Game AI is an artificial intelligence that plays a certain game.
It can be either developed for serious purposes (e.g. AGI development in AI games), or to make games for interesting for humans.
A good way to find labs is to go down the issues section of projects such as:and then stalk them to see where they are doing their PhDs.
Principal investigator: Simon M. Lucas.
Video 1. AI in Melee is broken by Melee Moments (2023) Source.
TODO quick summary of game rules? Perhaps:
Some mechanics:
  • inter agent communication
  • compute power is limited by limiting Java bytecode count execution per bot per cycle
Video 1. Battlecode Final Tournament 2023. Source.
Video 2. Introduction to Battlecode by MIT OpenCourseWare (2014) Source.
Ah, shame, they are a bit weak.