List of fellows of the Fields Institute 1970-01-01
Lloyd Dines 1970-01-01
Louis Weisner 1970-01-01
Louise Duffield Cummings 1970-01-01
Luc Vinet 1970-01-01
Lucy Campbell (mathematician) 1970-01-01
Maciej Zworski 1970-01-01
Malabika Pramanik 1970-01-01
Mary Beisiegel 1970-01-01
Maurice L'Abbé 1970-01-01
Max Wyman 1970-01-01
Melania Alvarez 1970-01-01
Mers Kutt 1970-01-01
Michael Makkai 1970-01-01
Mir Maswood Ali 1970-01-01
Mizan Rahman 1970-01-01
Murat Tuncali 1970-01-01
Murray S. Klamkin 1970-01-01
Nathan Divinsky 1970-01-01
Nathan Mendelsohn 1970-01-01