===++==========++=== ====++========++==== =====++======++===== ======++====++====== =======++==++======= ========++++======== =========++=========
- tx fd739c26276ea81fea8210939d527fccd7c9622f93aa17d18ee0bd5321387fde, block 517406 (2018-04-09) contains the first line of an ad from American stockbroker company TD Ameritrade. It is encoded one line per transaction with OP_RETURN, but the ordering is completely scrambled. A link is given: TDAmeritrade.com/Blockchain but it is 404 as of January 2024 of course, companies can't keep their pages up for more than 3 seconds, but there is an archive which decodes the indented picture for us, including the corresponding tx hashes for each line web.archive.org/web/20180902001329/https://www.tdameritrade.com/landing-pages/offer/blockchain/index.html?cid=TVTDACDDRTVJ64, here is a copy from the website because we were lazy to double check each line:
.............See the full picture at TDAmeritrade.com/Blockchain................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ .......................................................................^V^...... ........XXX......................................................^V^............ .......XXXXX.................................................................... ........XXX=====================................................................ ........| | ....................\\.............................................. ........| | .......................\\=========================.................. ........| | ..................................................\\................ ........| | ...................................................\\==========..... ........| | ...............................................................\\... ........| | ................................................................||.. ........| |.................................................................||.. ........| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................................||.. ........| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................................||.. ........| | X| .........\XX ....@ ..................* ..@ ..........@ ......||.. ........| | XXX| @ XXX\ XX @ @ @/@@@ @@ @/@ @ @@@ @/@ @@ @@@ .@@ ..||.. ........| | XXX| @ XXXX| XX @@@@@ @ @ @ @ / @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ / ..||.. ........| | XXX| @ XXX/ XX @@ @@ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @, @ @@ @@@ @@@ ||.. ........| | XXX| @ /XX ................................................||.. ........| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................................||.. ........| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................................||.. ........| | ................................................................||.. ........| | ................................................................||.. ........| | ................................................................||.. ........| | ................................................................||.. ........| | ................................................................||.. ........| | ................................................................||.. ........| |===================== ...........................................||.. ........| |.....................\\========== ...............................||.. ........| |.................................\\==============================//.. ........| |..................................................................... ........| |.....................................((((())))....................... ........| |...................................((((((())))).(((())))............. ........___..................................(((((((())))))(((()))))............ ......./___)................................((((((((()))))((((())))))).......... ....../ | |..................................(((((((((((())))))))))))).......... _____ ..| ( )................................................................... ........| ( )................................................................... | ( )..............(().(().............................................. _____\__| ( )............((((())))))............................................ ........| |.............((((((())))))).......................................... ........| |..................................................................... ........| |..................................................................... ....MMMM| |MMMMM................................................................ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMM.............................................................. MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMM...................................$..................... MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............................$$$$$$$.................. MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....................$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$............. MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......... MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM......$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.... MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$ MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$ \\\\\\\\| |\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\| |\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. copyright 2018 TD Ameritrade \\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- tx eda919b0a61b91c1fb030e6af314dfe5aaa6198416bfdaf8599d7f1a80c5d614, block 526446 (2018-06-07) starts an ASCII art spread across several transactions on different lines. Lines are completely scrambled, so either there is an index somewhere, or it was meant as a puzzle. This is the best we've managed to unscramble so far:At firs we thought it was some kind of tribute to the Cannes Film Festival, but given the string "Titanium" and the fact that all people mentioned on another section of the art work for advertisement companies, we understand that it is instead almost certainly about the "Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity", previously "International Advertising Festival", which has a "titanium" prize category, e.g. as mentioned at: www.thedrum.com/news/2018/06/22/cannes-lions-winners-titanium-glass-grand-prix-good-and-more:
................................................................................ ..............................@(..@@@@@@%@@,.@@@@@@@............................ ........................@@@@..@@@@@(..@@@@@@@(.@@@@@@..@@@@@@@.@@@@..@.......... ......................@.@@@@..,..........@@@@@@...@@@#..@@@@@@@..@@@.@@@........ ....................@@@.@@@@..@....../......@@@@&..@@@..@@@@@@@@.@@@@.@@@....... ...................@@@..@@@...@..&@..@@........@@@%@@@..@@@@@@@@..@@@@@@@@...... ...................@@..@@@..../&.@@@@@@@........@@@@@@..@@@@@@@..,@@@@@@@....... ..................@@..@@@@....@..@.@@.@@@.......@@@@@@.@@@@@@@...@@@@@@@........ ..................@@..@@@@...@........@@@@......@@@@@@@@@@@@@..@@@@@@@@......... ...................@@@#.@@@@.,...................@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@........... ....................@@@@.@@@@.@@............@.@@@&.....@@@@@@@@@@@@@............ .....................@@@..@@@@.@@@........@.@@@.@@@@@@@@@,..@@@@@@@@............ .....................@@@@...@@..@@@......@@@.@@@@@..@@@@@@@@..@@@@@............. .....................#@@@@@..@@..@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@..@@@@@@@.(@@@.............. ......................@@@@@@@@@...@@@@@@@@..@@@@@@@@@..@@@@@..@@@............... ........................@@@@@@@@@........@@@@@@@@@@@..@@@@..@@.................. ...........................@......%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.................... ...............................@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@........................ ..............................@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@......@@@........................ ..............................@@@@.....@@@@@@................................... .............................@......@@@@@@................#@@@@@@@@@@@.......... ..................................@@@@@@...............@@@@@@@.................. ................................@@@@@................@@@@@@@.................... .............................@@@@@.................@@@@@@@...................... ...........................@@@@@.................@@@@@@@........................ ........................*@@@@..............,@@@@@@@@@@@......................... ......................@@@@..........@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@............................ .........@@@@.....@@@@@........*@@@@@@@@@@@@(................................... ........@@@@@@@@@@@.........@@@@@@@@/........................................... ......@..@@@....@@@.......@@@@@@................................................ .....@@@@@.@@#..........@@@@@................................................... ......@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...................................................... ...................................................................===========/. .........................................................==========..........//. ................................................=========..................../.. .........................................=======...........//XX...XXXXXXX...//.. ...................................======.........XX..XXXXXXXXX.XXX........./... .........................=========........XXX....XXX..XXXX.......XXXXXXXXX..\... ...............==========............XXX.XXXXX...XXX..XXXXXXXXX....XXXXXXX..\\.. \=============/..............XXXX....XXX.XXXXXX..XXX..XXX.......XXXX..XXXX...\\. \\..................XXXX.....XXXXXX..XXX.XXX.XXXXXXX..XXX../XXX..XXXXXXX.....\\. .\......XXXXXX......XXXXX....XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX...XXXXX..XXXXXXX................//. .\\...XXX...XXX....XXXXXXX...XXX..XXXXXX.XXX....\XXX....====================/... .\\..XXX..........XXX..XXX...XXX....XXXX.XX=....=======/........................ ../..XXX..........XXXXXXXXX..XXX............===/..######...###...###..####...... .//..XXX....XXX..XXX.....XXX.X......======//......#...##.###.###..##.##..##..... .//...XXXXXXXX..XXX.........======//................###..##...##..##..####...... ./.................=======//......................###....###.###..##.##..##..... /================//..........T.I.T.A.N.I.U.M......######...###....##..####...... ................................................................................ ..................Duncan.Marshall-Founding.Partner-Droga5-USA................... ..................Gail.Heimann-President-Weber.Shandwick-USA.................... ..............Susan.Bonds-Co-Founder.&.CEO-42.Entertainment-GLOBAL.............. .............James.McGrath-Creative.Chairman-Clemenger.BBDO-AUSTRALIA........... ............Fred.Raillard-Founder,.Chief.Creative.Officer-FF-GLOBAL............. ...........Eugene.Cheong-Chief.Creative.Officer-Ogilvy.&.Mather-APAC............ ..........Colleen.DeCourcy-Chief.Creative.Officer-Wieden+Kennedy-GLOBAL......... .......Caitlin.Ryan-Regional.Creative.Director-Facebook.and.Instagram-EMEA...... .......PJ.Pereira-Creative.Chairman.&.Co-Founder-Pereira.O'Dell-GLOBAL.......... .Jason.Xenopolous-Global.Chief.Vision.Officer.&.Chief.Creative.Officer-VML-EMEA.
