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Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
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ACM Fellow
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Aarti Gupta (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Abigail Sellen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Abraham Silberschatz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Adele Goldberg (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Aidong Zhang
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alan H. Borning
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Albert Greenberg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alberto O. Mendelzon
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alexander L. Wolf
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alfons Kemper
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alfred Spector
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alla Sheffer
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Allison Druin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Amit Singhal
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Amy S. Bruckman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anand Sivasubramaniam
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anant Agarwal
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anastasia Ailamaki
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Andreas Reuter
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Andrei Broder
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Andrew Yao
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anil K. Jain (computer scientist, born 1948)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anima Anandkumar
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anita Borg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anita K. Jones
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Aravind Joshi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Arie E. Kaufman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Arun K. Somani
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Arvind (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ashutosh Sabharwal
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Assaf Schuster
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barbara G. Ryder
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barbara J. Grosz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barbara Liskov
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barbara Simons
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barry Boehm
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bart Selman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Batya Friedman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ben Shneiderman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bernard Chazelle
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bernard Galler
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bernhard Schölkopf
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bhavani Thuraisingham
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bhubaneswar Mishra
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bill Buxton
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bill Curtis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bill Dally
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bing Liu (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bjarne Stroustrup
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bob Frankston
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Brent Hailpern
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Brian Randell
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bruce Davie
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bruce Donald
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Butler Lampson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
C.-C. Jay Kuo
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
C. Mohan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Calvin Gotlieb
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carl Kesselman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carla Brodley
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carla Ellis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carla Gomes
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carlo Ghezzi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Chandrajit Bajaj
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Charles Geschke
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Charles Lee Isbell Jr.
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Charles P. Thacker
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Cheng Xiang Zhai
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Cherri M. Pancake
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Chih-Jen Lin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Chip Elliott
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Christian Cachin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Christine L. Borgman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Christos Faloutsos
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Christos Kozyrakis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Chung Laung Liu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Claire Cardie
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Clarence Ellis (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Clifford Lynch
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Constantinos Daskalakis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Corinna Cortes
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Craig Gotsman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Craig Partridge
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dacheng Tao
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dahlia Malkhi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Bricklin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Gusfield
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Halperin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Olsen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Roth
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Suciu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dana S. Nau
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Daniel G. Bobrow
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Daniel Siewiorek
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Danny Hillis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Abramson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Atienza
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David C. Parkes
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David DeWitt
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David F. Bacon
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Forsyth (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Kuck
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David L. Dill
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Maier
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Mount
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Notkin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David P. Dobkin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Parnas
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Ungar
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Waltz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dawn Song
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Deborah Frincke
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Demetri Terzopoulos
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Der-Tsai Lee
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Diana Marculescu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Diane Souvaine
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dina Katabi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dinesh Manocha
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Don Norman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Don Towsley (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Donald D. Chamberlin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Donald Haderle
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Donald P. Greenberg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Donald W. Loveland
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Donn B. Parker
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dorin Comaniciu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dorothy E. Denning
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Doug Lea
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dragomir R. Radev
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ed Chi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edgar F. Codd
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edmund M. Clarke
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edouard Bugnion
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edward D. Lazowska
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edward Feigenbaum
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edward Felten
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edward J. McCluskey
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edward Knightly
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Edwin Catmull
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Elena Ferrari
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Elisa Bertino
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Elizabeth Belding
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Elizabeth F. Churchill
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Elizabeth Mynatt
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ellen Voorhees
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Emo Welzl
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Eric Brewer (scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Eric Xing
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Evgeniy Gabrilovich
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Farinaz Koushanfar
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Fei-Fei Li
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Fernando J. Corbató
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Frances Allen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Franz Alt (mathematician)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Fred Brooks
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gaetano Borriello
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gail C. Murphy
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gary Sullivan (engineer)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gene Tsudik
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Georg Gottlob
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
George Varghese
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gerald Jay Sussman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gerard J. Holzmann
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gerard Salton
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gerhard Fischer (professor)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gerhard Weikum
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gio Wiederhold
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gonzalo Navarro
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gordon Bell
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Greg Morrisett
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gregor Kiczales
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gregor von Bochmann (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gregory Abowd
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Guang Gao
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Gul Agha (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Guy L. Steele Jr.
