Elizabeth Rogers' Virginal Book 1970-01-01
Eton Choirbook 1970-01-01
Finite element machine 1970-01-01
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book 1970-01-01
Forrest-Heyther partbooks 1970-01-01
Statistical indicators 1970-01-01
Global city 1970-01-01
Government effectiveness index 1970-01-01
H-index 1970-01-01
Ibrahim Index of African Governance 1970-01-01
Index (economics) 1970-01-01
Index of dissimilarity 1970-01-01
Index (statistics) 1970-01-01
Kakwani index 1970-01-01
Kardashian Index 1970-01-01
Marine pollution 1970-01-01
Marine regression 1970-01-01
Mediterranean seas 1970-01-01
Radical of an ideal 1970-01-01
Real radical 1970-01-01