The part with the at signs '@' which we believe represents the lion is the hardest one and we've perhaps gotten some lines wrong, corrections are welcome.The highly coveted Titanium Lions - created to honor marketing work that doesn't fit neatly into traditional categories
Figure 11. Cannes Lions logo. Source. Off-chain, for ASCII art reference. `...:. `''''';'; '+'''+'''' `'''++++'''' ;'++++';;'++, '+++++';;;''+, '+++++;;;;;++; '++++'';;;;;+': ::::::,,,,,,,,...`+'''';;;'';;;;;` ````````````` ::::::::::::::::::';'''';+++';;';:::::::::::::,,,, :::::::::::::::::::''';;''+'';;';::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::;''++'''';;;''::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::;+++++';'''''+;::::::::::::;::: :::::::::::::::::::::;'+'''''++'';#';::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::'+++''''''+''++'+'+;:::::::::::: :::::;:::::::::::'+++++''++++''++'#++''::::::::::: ;;;;::::::::::::'+###++#'+++'++++'#+#++'';:::::::: ;::;;;;;:::::::'++++++++#+++++++++#+++++++';:::::: ;;;::::;;;:;;;;++++'''''+####+++++##;++++++';:;::: :::;;;;;;;::::+##';''''''###+##++##+;++++++++':;:: :::;;;;::::::;+#+';''''''###++###+#+;###+++++''::: :::::::::::::#+#'''';''''+###+++####;##++++++++':; ;;;;;;:::::;:++++''++'''+####+++++##;#+#++++++++': ;;;;:;:::::::#++'#++++##++#++++++++#'###+++####++; ::::::;;;;;;;+++''''++'+++@+++++++'####+#++#+++++; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+#';'''''+'+##'+++++'+#####+++++#++; ;;;;;;::;:::;:'++'''+''+++##++'+''+#########+++++: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;''++'++'''++##+'+##++#+##+#+++##++++; ;;;;;;;;;;;'''''#++''''++##+###'#######+####++++;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;''''+#++'+++###'#+;'##+####+++#+++++;; ;;;;;;::;;'''''+'+##++++###'#';###+##+####++++++;; ;;;;;;'++'''''++++#++++####'+;+##+###++####++++;;; ;;;;:+++''''++++++#####@###'+;######+#++###++++;;; ;;;';;#+'''+++++++########+'++######+++++++++++;;; ;;;::;'+'+++++++++########''++##+##+++++###++++;;; ;;:+;''+++++++++++#+#####+''#+#+###+++#####+++';;; ;'';;+''+++++++++++######'''+######+++++###+++;;;; ;';;'''+#+++++++++######+'';#++############++#:;;; ;'';''+'++##++++++++####+'''###@########++#++#;;;; ;''''''+@++++#++++++####''+'##############++#;;;;; ;''''''''++++++++++++###''+'##############+##;;;;; ;'''''''''++++++++++++##+'''##############+#+;;;;; ;;;;''''''+###+++####+######################;:;;;; ;;;;+''''''+##############+#################;:;;;;
Code 5. . 2017-05-27 via cryptograffiti.info. A low resolution man and a woman hugging looking forward, signed "B&E April 9". The image /s repeated at: tx 47fafaa96c24d3f204658fb4bec34ab6f18df138084e04535ea60cce8c4e4857 without signature.- tx 79947c26f8abc8d5c2a9b5442005a5426f35f436119b3092f59e6fe3fad80df1, block 530614 (2018-07-05) has this lolcat:
lolcat test |\---/| | o_o | \_^_/0
- tx f8102999c0aaf7681deec383eb8e7946f093e94a116a21e367e9ed6b7c32d1fb (2018-08-23) contains the logo of the GrrCon, an annual cybersecurity conference with message:The actual code appears to be:
Your free GrrCon ticket
a reference to OP_RETURN. It is steganographically encoded diagonally across the skull's eyes. Ciro Santilli only saw this after grepping:OPRETURNISMYFRIEND
which made all nongrep @ data/out/0538.txt
signs stand out due to the terminal's syntax highligh. This image was uploaded one line per transaction with a few interruptions that we removed manually, and there were was a previous partial attempt a bit before: at tx f8102999c0aaf7681deec383eb8e7946f093e94a116a21e367e9ed6b7c32d1fb so either a failure, or maybe it was intentional to obfuscate things a bit.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@YOUR@FREE@GRRCON@TICKET@CODE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@( %@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@& @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@,@. @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ %@@ .&@@@@@@&%@@@@@&&&@@@@@# @@/ /@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@&@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@@& @@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@. .@@@,%&@@P@@@@@(,*&*@@@@@@@@#(#.@ (@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@* @@ @@(@%@@@@@&R@@@@&@@@@@@@&@@@@@@/ @@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@# @@ @@@@@@@@,,@%@E@%@@@@@@@@@@@%@@@@@.@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @.@@@@@,@@@(@,T@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @&@@@@@@/@#@(@&@U@@@@@@@@(@@@@@@., #@@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@* @@ @@@@&@@&@ #@@@R@.@@@@@.@@@@@@@%@@(@@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@ /@@*@@ @@@/N/@,@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@, @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@@@ @@.@I@@,@@@@@@@@ @@@@&@@ @@ @@ @@/ @@ @@@, (#@/S@@@@@@.,@ **@@&,@ @@ @@ @@ @@ %(( @#@@@@M@@@@@&@ #./%&@@* @@ %@ @@ @@ #&&@ @@@@&@@Y@@@@@ &@,@@@.( @@ %@ @@, @@ @@@@@@ *(@@%@@@F&@. @@&%@@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @#@%@/@ @@@*@@@R( @@@&@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@%@@@%%@@@@@@@%%/I@ @@@@, @ @@ @@ @@@. @@ @@@@@@@*@&@@@@# @(@@@@@@@@E@@@@@@@& @@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@&@@(@@@@@@.@# @@@ @@@@N@@@@,@( @@ @@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@*@@&@@*(@ @@@&@@&@@D@@@@& @@ @@@@ @@@@@. @@ @/@,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% @@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@,@@@@ @@ %@@@@@ @@@@@@@, @@/ @&@@(@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ &@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@ #%@(,&,@@@@ @(& @/,@ @@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ /@@ @@&@@@@@,* @@& @@@@@@ .@@. @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @(@@@@@@ @@@ .@(@@, @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ &@@@ @@@# @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ , . @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @# @ *, @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@& @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Code 6.Your free GrrCon ticket.Without@
s to better highlight the code:YOUR FREE GRRCON TICKET CODE , * % . * , ( % & , . % .& &% &&& # / / & O ( & . . ,%& P (,*&* #(#. ( * ( % &R & & / # ,, % E % % . . , ( ,T & / # ( & U ( ., # * & & # R . . % ( / * /N/ , , . I , & / , (# /S ., ** &, %(( # M & #./%& * % #&& & Y & , .( % , *( % F& . &% # % / * R( & % %% %%/I , . * & # ( E & & ( . # N , ( * & *( & & D & . / , % , % , / & ( & #% (,&, (& /, / & ,* & . . ( . ( , & # # . , . # *, &
