Good article about its history:
Founded by Satoshi Nakamoto, making it the earliest and one of the most important Bitcoin communities. TODO official in any way? Who founded it?
Instance of Simple Machines Forum, an open source, PHP-based forum system.
Some notable appearances:
A lot of important development discussion happened in those channels:
At "Is there a log for the bitcoin IRC channel?" Luke Dashjr comments:
No, it is meant to be private without logging allowed.
User "midmagic" (TODO identify) then comments:
The #bitcoin channel on Freenode is "officially unlogged." That means we officially don't publish the logs anywhere, and if we find that logs are published somewhere, we ask that they be taken down
Some IRC logs were dumped into the Bitcoin blockchain at: IRC log dumps where they cannot be deleted.


Author of the prayer side of the Prayer wars.
According to LinkedIn he studied at the Benedictine College in Kansas.
TODO is his real birthname "Luke Dash Jr."?
Apparently he had his coins stolen in January 2023, then worth $3.5m: "Luke-Jr is a seriously a super crazy person quotes gigathread." (2016) on Reddit. Apparently he has some fun views of life. registration: 2008-08-18
2008-08-22: first private contact to Wei Dai email. Reproduced at on from address Email provider shutting down entirely on 2021-09-30 as per, homepage now juts contains useless Bitcoin stuff.
First public Bitcoin whitepaper announcement: 2008-10-31 linking to, email sent from from Claimed one year and a half development time. Provider apparently closed in 2014:, as of 2021 just reads:
Once upon a time a man paid me a visit in cyberspace, at this very domain. He planted a seed in our heads that would become the path we are walking today.
Replies in November: under claims source code shared privately by request at that point.
First open source release: 9 January 2009. Announcement: "Windows only for now. Open source C++ code is included" Arghhhhhh how can those libertarians use Microsoft Windows??? Had a GUI already.
2011-04-23 Satoshi sent his last email ever, it was to Martti Malmi. mentions:
May 2011 was also the last time Satoshi communicated privately with other Bitcoin contributors. In an email that month to Martti Malmi, one of the earliest participants, Satoshi wrote, "I've moved on to other things and probably won't be around in the future."
Hal Finney:
Official Bitcoin domain registered by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Registration: 2008-08-18 by, an American company. But using a privacy oriented registrar: It is unknown how he could have paid anonymously, so it seems likely that the true identity could be obtained by law enforcement if needed.
First archive 2009-01-31: Also from the archive history*/, things really started picking up on July 2010. This is almost certainly due to the opening of
One of Satoshi's email addresses, this one is given on the Bitcoin whitepaper.
One of Satoshi's email addresses, it's how he made the First public announcement of Bitoin on first public announcement of Bitcoin on 2008-10-31.
At some point later on was discontinued and acquired by a super dodgy dude, Alex Elbanna, so it hasn't been Satoshi for a while.
2023-11-17 "I Bought Now What?" Restricted topic, but Google caught it: The message:
I am dedicating the next few months, and perhaps even years, to researching Satoshi Nakamoto and the intricacies of blockchain technology. About four weeks ago, I came across for sale on and decided to purchase it. I added to my account and configured it to catch all emails. As a result, numerous emails started flowing in. Subsequently, I connected and discovered significant information that I am excited to share with you in the coming months.
To be clear, I want to emphasize that I am not Satoshi Nakamoto. My interest lies in understanding the future plans for Bitcoin and its impact on the world. I invite you to join me on this journey, contributing your knowledge to the collective understanding. I believe there is a possibility of uncovering the ultimate treasure, and I am eager to share it with all of you.
twitter @alexelbanna
2023-11-17, 06:46:25 PM. for sale, Restricted topic, but Google caught it: The message: has a rich Bitcoin history with Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.
Email address:
$50,000 obo for Buy Now:
How it would be of value:
You would open a account add domain Then you create an address such as: and the you can set the domain to a catch all address. All emails will come into your inbox. All emails from going to will now be in your inbox.
