Game AI is an artificial intelligence that plays a certain game.
It can be either developed for serious purposes (e.g. AGI development in AI games), or to make games for interesting for humans.


A good way to find labs is to go down the issues section of projects such as:and then stalk them to see where they are doing their PhDs.
Principal investigator: Simon M. Lucas.
Video 1.
AI in Melee is broken by Melee Moments (2023)


TODO quick summary of game rules? Perhaps:
Some mechanics:
  • inter agent communication
  • compute power is limited by limiting Java bytecode count execution per bot per cycle
Video 1.
Battlecode Final Tournament 2023
. Source.
Video 2.
Introduction to Battlecode by MIT OpenCourseWare (2014)
Ah, shame, they are a bit weak.

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