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Hagit Attiya
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Hai Li
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Haitao Zheng
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Hanan Samet
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Hanspeter Pfister
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Hari Balakrishnan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Harold N. Gabow
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Harry Huskey
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Harry Shum
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Harvey Cragon
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Henry F. Korth
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Henry Fuchs
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Henry Kautz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Herb Grosch
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Herbert Freeman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Holly Rushmeier
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Hsinchun Chen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Huan Liu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Hui Zhang (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Héctor García-Molina
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ian F. Akyildiz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ian Foster (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ian Witten
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Imrich Chlamtac
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ingemar Cox
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Insup Lee
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ion Stoica
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
J. Presper Eckert
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
J Strother Moore
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jack Dennis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jack Minker
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jacob Abraham
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jaime Teevan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
James C. Browne
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
James D. Foley
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
James Gosling
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
James Hendler
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
James R. Goodman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jan Camenisch
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jason Cong
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jayant Haritsa
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jean-Loup Baer
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jean E. Sammet
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jeanne Ferrante
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jeff Dean
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jeff Rulifson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jeffrey Naughton
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jeffrey Ullman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jeffrey Vitter
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jennifer Rexford
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jennifer Widom
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jessica Hodgins
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jiawei Han
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jie Tang
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jim Gray (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jim Horning
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jim Kurose
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jitendra Malik
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Joel Emer
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Joel Moses
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Joel S. Birnbaum
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Johannes Gehrke
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John C.S. Lui
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John C. Reynolds
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John D. Gannon
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John E. Laird
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John E. Savage
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John Guttag
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John Hershberger
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John L. Hennessy
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John Launchbury
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John McCarthy (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John Ousterhout
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John P. Hayes
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John R. Rice (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John Stasko
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John T. Riedl
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
John Warnock
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jon Crowcroft
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jon Kleinberg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jonathan Grudin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Jonathan S. Turner
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Josep Torrellas
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Joseph Halpern
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Joseph S. B. Mitchell
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Joshua Lederberg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
José Luis Encarnação
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Juan E. Gilbert
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Judea Pearl
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Judith Gal-Ezer
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Judith S. Olson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Julia Hirschberg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Juliana Freire
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Justine Cassell
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
K. Mani Chandy
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kalyanmoy Deb
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Karen Duncan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Katherine Yelick
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kathleen Fisher
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kathleen McKeown
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kathryn S. McKinley
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Katy Börner
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kavita Bala
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Keith Marzullo
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Keith W. Ross
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ken Birman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ken Kennedy (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kenneth L. Clarkson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kenneth Steiglitz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kent Fuchs
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kentaro Toyama
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kevin Skadron
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kimberly Keeton
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Klara Nahrstedt
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Krishan Sabnani
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Krste Asanović
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kunle Olukotun
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kurt Akeley
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Kurt Mehlhorn
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
L. Jean Camp
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
L. Peter Deutsch
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lance Hoffman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Larry Constantine
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Larry L. Peterson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Larry S. Davis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lars Arge
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Laura M. Haas
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Laurie Hendren
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lawrence Paulson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lee Giles
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Leon J. Osterweil
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Leonard Adleman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Leonidas J. Guibas
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Li Erran Li
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lili Qiu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lillian Lee (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lin Yi-bing
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lise Getoor
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
List of fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Loren Carpenter
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lorenzo Alvisi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lori A. Clarke
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lorraine Borman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Louiqa Raschid
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Luca Benini
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Luca Cardelli
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Lydia Kavraki
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Magdalena Bałazińska
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mahadev Satyanarayanan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Maneesh Agrawala
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Manuela M. Veloso
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Marc Auslander
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Marc Levoy
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Marc Pollefeys
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Margaret Burnett
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Margaret Martonosi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Margo Seltzer
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Maria L. Gini
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Marilyn Wolf
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mario Gerla
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mark Crovella
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mark N. Wegman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Markus Gross
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Marta Kwiatkowska
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Martha E. Pollack
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Martha E. Sloan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Marti Hearst
