Calabi–Yau manifold 1970-01-01
Canonical commutation relation 1970-01-01
Causal fermion systems 1970-01-01
Chiral symmetry breaking 1970-01-01
Christoffel symbols 1970-01-01
Circular ensemble 1970-01-01
Classical Mechanics (Kibble and Berkshire) 1970-01-01
Classical field theory 1970-01-01
Classification of electromagnetic fields 1970-01-01
Clebsch–Gordan coefficients 1970-01-01
Clebsch–Gordan coefficients for SU(3) 1970-01-01
Coherent states in mathematical physics 1970-01-01
Combinatorial mirror symmetry 1970-01-01
Combinatorics and physics 1970-01-01
Common integrals in quantum field theory 1970-01-01
Conformal field theory 1970-01-01
Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics 1970-01-01
Darboux's theorem 1970-01-01
De Donder–Weyl theory 1970-01-01
Degasperis–Procesi equation 1970-01-01