Candela is Lumen density per solid angle. A sphere emitting 1 Candela uniformly in all directions produces 4π Lumen total power.
1 Watt equals 683 Lumens of light power at wavelength 555 nm. At other wavelengths 1 Watt is less Lumens as it takes into account the sensitivity of the average human eye.
Candela is lumen density per solid angle.
Named after radio pioneer Heinrich Hertz.
Uses the frequency of the hyperfine structure of caesium-133 ground state, i.e spin up vs spin down of its valence electron , to define the second.
International System of Units definition of the second since 1967, because this is what atomic clocks use.
TODO why does this have more energy than the hyperfine split of the hydrogen line given that it is further from the nucleus?
Why caesium hyperfine structure is used:
Highlighted at the Origins of Precision by Machine Thinking (2017).
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