Figure 12. GrrCON logo. Off-chain ASCII art reference. .,:x, .. ..; 'll' .;c;,.. ...'...::;;':coc.'o0xxxO00Ox;l:,',l.,;,,;c :'x;.'':::c;,..::,;ddddl:;'. .':.'...,;:c,:,:.:''0kkk0000k'. .l,,:;;c: c'kcckOOkxdl:;:clokOOkkxdolc:,..;..,';';cc:;c:l.'..xkxxOO0Ox'...,:ldc:.''. ...c:xOKKKKKOxocodxOKKKK00Okddl::;'. ..;'''cl.'ldxxdlcolddddoll:,;;',,d:;'... .. cxOKXNNXXOxkxk0KKOOO00OOkxdolcc;,'. ,'..'ooOKKOkolk00000OkkkOkdl:'.c''..., :0XNNNNXO00KKKKK000kdk0OOOOOOxoc;,:'...;dKKXKKOxok0XXXXXKKXXKK0kxlccc'.,,' lOOXXNNXKKKKK0OkxdkOKOox00KXXNNXXKOdl',dKKKKKKK0kxxOXXNXX0OxlcllodkOkxc';;: cKO0XNNX0kddolccc::cldxxdOKXXXNNNNXOkxoNNNNNNNNNXK0Oxxkkxoc:;,,'...':x0Oc,,; .'0KKKXKOdlcc:::::::;;::cccclloxOKXNNNOxKWWWWNNNNKOxdoocc:::;;;,,'... .ckOl'; .dKXK0Kklcccc::::::::::;;;;;;,,,:ld0XNXXXWWWNNNKxolcc::::::;;;,,'... ;xOc 0KKO0klc:::::::::::::::;;;,,...,:coOXXXNWWWNXOdlllcccc::::;;;;,,,''..... ,kx; ,KXKKOdcc:::::;;;;::::;;;,''...',;:cxKNXWWWNXOxdoollcc:::::::::::clxkkdlc;..o, lXXKOolcc::::::;;;;;;;;;,'......,;:cd0NNWWWX0xddoolllcccccccccccokOOkxdol:. 'c 'KXklcc::::::cc::::;;:;;;;,',,',;;:lokXNWWWXOkddoollllooodoolcccoxk0KKkd:;...; kNxllooddxddooooollllllcc:,,,;;;;;cod0NWWWNKOxdooloxO0000Okdl:;oodxxdol:,'. ;d0kdOO0000KKKKK0OkxoooxkkkkkxxdddlloxkXWWWWN0kdxk0K000KKKK0Oxl::;;clc:;,,... .k0OOxO0KKKXNNXXXK0xlccxKXXKKK00OOOOOxkNWWWWWX000OO0KXXOkOOxkddl:....;;;,'.... ddklxodxkkO0000000KkoloO0KKKXXXKK00OkO0XWWWWWXK000KK00Okxxxdxxxoc,..'lolc::;,. xodlodllllodddddxOkl:,,dOxkkkkkxxddddO0NN0KWWWXK0OOkkxddoooodkkxl:;...:ddolc:; dllollooooooooodxocc:''cddllllllllloxxONNlcNWWNK0xdddoolllloxOxkxolc;:lccodxdl O0ddooolllllloooolc::,';cddolllloodddxKXNdk0NNNX0kxddoolllooxOO0KK0kooc:::ldxo NNNdddlllllllodolllccc::cldollllllodxO0K0dxxk0XNX0OkxxddooodxxkOOOkxolcccooooo NNNxxxdooooodddk0K0kxkkOOxddoloooodxk00OxdxxxxxOXX00OkkxxdddxdxxxxkkkOkxoc::cc NXKkxxkxdddddoodxkO0KKOkkdoodddoodxkOkkxxxxxxxxxxOK0000Okkxxxk00KK0Okxxxoc:;;, XKXKxxkkxxxddddddxxkOOxddoooododdxkOOdxddddddoooddddk0K00OkxxkkkkOOOkkxdlc;,'. KXXW0OkOkk000OOOOOOOkkOkxxxOkkxxxkkOdoooooolooolooodxk0K000OOkkkxxxxdollc:;,,' KXXWWX0O0OkOkOOO0O000OO00OOkOOkkOOOdooolooooddooooodxdxKKKK000OOkxddoollllccco KXXWWWNK0KOOkxxxkOOOOOkxddoodxOO0OdddddddoddoddoddodxodXNNNXKK000OOkxxdddxxkKX KXWWWWWWNKKOkkxxxxxxxxxxdddxxOO0XXdlloodolooddodldooxox0XNNWNNNNXXXXKKKKXXXXXK XWWWWWWWWWXKOkxdoooooooooodxO0XWWWOloodolddddololllloOXWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNWWXXXXKK WWWWWWWWWWWWX0Okkxxxxddddxk0KXWWWWXdcooocllllll::ccoXWWWWNNNNNWWWWNNNNNNXXKKKK WWWWWWWWWWWWWWXKKK000OOO0KXNWWWWWWNOlllollocl:lllkXNWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNXXXKKKKKK WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNWWWNXloccxdxkoldOXNWWWWWWWWNNNWNNNNNNNNXXXXXXXX
Code 7.ASCII art of two low resolution faces. tx 75b431e0a8c4617ca8adefe593ba66aa30907742b6dc8772761bfe7edabd74b4 (2018-12-30). Input script inscription. Two low resolution faceskkkkkkkkkkkkkOOOO0000OOOkdc:,''... ............';oooodxdx0K0OKKXXXXKKNNNWWWNW kkkOOOOOOOkkOOOO000K00Oxc;'.''... ...............':lodOxxKK000KKKKKKXNNWWWWWW 0kkkkOOOK000000KKKKKKOl;,'...,'.. '. ..........,ckKdx000000KKKKXNNWWNNWWW OOOOOOOOXNXXXXX0kkOxd:,'........ .,. ...........cddk000000KXXNWWWWWWWWWW XXKXXXXXKKKKKKKKKXKx;'.... .... .:. ............. .;oOXNNNNWWWWWMWWMMMWMMM OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOx;.. . ....':.. ...... ... . .,OXXXXXXXXXWWWNWWWWWWW xxxxxkkkkkkkkOOkkx:.. .';:c:,;;...'... .. .:k0000000XNNNNWWWWWWW xxxxxkkkkkOkkkO0Kd.. .,:odxxkkxkOxoc,. .o00000KXNNNNNWWNWWWW xkxkkkkOOOOO00KOkc. 'clldxxxkkOO000Okxl:'. ,kO000KNNNNNWWWNWWWW xkxxkkkO00KKK00Ok;. ,loddxxxkOO0000OOkxxdl;. .d00000XNNNNNNNNWWWW kkkkOO0KKK00OOOOk'. .,:cldxxxkkkOOOOOOkxdlc:,.. o00OO00KXXXXXNNNWNN 00KKXXXKKKKKKKKKO; .;cc,'.'cldxxkxdoc,',cll:,;. .'OKKKXXXXNWWWWWWWMMM NNNNNNWWWWWWWWWWNk . ':c:cl;cdoclxkdlooo;ccclcc;. ..x00KKKKXXXKKKKKXXKXX kkkkkkkkxxkkkddooo:. .. 'clllooodolcdxoodddddooolc;. ...O00000000000OO000OOO xxxxxxxxddkkkxdolll:'. .clooddxxolldxoodxkxxxdool;. ..'.xxkkkkkkkOOOOOOOOOOO oooooodddodddol:;;;:.. ,loddxxxllldxlloxxkkxddoc;. ..lXXNNNNNWWWWWWWWWWWWW oooooddddddxxxxdddxd.. ;lodxddccokxlolxddxxdoc:. ..lONWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 00000KKKKXXXXXXXXXXXl; . .;colloollododdddllolc:, .....:kNWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW XXNNNNNNNNWWWWWWNNNXx,. .;collcclodolllooolcc, ... .:xOOkkkkkxxxddd NNNNNNNXXXXKKKKKOkx'.. . .':lolccccclodddol:' .:lccccccccc:: ooooooodddddddoc;'... .... .;loooddddxddlc;. ..,:loool:::c::::::: lllllllllloll:,,'....... . .:odddxdol;'. ...'coooooooooo:::::::::: ccccccccclcc;'''''.. .',;;'. .';coolollod::::::;;; :::ccc::;;,..... .',:cllo:::;;;;; :::,'.'... ..,c:;;;;;; ;...... ..';;;;; ccc. .,,,, cc. .',, ., .,,
- tx 1f23df23751bdd6c2e3ac138ed0de9d9a6b749c50d7da09d2c0a6d63ab237fe8 block 591520 (2019-08-24) contains a cute ASCII art poem split one line per transaction as suggested by the poem itself:
_______________________________________ | An immutable poem | | Unchanging over time, forever | | Written in transactions flowing | | | | Unbroken blocks for a Rose | | That I found in September | | Freedom gives this simple prose | | For all our time together | | | | Thank you for being you |O | Like this poem, it is forever |, | After all these years true | | I love our time together |
- tx b8e80f2bd1eac8c6db4dfb8b6cc9c8eb71133cbc1a0d32e6952c1a2818eecc8f, block 652005 (2020-10-09) contains the obituary for Yang Yiping, a Christian Chinese lady who lived in Germany:
.-==-. | | | | .-=====' '=====-. | Yang, Yiping | *-====-. .-====-* | | | 杨 | | | | 一 | | 平 | | | | | `-==-´ *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Yang, Yiping 杨 一平 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ✰ 1957-07-19 ✞ 2020-10-08 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Wir vermissen dich! 杨一平, 我们思念你 ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) 杨一平与 耶稣在一起 //yang.yiping.de/btc
Translations:- Wir vermissen dich: We miss you
- 杨一平: Yang Yiping
- 我们思念你: We miss you
- 杨一平与耶稣在一起: Yang Yiping is with Jesus
The link yang.yiping.de/btc is dead with no archives, but the toplevel yang.yiping.de survives as of 2024 and contais an obituary in a WordPress website. The Bitcoin message is acknowledged on the website at:The website is also mirrored at yiping.de. The navigation is a bit confusing, but yang.yiping.de/?cat=10 contains a blog with many entries, presumably by her husbandarchiviert auf der BTC Blockchain TX b8e80f2bd1eac8c6db4dfb8b6cc9c8eb71133cbc1a0d32e6952c1a2818eecc8f
- the first post is from slightly before her death on 2020-09-01 and documents their 2019 trip to San Francisco apparently to visit family. She could be a COVID-19 casualty.