See other domains Satoshi Nakamoto owned here:
Michael Weber
Domain Registrar
They updated the page to a more scammy one as of 2024: mentioning But still Alex no doubt: |
As of 2024-04-03, it was parked again on GoDaddy, and emails were bouncing.
As of 2024-04-10, it was now a Ghost blogging intance still by Alex: He added Ciro Santilli as a collaborator, but Ciro could only draft articles which Alex could then review. He allowed a cheeky link to in: epic. Let's see if it gives traffic! claims they were giving out grants via and provided address 1BCwUg3PsLK9wJK815RkmzSMdAnALNHu64
Shady shady owner of "" sine November 2023. He sends emails as without any disclaimers, Godlike.
He or someone with the same name is having some fun with the SEC: for "Securities Fraud".
The complaint: (archive). Some pearls:
41. Elbanna told investors several other lies to gain investors’ trust. These included his claim that he had served in the U.S. Marines, when in reality he was discharged after just fifteen days of their thirteen-week recruit training. Elbanna claimed that he had worked at the U.S. National Security Agency (“NSA”). He further claimed that the NSA was aware of and participating in the Digital World Exchange enterprise. All of these claims were false.
42. Perhaps most incredibly, after claiming that he had “been in blockchain technology since the beginning” and “in the cryptocurrency space almost since its inception” in the May 2018 and March 2019 Whitepapers, respectively, Elbanna told investors in a chat program in April 2019 that he “was one of the first 4 creators of BTC.” He went so far as to tell another investor that he was the pseudonymous inventor of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto himself. These statements were also false. Elbanna later admitted that he was not involved in blockchain technology from its beginning, and that he “didn’t even really know much about crypto” in 2018, the year he launched the Digital World Exchange enterprise.
The documentary Bitconned from Netflix comes strongly to mind, It is unbelieveable people would fall for that kind of thing, the founders are not even sophisticated. And on top of that he agrees to appear on a documentary!!! OMG.
This dude actually managed to convince a brain-dead British court that he was Satoshi and force a takedown of the Bitcoin whitepaper from where it had been for many years prior: The page was updated to simply display the following Satoshi quote:
It takes advantage of the nature of information being easy to spread but hard to stifle. - Satoshi Nakamoto
Figure 1.
Craig Steven Wright
. Source.
The mere thought that Satoshi would attempt to copyright takedown the Bitcoin whitepaper, and not be able to back his identidy with any cryptographic keys, makes one shrivel to the bones.
Also, kids, this is why you put a fucking license on everything you release to the public, and especially when doing so anonymously!!! A quick CC BY-SA on that paper would have prevented all this bullshit.
The existence of this outrageous fraudster has had two good effects on the world however it must be said:
TODO find the Shroud of Turin one.
CoinGeek is either run by or paid for by Craig Wright. You can see that all of the articles are either strongly in his favor or in line with his recent opinions.
Released by Satoshi Nakamoto on the early mailing list discussions where Bitcoin was announced.
More conveniently available on nowadays, except when it was down for a few years due to our master Craig Steven Wright.


Video 1.
What Happened When Bitcoin Made People Rich Quickly? by Vice News (2022)
Source. Meh, too long and not many cool things.
In 2011, Finman made a deal with his parents that he would not pursue a college degree as he wanted to make his fortune outside of traditional education.
After receiving $1,245 from his grandmother that year, Finman invested into Bitcoin (BTC) - which was then trading at around $12 - and this gave him about 103 BTC.
Shame that he seems to be a American exceptionalism idiot. Perhaps it was inevitable given his circonstances. After a small market crash:
Opportunities like this come across only once every few years.
This ain’t financial advice…
But if you got the cash.
Never bet against America
The way the education system is structured now, I wouldn't recommend it, It doesn't work for anyone. I would recommend the Internet, which is all free. You can learn a million times more off YouTube and Wikipedia.
Video 1.
Just buy $1 worth of Bitcoin please! by Davinci Jeremie (2013)

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