There is a lot of "who kills who" useless fluff, and everything to do with the wife is boring, but too much gold otherwise.
It is amazing to see how seasons got better and better until the finale. The last season was amazing, Ciro Santilli actually watched all episodes of that one! This is clearly seen on the evolution of metacritic scores.
Video 1.
That's The Best Coffee I've Ever Tasted scence from Breaking Bad
. Source. The chemistry and business related stuff is especially cool. Because when companies and criminals don't tell anyone about their secrets, it is up to the imagination of film makers to do so.
Video 2.
The Beauty Of Cooking scened from scence from Breaking Bad S02 E09
. Source.
It's just too charming, and has some deep themes.
Ciro Santilli enjoyed watching the temple flashback moments on YouTube.
Combat in the USA is of course terribly ridiculous due to guns Are Worthless.
A bit over the top, but convincing enough. A crypto-vampire show.
Ciro Santilli likes this.
He doesn't have the patience to actually watch full episodes with rare exceptions, rather just watching selected scenes from:, but still, it is interesting.
What appeals to Ciro in this series is how almost nothing is solved by violence, almost everything is decided in the bridge, at the "cerebral" level of the command structure. This reminds Ciro of a courtroom of law sometimes.
Maybe there's also a bit of 90's nostalgia involved too though, as this is something that would show on some random cable channels a bored young Ciro would have browsed during weekends, never really watching full episodes.
One crime of many episodes is being completely based on some stupid new scientific concept, which any character to back it up.
Another thing that hurt is that due to their obsession with the senior members of the crew, sometimes those senior members are sent in ridiculously risky operations, which is very unrealistic.
Episodes that Ciro watched fully and didn't regret:
Semi worth it:
Not worth it:
  • Cause and effect
  • s06e11 Chain of command

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