- yang.yiping.de/?p=367 gives transliterated names of her three children: Kaibin, Ella and Martin
- yang.yiping.de/?p=638 has some mentions of work colleagues, but not enough to easily identify where she worked
Figure 13. Off-chain image of Yang Yiping. Source.A previous failed upload is present at: tx b4ba91b4892ff85a5eb18b85bc1fd744d9418b2a71f1dc130447893b9e1cab60, block 651974 (2020-10-09)The upload is done as P2PKH (20 bytes at a time) and is meant to show with newlines after each ouptut, BitLen style. It is also further broken down on our upload by the presence of UTF-8 characters. brando2131 helped decoded this message on Reddit, after Ciro Santilli reached out for help after seeing his work on the Code 9. "ZN inscription". - tx 0d034d6dc3cfa8c8ebb1df202ada251bdf890f9dd5f0c4dffbe185b8cc5c999d, block 669986 (2021-02-10) a teddy bear, also visible e.g. at www.asciiart.eu/toys/teddy-bears? "xoxo" means hugs and kisses. Maybe this was in preparation for St. Valentine's day a bit later on February 14th?
___ {~._.~} ( Y ) ()~*~() (_)-(_) xoxo, S
- tx 7076d9a40b44e92d8b96f9f5f1cb258619356d0789fe5bcf5197e2eaeb2b9eab block 693550 (2021-07-31) contains what could be an obituary for a bird:and tx b478c2a3566fa644ccb3c9da567f39c9030e337537610c9ff5c5c885ea6109b8 block 693776 appears to follow up on it:
YOU ARE _ |o}= | ( / /) /_// _/_// \/_' __LL SO FAT
Cute._ _ /and\/so \ | (o><-) | \//\ /\\ V_/ \_V `\ / ' loved Chris<3
- tx 5c4f060e6166a530d891cafd0e9df42441d29b1ed9cff71a1652201b8d50bd72 (2021-10-27) TODO what does it represent? It seems so familiar... Decoded from our dumps with
fold -w80 -s
- tx 71d9187cbb7b00b4c516df218499bbc301996262cfafc4533fd7916af1fb6315, block 709632, (2021-11-14) starts a consecutive sequence of transactions that encodes the characters 'Z' and 'N', an ad for the Zenon Network blockchain. This is the very first taproot enabled block, foreshadowing the great inscription boom that taproot would lead to, notably in the form of ordinal ruleset inscriptions.This ASCII art had been previously noted by sroose and decoded by brando2131 on Reddit, and was brought to our attention by Bagfoot OP446 on twitter. Ciro Santilli had previously spotted the art, but failed to decode it. "ZENON NETWORK" is inscribed just after the art confiming the meaning of the characters, but it does not appear in our ASCII dumps presumably because the string it is too short and surrounded by non-ASCII.
,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, .:1zzzzzzzzz. .:qqzzzzqqq, ,;1zzzzzqqq, ,;1zzzzzqqq, ,;qzzzzz1qq, ,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, ,zzzzzq;. 1zzzz, ,zzzzzzzzq, 1zzzz, ,zzzzzzzzzz1: 1zzzz, ,zzzzq:1zzzzzq;. 1zzzz, ,zzzzq ,qzzzzzz1, 1zzzz, ,zzzzq .;qzzzzzq:1zzzz, ,zzzzq ,qzzzzzzzzzz, ,zzzzq .;qzzzzzzz,
Code 9.ZN inscription.Each line is encoded with OP_RETURN, is 38 bytes long, and starts and ends in 6 spaces, leading to 26 non-whitespace characters per line. The lines appear in scambled order and it is unclear if there is any logic in the ordering or if it was just meant as a little puzzle. But given the nearby "ZENON NETWORK" inscription, this decoding is overwhelmingly likely correct.The following lines also show up in our ASCII dump:They seem like Base64 encoded data due to the;4Fdzw1k=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; ,vtv3f5aKY0jGQglP9a1AGw==. ;BynQtpeUyWTXKGTrGhdV2Q==; ;tVMd3L1CKM4wFmyxEEEUV2bY;
sign padding, but nothing human readable comes out of them, so their meaning remains currently unknown. - tx cbf7cfb6c074e35e82ea604e2de6c82d00c168d7d7a1205383f93a6f40ee8520 (2022-01-24) ASCII typeface ad for Keepcase, some kind of Bitcoin hardware wallet. Manually converted to horizontal form to not take up too much space here.A bit later we see another ad for the same company:
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@V/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@> @ @. @, @' @; @^ @'' @: @> # @ ### ###* @ ########### @ ##########* @ /########### @ ###########* @ /######### @ ##########/ @ ###########/ \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ####### @ ### ## @ ### @ ###. @ ### ##### @ ###/* @ ### *## @ ####, @ ####" @/// ##### ##### @ ########( @ ######### @ ######## @ ##########. @ ##< @ ####### ### @ *######### @ ####### KEEPCASE : THE ###( #### #### @ ### ###. @ ###\ @ #### @ #####/ @ ###\. @ ####### ##/ @ #### @ ###_ ORIGINAL HARDWARE ### ### ### ## @ ### ###\ @ ########## @ #########/ @ ###/ @ \#########* @ ### #* @ ######### @ ###########( WALLET CASE ### ## ## ### ### ### ## ### #### #### ##### ####* ######, @@>>
Figure 14. keepcase.jpg. tx 6ea24c417d60a1c5312ca8ec0ab44bbdba2d79d84ceffa4c9455e02f89831d7f (2022-01-24) contains a data URL for a JPEG image:/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@data:image/jpeg;base64,<base64 image> \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- tx 3c9216146bf1d9415ded8a1d03dd63fae8f0af2cbcaf68efaff4ad654a45b74d (2022-06-08) tiny face. The
format is a call back to BitLen, but they just don't do ASCII art like the old days anymore:---BEGIN TRIBUTE--- ....!&&&&&&#####B!.: ...:GB5Y55555PG#&Y.. ...^B7^::::^^~7P#J.. ...:Y7??!^~7?J?JP!.. ...:7!!?7~7???7?J!.. ....^!^:~~7!^~77^:.. :....!7!7???7?J!..:. ::...:7Y?77?YYJ!:..: :::::.~?JJY5Y77?Y5^. ----END TRIBUTE--- B5
- tx 14e89fc01c367841f2d5c2786a3b051d67008be980694272530546a0452aeea9 (2022-07-05). ASCII typeface for:This seems to be aa Thai name, e.g. possibly www.linkedin.com/in/chokchai-thawatcharaporn-179398213/?originalSubdomain=th. And so we learn that Thai people are the coolest because their name can end in "-porn" which is awesome. The given name is:
Chockchai Chawatcharaporn
and the rest is just more of the same, just 10x longer. Manually converted to horizontal form to not take up too much space here.@ ###########* @ ### ###' @ ######## @ ### ###* @ #########* @ ### ###" @ /######### @ ########/ @ @ ###/* @ ### ### @ ### ###, @ ### ## @ ##/* @ ### ### @ ### *## @ ###. @ @ ##< @ ########## @ ### ###] @ ########( @ ##( @ ########### @ ####### ### @ ###, @ @ ###\. @ ### ###. @ ###\ ### @ ### ##. @ ##\ @ ### ###. @ ### ##/ @ ### @ @ \#########* @ ### ###/ @ #######/ @ ### ###\ @ ##########\ @ ### ###/ @ ### #* @ /########## @
Tip for ASCII art hunters:
grep -n -r ' ' . | sort
grep -n -r '@@@' . | sort
grep -n -r 'XXX' . | sort
grep -n -r '...' . | sort
This website used to allow embedding text messages with OP_RETURN, here's an archive from 2015: web.archive.org/web/20150718052659/http://eternitywall.it/
As of January 2024, it seems to read-only mode, where it simply indexes matching transactions that were made via other means: web.archive.org/web/20230929075331/https://eternitywall.it/
A Reddit announcement from July 2015: www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3dxy9f/eternity_wall_messages_lasting_forever/
There were 3191 hits for the search term:in our data starting with tx a3b3af21514bd79a4cbcac9916a8514636a72d813539192214542fd85247082e (2015-06-24):up to the last entry on tx 28820bc14cf2cfda58ecbc9ac6df3f41a1cb90f4246543f01ba42a5e9dac3cf8 (2023-06-15)no doubt initials of 4 Chinesepeople. A blood brother oath comes to mind, akin to the Oath of the Peach Garden. Will these four be the ones to take down the evil dictator Xi Jinping?
git grep '\bEW '
EW Eternity wall is live
EW May our friendship endure, signed by hg, kty, wjj, and xyz.