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Martin L. Kersten
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Martin Odersky
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Martin Vetterli
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Martín Abadi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mary Czerwinski
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mary Jane Irwin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mary Jean Harrold
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mary Lou Soffa
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mei Hong (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mendel Rosenblum
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael F. Cohen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael Franz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael J. Carey (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael J. Franklin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael J. Freedman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael Kass
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael L. Littman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael L. Scott
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael Reiter (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael Schroeder
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael Stonebraker
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael T. Goodrich
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael Wellman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael Wooldridge (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michael Zyda
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Milind Tambe
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ming C. Lin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mona Singh (scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Monica S. Lam
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Mor Harchol-Balter
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
N. Asokan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Naehyuck Chang
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Nancy M. Amato
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Narendra Ahuja
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Neil D. Jones
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Nelson Max
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Nick McKeown
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Norman Jouppi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Noshir Contractor
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Nuria Oliver
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Orna Grumberg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Pablo Rodriguez (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Pamela Samuelson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Pamela Zave
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Pankaj K. Agarwal
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Paola Inverardi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Pat Hanrahan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Patricia Selinger
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Patrick Drew McDaniel
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Paul Dourish
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Paul Larson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Paul Resnick
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Paul van Oorschot
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Pavel A. Pevzner
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Perry R. Cook
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter A. Freeman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter Buneman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter Chen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter E. Hart
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter Elias
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter J. Haas (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter Lee (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter Norvig
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter Schröder
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Peter Wegner
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Philip N. Klein
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Philip S. Yu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Pierangela Samarati
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Prashant Shenoy
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Prith Banerjee
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Qiang Yang
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rachid Guerraoui
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rada Mihalcea
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Radu Marculescu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Raghu Ramakrishnan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Raj Jain
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rajeev Alur
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rajesh K. Gupta
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rajiv Gupta (technocrat)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rakesh Agrawal (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ramanathan V. Guha
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ramesh Govindan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ramesh Jain
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ramesh Sitaraman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ramin Zabih
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Randal Bryant
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Randy Katz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ravi Sethi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ray Kurzweil
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Raymond Reiter
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Reinhard Wilhelm
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
René Vidal
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Renée Miller
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Richard F. Lyon
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Richard P. Gabriel
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Richard T. Snodgrass
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rick Stevens
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rina Dechter
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rob A. Rutenbar
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robert E. Kraut
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robert Kowalski
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robert L. Cook
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robert L. Grossman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robert M. Graham (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robert Sedgewick (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robert W. Floyd
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robert Wilensky
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Roberto Tamassia
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Robin Murphy
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Roch Guérin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rodney Brooks
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Roger Needham
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ron Rivest
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ron Shamir
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ronald Baecker
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ronald Fagin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ronald Kaplan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Rosalind Picard
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Roy Rada
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Roy Want
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ruby B. Lee
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ruzena Bajcsy
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Sally Shlaer
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Salvatore J. Stolfo
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Sandhya Dwarkadas
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Sara Kiesler
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Sarita Adve
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Satish Rao
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Satoshi Matsuoka
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Saul Greenberg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Scott Shenker
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Sebastian Elbaum
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Serge Abiteboul
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Shahid Hussain Bokhari
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Shamkant Navathe
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Sheila McIlraith
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Shih-Fu Chang
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Shumin Zhai
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Shwetak Patel
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Simon Peyton Jones
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Simson Garfinkel
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Songwu Lu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Stanley Zdonik
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Stefan Savage
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Stefano Ceri
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Stefano Soatto
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Stephen Kent (network security)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Steven K. Feiner
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Stuart Card
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Stuart Feldman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Stuart J. Russell
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Subhash Suri
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Sunita Sarawagi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Susan B. Davidson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Susan Dumais
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Susan J. Eggers
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Susan L. Graham
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Susan Landau
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Susan M. Dray
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Susan Owicki
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tajana Rosing
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Takao Nishizeki
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Takeo Kanade
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tal Rabin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tamal Dey
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tandy Warnow
