Controlled source electro-magnetic 1970-01-01
Jean-Pierre Vigier 1970-01-01
List of geophysicists 1970-01-01
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 1970-01-01
Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 1970-01-01
Gheorghe Mihoc 1970-01-01
List of important publications in geology 1970-01-01
List of important publications in physics 1970-01-01
Vertical datums 1970-01-01
GPS buoy 1970-01-01
Great Trigonometrical Survey 1970-01-01
Guy Bomford 1970-01-01
Japan Microgravity Centre 1970-01-01
Josephinian Land Survey 1970-01-01
Maximum-value composite procedure 1970-01-01
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 1970-01-01
Mikhail Molodenskii 1970-01-01
Navigation (journal) 1970-01-01