The very first message gives away the name of what we assume is a web-based upload system, "EW" being its advertisement signature added to every message.
Running shows that the messages are encoded with OP_RETURN:
:bitcoin-core.cli getrawtransaction a3b3af21514bd79a4cbcac9916a8514636a72d813539192214542fd85247082e true
"vout": [
"value": 0.00000000,
"n": 0,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": "OP_RETURN 455720457465726e6974792077616c6c206973206c697665
In this section contains a list of images we could find that wre uploaded as raw data to the blockchain, without any special encoding, e.g. as done by the AtomSea & EMBII system.
It is possible that some/most of those were uploaded via the cryptograffiti.info system, but since that indexer stopped working, and since the format is so non-specific, it is not possible be sure as far as we can tell.
These images were indexed by looking for standard transaction output script hashes that contain JPEG or PNG images immediately on the first payload byte based on file signature bytes and indexed/easily downloaded at github.com/cirosantilli/bitcoin-inscription-indexer#image-indexing-and-download.
. 200f3f6f8a91ae438d1924e5cedca98cea7f0197b9eba11343948b5621ca19ed, block 331804 (2014-11-27) JPEG in Gzip as a single input script constant.
This ad highlights one of the claimed potential advantages of Bitcoin: cheaper/faster cross border transactions.
This inscription is highlighted at Data Insertion in Bitcoin's Blockchain by Andrew Sward, Vecna OP_0 and Forrest Stonedahl. Finding Gzips with binwalk is hard because the file signature is only 2 bytes long (1F 8B), so there are lots of false positives.
Gzip binary uploaded at: raw.githubusercontent.com/cirosantilli/media/master/bitcoin-inscription-indexer/data/bin/200f3f6f8a91ae438d1924e5cedca98cea7f0197b9eba11343948b5621ca19ed.jpg.gz gunzip 1.12 complains:but we were not able to fix that: removing bytes at the end goes straight from "trailing garbage" to "incomplete file" after a certain byte.
western-union-bitcoin-spoof.jpg.gz: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored
The Economist logo
. tx b70bfe6a9b314611655554576feb11f15d47b9e80c5993e91829bb87895ef23c, block 355899 (2015-05-11). PNG inscribed as a Daisy chain Bitcoin inscription using OP_RETURN.
The daisy then follows up to the Figure 3. "City of London School logo", which therefore must be by the same uploader..
tx 6ab2f3dbff0ebd856f6cf0360fc7db987f8789508dfdefdcc1f9e2aacf9ac0de, block 355901(2015-05-11). PNG inscribed as a Daisy chain Bitcoin inscription using OP_RETURN.
This image is encoded on the very same daisy chain as Figure 2. "The Economist logo", immediately afterwards.
Furthermore, we understand that they used the following convention to "split them up":
- paylout in vout 0: continue image
- payload in vout 1: end of image
The transactions leading up to b70bfe6a9b314611655554576feb11f15d47b9e80c5993e91829bb87895ef23c contain multiple text daisy inscriptions that show up on our text dumps at: github.com/cirosantilli/bitcoin-inscription-indexer/blob/e716e317b703e1bad63edf5064f90f5e80c5aaf5/data/out/0355.txt#L635
- 5256d3059520c9ecda22bcf17776adcc962a5ae90333efbb00cf45818e9bf0bb:then a quote from bitcoin.org/en/faq (archive):
You're poo you're papa, says WeeWaWeeWa
then:Bitcoin is the first implementation of a concept called "cryptocurrency", which was first described in 1998 by Wei Dai on the cypherpunks mailing list, suggesting the idea of a new form of money that uses cryptography to control its creation and transactions, rather than a central authority. The first Bitcoin specification and proof of concept was published in 2009 in a cryptography mailing list by Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi left the project in late 2010 without revealing much about himself. The community has since grown exponentially with many developers working on Bitcoin.
And now, via JSON-RPC!
- d6b006f3cd9b545d5015263e954dae7c52c71bb5f4a0573918ff0e1ce8785de4 contains another quote from bitcoin.org/en/faq (archive):followed by:
Much of the trust in Bitcoin comes from the fact that it requires no trust at all. Bitcoin is fully open-source and decentralized. This means that anyone has access to the entire source code at any time. Any developer in the world can therefore verify exactly how Bitcoin works. All transactions and bitcoins issued into existence can be transparently consulted in real-time by anyone. All payments can be made without reliance on a third party and the whole system is protected by heavily peer-reviewed cryptographic algorithms like those used for online banking. No organization or individual can control Bitcoin, and the network remains secure even if not all of its users can be trusted.
One day this will be for general storage
- d9450fbd228d7a19d08f700d43200184b0d46561ffd7eb9ddbb378435ec66789 says:These inscriptions were made right in the midst of the protests against larger block sizes.
Let's agree on 5MB blocks and move on?
- a689707f77882eb5a3b1954747f159b1c22b688a57ec17b4d636b7f94e451e3dthen the intro from bitcoin.org/en/ (archive):
a single piece of data
then:Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network.
It's my cake day. I pressed the button. I have no regrets. Just stick it on the blockchain
Parents daisy more text visible on our text dumps: www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/b70bfe6a9b314611655554576feb11f15d47b9e80c5993e91829bb87895ef23c
Super Mario coin sprite
. tx bf7ef3216ae09f8252c76e7d0031bc4aa131a23a6900f8371c44ffde7957c8da (2015-03-01). Possibly from Super Mario World for the SNES (1990). No doubt a self-reference to Bitcoin itself. Encoded as a data URL for a PNG image:<img src="data:image/png;base64,
JPG thumbnail
. Presumably a JPEG upload test. tx 515a95381e511141229966d722db19db7da66a0d629b1f883d296287632e72b3, block 349362 (2015-03-26) via cryptograffiti.info.we love bitcoin
. A heart next to a bitcoin logo and written "we love bitcoin". Reproduced at: kryptomoney.com/grayscale-report-institutional-investors-retirement-funds-love-bitcoin/
Embedded in the image itself, there's a message in the header comments:which is the opening paragraph of: bitcoin.org/en/
Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks
Iranian lady with polar bear hat.
tx b673c7d0c62cce8315ad6cc63a2c8ca8169bf73432435760b808735e1a7fe0e2, block 401255 (2016-03-05). JPEG encoded with daisy chain Bitcoin inscription using OP_RETURN.
We don't know if she's actually Iranian, it's just an uneducated guess.
The image data is cut in half. This makes the image an invalid JPEG, but ImageMagick is able to recover and convert to a valid image which is what we show here to make it portable to more browsers. The raw invalid image is present at: raw.githubusercontent.com/cirosantilli/media/master/bitcoin-inscription-indexer/data/bin/b673c7d0c62cce8315ad6cc63a2c8ca8169bf73432435760b808735e1a7fe0e2.jpg, but it can also be generally viewed by most viewers.
This embedding uses a novel more specialiezd protocol on top of a raw daisy chain Bitcoin inscription.