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tanzeem Choudhury
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tarek Abdelzaher
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Terry Winograd
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tetsuo Asano
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Thea D. Hodge
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Thomas A. DeFanti
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Thomas B. Steel
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Thomas Dean (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Thomas E. Anderson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Thomas E. Kurtz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Thomas G. Dietterich
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Thomas P. Moran
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tie-Yan Liu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tim Finin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Timothy M. Chan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tomás Lozano-Pérez
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Torsten Hoefler
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tova Milo
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Tracy Camp
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ueli Maurer (cryptographer)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Urs Hölzle
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Usama Fayyad
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Valerie Taylor (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Venkata Padmanabhan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Venu Govindaraju
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Vern Paxson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Vicki L. Hanson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Victor Bahl
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Victor Basili
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Victor S. Miller
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Victor Vianu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Vijay P. Bhatkar
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Vishal Misra
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Volker Markl
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
W. Bruce Croft
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Warren Teitelman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Watts Humphrey
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Wei Wang (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Wen-mei Hwu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Wendi Heinzelman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Wendy Mackay
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Wenfei Fan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
William T. Freeman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Willis Ware
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Xavier Leroy
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Xiaobo Sharon Hu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Xilin Chen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Xuedong Huang
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yale Patt
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yannis Ioannidis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yoelle Maarek
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yolanda Gil
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yong Rui
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yorick Wilks
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yuanyuan Zhou
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yunhao Liu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Yuri Gurevich
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Zhang Hongjiang
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Zhou Zhi-Hua
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Zohar Manna
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Zygmunt Haas
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Özalp Babaoğlu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
ACM Fellow
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Aarti Gupta (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Abigail Sellen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Abraham Silberschatz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Adele Goldberg (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Aidong Zhang
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alan H. Borning
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Albert Greenberg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alberto O. Mendelzon
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alexander L. Wolf
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alfons Kemper
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alfred Spector
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Alla Sheffer
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Allison Druin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Amit Singhal
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Amy S. Bruckman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anand Sivasubramaniam
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anant Agarwal
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anastasia Ailamaki
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Andreas Reuter
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Andrei Broder
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Andrew Yao
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anil K. Jain (computer scientist, born 1948)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anima Anandkumar
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anita Borg
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Anita K. Jones
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Aravind Joshi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Arie E. Kaufman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Arun K. Somani
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Arvind (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ashutosh Sabharwal
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Assaf Schuster
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barbara G. Ryder
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barbara J. Grosz
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barbara Liskov
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barbara Simons
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Barry Boehm
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bart Selman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Batya Friedman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Ben Shneiderman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bernard Chazelle
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bernard Galler
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bernhard Schölkopf
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bhavani Thuraisingham
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bhubaneswar Mishra
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bill Buxton
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bill Curtis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bill Dally
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bing Liu (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bjarne Stroustrup
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bob Frankston
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Brent Hailpern
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Brian Randell
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bruce Davie
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Bruce Donald
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Butler Lampson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
C.-C. Jay Kuo
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
C. Mohan
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Calvin Gotlieb
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carl Kesselman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carla Brodley
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carla Ellis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carla Gomes
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Carlo Ghezzi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Chandrajit Bajaj
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Charles Geschke
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Charles Lee Isbell Jr.
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Charles P. Thacker
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Cheng Xiang Zhai
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Cherri M. Pancake
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Chih-Jen Lin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Chip Elliott
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Christian Cachin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Christine L. Borgman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Christos Faloutsos
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Christos Kozyrakis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Chung Laung Liu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Claire Cardie
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Clarence Ellis (computer scientist)
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Clifford Lynch
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Constantinos Daskalakis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Corinna Cortes
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Craig Gotsman
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Craig Partridge
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dacheng Tao
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dahlia Malkhi
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Bricklin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Gusfield
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Halperin
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Olsen
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Roth
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dan Suciu
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Dana S. Nau
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Daniel G. Bobrow
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Daniel Siewiorek
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
Danny Hillis
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Abramson
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David Atienza
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David C. Parkes
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
David DeWitt
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
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Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
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