The daisy actually starts at f49e79889b34d355fa8a02f13b9db4ed69c067f975e25339737ef10e4b993d7a and data is encoded as follows:
OP_RETURN 62 00000000 48656c6c6f20776f726c64212052657475726e20626c6f622070726f746f636f6c2076
OP_RETURN 62 00000001 313a204d41474943203d20307836322c205041434b414745203d2075696e7431362c20
OP_RETURN 62 00000002 53455155454e4345203d2075696e7431362c205041594c4f4144203d20757020746f20
OP_RETURN 62 00000000 48656c6c6f20776f726c64212052657475726e20626c6f622070726f746f636f6c2076
OP_RETURN 62 00000001 313a204d41474943203d20307836322c205041434b414745203d2075696e7431362c20
OP_RETURN 62 00000002 53455155454e4345203d2075696e7431362c205041594c4f4144203d20757020746f20
OP_RETURN 62 00000003 33352062797465732e0a
OP_RETURN 62 00010000 ffd8ffe1001845786966000049492a00080000000000000000000000ffec0011447563
OP_RETURN 62 00010001 6b79000100040000003c0000ffe1039a687474703a2f2f6e732e61646f62652e636f6d
OP_RETURN 62 00010002 2f7861702f312e302f003c3f787061636b657420626567696e3d22efbbbf222069643d
OP_RETURN 62 00010003 2257354d304d7043656869487a7265537a4e54637a6b633964223f3e203c783a786d70
OP_RETURN 62 00010085 51290358a41fe5408b4435254208d4810a5fe9113044c1ae3aa544656d729756395b87
OP_RETURN 62 00010086 c4e261f55c5d19e1c792c3f78adff1368db58e5a0bb85b2c6753c42de6d973edae0642
OP_RETURN 62 00010087 1b2c8370f203aaa0a6eb7ea0871d8e9ae6534b785b57347171e4df6a5463d7ce77b93b
OP_RETURN 62 00010088 9b8bf96edd1b982e2474a41ad28e3c01e74586d1d1ad7a874c5a1b7c742d2285c371f6
The first block is:which then gets repeated, probably an error, but now with the sentence completed:This therefore gives us the name of the protocol as "return blob protocol". We also understand that the 0x62 was aconfiguration parameter.
Hello world! Return blob protocol v1: MAGIC = 0x62, PACKAGE = uint16, SEQUENCE = uint16, PAYLOAD = up to
Hello world! Return blob protocol v1: MAGIC = 0x62, PACKAGE = uint16, SEQUENCE = uint16, PAYLOAD = up to 35 bytes
marks the start of the JPEG.If the rest of the image were inscribed somewhere random in the blockchain, we'd expect to find the string
containing the netxt data chunck on a nearby block, but bgrep
did not find it, so perhaps the data just isn't there.The last tx of the daisy is 43b182065ab2c7d1908ec3cee756d9f626c1e4bd1efa17a7c3993433b653d499 which is followed by 9e6838a3545bd59a708d0c177d6840c7d82b8ac6220138ca3d8133a1376405aa which does not contain any data.
Erich Erstu
. Alias: 1Hyena. A well built man wearing a gas mask. Google image search leads to: github.com/1Hyena (archive), who is the creator of cryptograffiti.info. It was around after this time that the number of raw images surged dramatically in the blockchain, so it is possible that this is when the service started operating. This further suggests that most raw image uploads we found were made with cryptograffiti.info. tx c206e8fff656f07b27dac831ef9b956792bae4e76a2cb43f14f49f0298bf2c2f, block 416527 (2016-06-16). Embedded text:Hyena was here on the 16th of June 2016.
Hi mom! I love you.
Water Deer
. badtaxidermy.com "Water Deer" image, visible at: web.archive.org/web/20200527070011/http://www.badtaxidermy.com/?page=3. tx 357e8ae080e5a1b554eaec2953e3e6e2e7955f3af4559dd0f1bc6381d56aa183, block 416735 (2016-06-16) via cryptograffiti.info. The file contains the strings:www.badtaxidermy.com
Cryptograffiti.info now allows you to attach JPEG images to your messages.
. A mining supplier: hotmine.io/en. twitter.com/uahotmine. tx 8ec01c5e8f3b57adb13079af3b7e40e7acd3986a5ed14325388405771bd43f9b, block 416835 (2016-06-18) via cryptograffiti.info. The file contains the following string embedded into it:Smart Heating, Bitcoin Mining For You - en.hotmine.io
Nada from They Live (1988)
. tx 83df1e5ecc1c7ac455d2855e15cff8fa5771afe2ad1796c8b6b1a8e910e829c4, block 416896 (2016-06-18) via cryptograffiti.info. The file has the following string embedded into it:which is a reference to Nada's original dialogue:
I have come here to chew bubble gum and dance on Ethereum's grave.And I'm all out of bubble gum.
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
Cryptocurrenty Minning ad
. Twitter "@dobcrypto": twitter.com/dobcrypto Reuploaded at: imgur.com/gallery/00oOuhm. tx eda07af9584391bb6f5ebb07ba57a51b610751fdf06ae49d9166225c36d97d0b, block 417111 (2016-06-20) via cryptograffiti.info. The file contains the following string:Subscribe, I will be glad to see you! www.youtube.com/c/dobcryptocurrency
Chinese wedding
. tx 609d5e0f968c0ab7abc2be21468cfd552483d38b08e6df23d27766eb61b9be3c, block 417131 (2016-06-20) via cryptograffiti.info.
A white man and a Chinese woman wearing Chinese traditional dressess holding hands, presumably a token from their wedding. A Chinese poem is visible next to them, with four vertical setences made up of 7 characters each, to be read from right to left. This is a classic Classical Chinese poetry form known as qijue.
A photo of a snowy mountain is shown in the background, fitting the theme of the poem. It looks like an European mountain, possibly Mont Blanc? TODO identify. Perhaps a reference to the nationality of the husband.
TODO transcribe the Chinese text, cursive grass script + traditional characters + ultra-low res put this beyond Ciro Santilli's capabilities/patience ratio. Ciro Santilli's wife's transcribed gave the first column as:and no Google hits, so maybe an original poem? What a hero. TODO transcribe the rest.
A scarlet gemstone hides quietly in the midst of the mountains.
The image file contains the English transalation of the Chinese poem embeded into it:
A scarlet gemstone hides quietly in the midst of the mountains.
Its beauty softly enters the wanderer's dreams.
Fame and fortune become like drifting clouds
But the gem endures like the constellations above.
. Googling gives a Toni Caradonna: twitter.com/superbuffo. At twitter.com/Superbuffo/status/1620900765014556672 that twitter account claimed the art or its depiction. www.imdb.com/name/nm9516368/ has some obscure references to him. tx 6240f61bbaeac66cd623e921a153addaf5f379a996f2de0f0c6506d628fe3812, block 417354 (2016-06-21) via cryptograffiti.info. The file contains the following string embedded into it, in addition to a lot of Adobe boilerplate:Superbuffo the first comedian on the blockchain
Rene Angelil and Celine Dion
. Reproduced at: web.archive.org/web/20191130174338/https://people.com/celebrity/inside-celine-dion-and-rene-angelils-21-year-marriage/ but cropped to faces. tx e2e5b9cf04d93ae5fc1b54e9208b92b668823e014b251f57510e4702661fa1a6, block 417272 (2016-06-21) via cryptograffiti.info. Embedded text:You will be here forever
New Age dance
. Woman dancing a New Age-like dance with New Age-like Indian looking clothes, holding a lamp, and with a rose on her hair. TODO identify. tx 0602dd1b375bc71818db0a40d7a14f438499af3eda9056125eb5a1b74bed790b, block 419676 (2016-07-07) via cryptograffiti.info. The image contains the following text embedded into it (TODO unknown mechanism, does not show up on exifTool:No alcohol and smoking since 07.07.2016. Love girls!
Snake penetration sculputure
. Sculpture of what seems to be a snake penetrating a vagina. tx 83f412eb7ff40fe542901186a6d37cba0eb4f8458c574bc02a6f7236c599fe07, block 420122 (2016-07-10) via cryptograffiti.info.Wedding invitation
. TODO: make out names, quite low res, no patience. Looks like Cyrillic script. tx 01c3af71c12d49260231dcb3cc86d6ff21b3cd90878e9556482ef3b0908abffe, block 420960 (2016-07-16) via cryptograffiti.info.Bitcoin love certificate
. Hard to make out due to ultra-low-res, and in Cyrillic script. Contains three dates: 8.02.1982, 16.07.1992 and 17.07.2016. tx 075d1c78883ccb237b374c7ed7f9ff0f90df3308c48f9e7a29348b815326b769, block 421151 (2016-07-17) via cryptograffiti.info. The file contains the following text embedded into it:Wedding Wallled 15Nz214yv76BmkKLCi8kAVssa5C7nQHLjx
Oles Slobodenyuk
. tx 10cc5d45396ba271659a4b00d2f70c433533227e5f7ea30bb5bd3c8563d7468a, Block 421280 (2016-07-18) via cryptograffiti.info
Wedding picture with people holding "Blockchain" and "Ipa" signs.
Reproduced at: web.archive.org/web/20200926150213/https://freebitcoins.com.ua/zapushhen-ukrainskij-bitkoin-pul-bitcoinukraine/ Google translate:
One of the initiators of the launch of this pool was Oles Slobodenyuk, who earlier created a grocery store in Kiev accepting bitcoins, arranged a TakeMyBitcoin flash mob, and also registered his own marriage in the bitcoin blockchain on the weddingbook.io website.
Oles is for example featured at: uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-miners-heating-homes-free-133053106.html Bitcoin Miners Are Heating Homes Free of Charge in Frigid Siberia by Anna Baydakova (2019)
The image file contains the following text embedded into it:The link is dead of course.
<Wedding date: Jul 17, 2016
proof link goo.gl/photos/2GToBx1WqRyiQtxQ6
2016, painting, 135.7 x 130.7 cm (18 DPI)
Hand written contract
. Wedding contract written in Czech. Transcription and translation by Petr Kadlec:Translation:Signatures:
Svým podpisem pod tímto textem potvrzuji, že Daniela Dudysová a Pavel Urbaczka v mé přítomnosti dne 20.8.2016 v Ropici projevili vůli uzavřít spolu manželství, přičemž ani jeden z těchto projevů se mi nejevil jako nesvobodný, nikoliv vážný, nesrozumitelný, omylný nebo uzavřený v tísni.
With my signature under this text, I confirm Daniela Dudysová and Pavel Urbaczka have, in my presence on 2016-08-20 in Ropice, expressed the will to enter marriage, whereas neither of their expressions seemed to me to be non-free, not serious, in error, or under distress.
Tereza (unreadable) Hana (unreadable) Jakub (unreadable) Radim Kozub (unreadable) (unreadable) Lenka (unreadable)
Petr also conjectures that Jakub may refer to Jakub Olšina from Blockchain Legal. Figure 23. "Wedding on grass" on the same block contains a image of a wedding, presumably the same of the contract. The photo of the man might be the same person as www.linkedin.com/in/olsinajakub/, but a bit younger.
Wedding on grass
. tx 693848d56098a0ad16736bea7f24336c9b47a7f0a6f776659e8d01f00b46af76, block 426072 (2016-08-20) via cryptograffiti.info.
The file contains the following text embedded into it:which is Czech for:So it is a followup to Figure 22. "Hand written contract".
Danila a Pavel se právě vzali!
Danila and Pavel just got married!
Onshape ad
. Ad for www.onshape.com/en/, an online CAD company:#CAD users all over the world are designing in the cloud! Join them by creating a #free Onshape account: hubs.ly/HO3vJ6tO. tx c0bb963cb3ceffc49059f09db94e3fd73caa3b7a8e005160d49e99020ff6b51a, block 426832 (2016-08-25) via cryptograffiti.info. Embedded text:@Onshape - The Future of Professional CAD
In Pepe We Trust
Hello. Yes, this is dog
. knowyourmeme.com/memes/yes-this-is-dog. tx 4b0cd7e191ef0a14a9b6ab1c5900be534118c20a332ff26407648168d2722a2e, block 440418 (2016-11-24) via cryptograffiti.info.Tuxedo and rose
. Black and white and intentionally blurred photo of couple, the woman wears a tuxedo, and the man holds a red rose/light-like thing in the middle. tx c67dca17d3e5544d8d2c70d143196e1c1438a09c7371b80086d0a71ec5aec3c8, block 453083 (2017-02-14) via cryptograffiti.info.Couple on mountains
. Middle aged couple selfie in front of some mountains. tx 00a64f2ff9aae7a34c21d07b8fc9bad79989f25295ccbddc6fbe73b3685b65a9, block 456370 (2017-03-09) via cryptograffiti.info. The file contains the following Spanish poem, whch confirms that their Spanish looking faces are actually Spanish, perhaps they are at the Pyrenees:Entre tus brazos y los míos
no hay espacio, tan juntitos
estamos que los pensamientos
son uno.A veces somos casi dos desconocidos,
raros tan raros cómo distintos,
pero nos engañamos, tú lo sabes yo lo sé,
en realidad somos muy dentro
la misma verdad.Escondidos en tus ojitos
duermen mis sueños más hermosos,
cuándo los abres frente a mi
se despiertan alegres y rumbosos.
Between your arms and mine
there is no space, so close together
we are the thoughts
They are one.Sometimes we are almost two strangers,
strange as strange as they are different,
but we deceive ourselves, you know it, I know it,
actually we are very inside
the same truth.Hidden in your eyes
my most beautiful dreams sleep,
when do you open them in front of me
They wake up happy and cheerful.
tx ca4f11131eca6b4d61daf707a470cfccd1ef3d80a6f8b70f1f07616b451ca64e, block 458238 (2017-03-21) via cryptograffiti.info.
See also: Section "China".
Searching for the image hash ca4f11131eca6b4d61daf707a470cfccd1ef3d80a6f8b70f1f07616b451ca64e leads to archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/191157608/#q191162145 which links to the now dead as of 2021: cryptograffiti.info/#ca4f11131eca6b4d61daf707a470cfccd1ef3d80a6f8b70f1f07616b451ca64e.jpg. But
Mr. Burns You're here forever
. Mr. Burns from The Simpsons showing a sign:Still from S06E13 of The Simpsons. A reference to the immutability of the blockchain.
Don't forget, you're here forever
This transaction is given at Data Insertion in Bitcoin's Blockchain by Andrew Sward, Vecna OP_0 and Forrest Stonedahl. We've decoded it with:TODO understand the encoding better. Our indexing scripts Bitcoin Inscription Indexer missed it because the image is encoded on starting on the second constant of the input script and not the first.
btc getrawtransaction 94e319d09fc236fb9d7a24e60af8f47ed41ca3cc01e9950c925d806153ed8aa3 true | jq -r '.vin[].scriptSig.asm' | sed -r 's/^[^ ]+ //' | sed -r 's/ [^ ]+$//' | tr -d '\n' | xxd -r -p > tmp.jpg
This was missed by binwalk because it does not index the valid JPEG signature "ffd8ffdb"... we should patch it... github.com/ReFirmLabs/binwalk/blob/cddfede795971045d99422bd7a9676c8803ec5ee/src/binwalk/magic/images#L107
Augustana College Old-Main.jpg
. First tx 1e347cf7521a1318ef31af4f5758efbc45f1bb2a7db9bc1cc469bfe93599eaf7 sets up 48 P2SH outputs and gives ASCII message
Augustana College Old-Main.jpg Reconstruct with data preceding redeemscripts
Then tx 033d185d1a04c4bd6de9bb23985f8c15aa46234206ad29101c31f4b33f1a0e49 redeems those with 48 input scripts that encode the image with ASCII message:
Augustana College Old-Main.jpg Reconstruct with data preceding redeemscripts
Encoded with Two-stage P2SH inscription. Mentioned at: Data Insertion in Bitcoin's Blockchain by Andrew Sward, Vecna OP_0 and Forrest Stonedahl. See also this ASCII art by the same authors: Code "Study Math and Computer Science at Augustana College". Previously mentioned at: twitter.com/ottosch_/status/1735297943563837726
PDF demo
. tx b4f537bc536c392d425af0693e3282bbf697df01debeeaf7f9918b93af6bdd14, block 474646 (2017-07-07) via cryptograffiti.info contains a single page 7.9 KB PDF sample file also present e.g. at: www.studocu.com/en-gb/document/harrow-college-uxbridge-college/assessing-risk-in-sport-unit/pdf-sample-its-nothing-dw/61244699. This image is a screenshot of the PDF made manually to make it easier to view here, the actual inscribed file has been uploaded to: raw.githubusercontent.com/cirosantilli/media/master/bitcoin-inscription-indexer/data/bin/b4f537bc536c392d425af0693e3282bbf697df01debeeaf7f9918b93af6bdd14.pdf. The first lines of the document read:Adobe Acrobat PDF FilesAdobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) is a universal file format that preserves all of the fonts, formatting, colours and graphics of any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it.
Cat manga
. TODO identify, transcribe japanese. tx 4986e9cd20b75bb534df92e60b232945e18274f4c46d25b8853af9bdda5166b8, block 581526 (2019-06-20).Arms crossed
. Nerdy caucasian woman in her late teens/early 20's wearing glasses and a jeans jacked with her arms crossed. TODO identify. tx a55e5e7492848445a9f9ecf55ce566242c9d95e6c46a171fd94a345e8b74c355, block 597374 (2019-10-01) with P2FKHBlack cat
. No, Google reverse image search is never going to find the exact one amongst billions of pics. tx 8cf28eb9ac221d8cd15298b9ae63eca910b536a5234c133c7e364b29a4e39d21, block 625045 (2020-04-09) with P2FKH.Teddy bear
. tx 546124c6ad55acc6e0cd00a66fbd29e9b7df5fe8505e2ebf8470bb44aa35bc16, block 654100 (2020-10-24) with P2FKH. Cost: ~0.002 BTC ~ $25.77 at the time. Transaction made up of 339 * 550 SAT outputs.The Starry Night by van Gogh
. tx 225ed8bc432d37cf434f80717286fd5671f676f12b573294db72a2a8f9b1e7ba, block 685647 (2021-05-31) Stored on SegWit. Googling leads to this hit: github.com/aureleoules/bitcandle by French programmer Aurèle Oulès which is an obscure uploader not known to us before this transaction was found.
tx 8dc2785335c59df6c00257f9b20e5df9b932a717f97066b279e292faba71a67a, block 685737 contains another one, but with a slightly different encoding, presumably Aureole was trying out different things.
Kitchen mirror selfie in swimming glasses
. tx 3110f49fb6047d62e6fa198a0a4b180d9abf7075d6f29472747990ae286295cb, block 690497 (2021-07-10). JPEG using P2FMS
This P2FMS has the peculiarity that each payload constant is preceded by a
byte which must be thrown away, we've decoded it manually with:bitcoin-core.cli getrawtransaction 3110f49fb6047d62e6fa198a0a4b180d9abf7075d6f29472747990ae286295cb true | jq -r '.vout[].scriptPubKey.asm' | head -n-2 | sed -r 's/^....//;s/ 3 .*//' | tr -d ' \n' | xxd -r -p > tmp.jpg
This transactions is also mentioned at: github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28400 "Make provably unsignable standard P2PK and P2MS outpoints unspendable"
Gulagu.net logo
. tx 9c1a5d5a9e65e9a35050d67574681695a5c46a3df3feb27834848daa49c2fb92, block 710352 (2021-11-19) Logo of gulagu.net/, a "Russian anti-corruption, anti-torture human rights organization and website"[ref] Two-stage P2SH inscription.Gulagu.net people
. tx 36e7f004ff22aa1146a00705d166fbca64d174c472a5296ed1f38d4749a74e10, block 710354 (2021-11-19). Rightmost Vladimir Osechkin. Two-stage P2SH inscription.Low resolution GIF screenshot of the Bitcoin whitepaper intro
. tx cad2c46b0f7feb56191f2ab7d8ed59184615cbf0ca46af8c8b5a21a2045a42d2, block 724270 (2022-02-21). Inscribed with P2FKH.
The payload starts with:
before the acutal GIF, which is why we hadn't found it before using binwalk. TODO what do those bytes mean?The last payload uses OP_RETURN and encodes the ascii filename:TODO what is BTGC?
A man and his cactus
. tx 4719e7252f4bdefd9f7bdf5058f17af28729b79c303b067eb01c107e57235754 (2024-01-27). Encoded as a data URL for a JPEG image in an OP_RETURN:data:image/jpeg;base64
TODO decode:
- get all from Data Insertion in Bitcoin's Blockchain by Andrew Sward, Vecna OP_0 and Forrest Stonedahl, some are missing. TODO list then explicitly here
- 6fa03193609f6506c2fa76540fa9930adf68d50b21c942434a90486a694ccacd contains a JPEG in its input script but a bit broken. The script contains a single constant. We could not decode it by looking at nearby transactions either
Rickrolling lyrics were mined several times into the blockchain.
The first currently known instance is as a link right during the prayer wars on block 142573 (2011-08-25) as the miner message:which redirects to www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGDuExhS6Nw&blockchain
Militant atheists, bit.ly/naNhG2 -- happy now?"
Around block block 246k (e.g. 27b7c526489dac8245747fa1c425a2e3eb07dea57b294eb4ae583fec9b859fcf, 2013-10-17) we note several transactions starting with a XML format followed by lyrics also base64 encoded as part of the XML metadata. Hidden surprises in the Bitcoin blockchain by Ken Shirriff (2014) was not able to identify the exact format either. At twitter.com/EMBII4U/status/1655831533750562816 EMBII mentions that this was part of an upload test.
<CG SZ="1156"><MG>...
the first one being 0b4efe49ea1454020c4d51a163a93f726a20cd75ad50bb9ed0f4623c141a8008 As mentioned not very clearly at www.righto.com/2014/02/ascii-bernanke-wikileaks-photographs.html#ref12 the content of the first <MG><payload></MG>
is a Base64 encoded stringCatagory: Poetry
Title: Never Gonna Give You Up
Performer: Rick Astley
Writer: Mike Stock, Matt Aitken, Pete Waterman
Label: RCA Records
tx d29c9c0e8e4d2a9790922af73f0b8d51f0bd4bb19940d9cf910ead8fbe85bc9b (2013-11-13) contains a plaintext Rickroll lyric in an output script via OP_RETURN.
tx 15b11e8d4e5b9425f024b381ba0cb7a54a35e52389bb4855f505772ce685b39c (2014-06-24): starting from this transaction, the lyrics were inscribed several times via input scripts. Then again:They were mega obnoxious!!! Who does this kind of crap for more than one year!!!
- 8bb9db70e24202fdfd0e48b57a11a407e6c8c0e76d879634b801b4345b8810b2
- b881afa519804a3c93a3c99481517ca8ae070b84c04e8e7a2bfb808e043f9771
- 70c8405bd0ec10bea49b78a819dfbf46c1082e7e620588f9da65a90b71e52bbd
- fc4e382793757858bec4b87527caa4bf2e6f71bb2f5a77bb41a45ddb9ed9d409
- f011e71b711aa54a0c824244fff83fb8b1e1921804624fa0523a6e61612b7f6f
- a8691cdbca5b82e4e48812e48b7a09e4757801fd3909a09975de957d1bfb52dc
- d8946aa464be464674bba6d15729d75572ec75dda49fe7ff0ede1a25ca054941
- d02864cd57c9d041dbd9d6f24327f347b92697a8bc3c86cdf8b738063c6ad002
- 9b78962d840f1ff681e5042264e4d0359cda98ce49d97569df14ce956622b966
- 7bdc22fb35f0a8eb6241782a306a8904fb6f793126ff106a04a96f9f223cb8e1
- e24a4085c54a6362e615f8eab758c12d80e488b73757e6d2b8ab6bfc8be7007e
- 4257f4980955d8376ee1c6bccb4396da726e4ae13d758e47dc4e0775019723f5
- a09b49e9374d43386a6a986944e3dcf515c7e1c38324836df5333b8adbe57797
- 03096688dbb874f7c571691e4241a298284bf4184be339b148f1b48f383a1d7c
- 62f8b228b6126354736d36d9f3b91882bb81eca7702b74fba6471abc7db96a03 (2015-09-30)
- 2008-08-18: bitcoin.org registered
- 2008-10-31: first public announcement at www.metzdowd.com/pipermail/cryptography/2008-October/014810.html by satoshi@vistomail.com
- 2009-01-03: Genesis block mined
- 2009-01-11: First block not mined by Satoshi
- 2009-01-12: First Bitcoin transactoin
- 2010-05-18: the first of Laszlo's pizzas at about $0.0045 / BTC
- 2010-07-17: first trade happes on Mt. Gox at $0.04951 / BTC: cryptopotato.com/10-years-ago-first-bitcoin-trade-on-mt-gox-for-0-05-per-btc/
- 2014: OP_RETURN goes live