These people are serious.
Where nuclear weapons and nuclear power, and a ton of derived research is made.
This is where they moved the Chicago Pile-1 after they decided it might be a bad idea to run highly experimental nuclear reactions right in the middle of one of the most populous cities of the United States.
After it was reassembled, the Chicago Pile-1 was renamed as Chicago Pile 2 (CP2).
So more precisely, it is a continuation of the Metallurgical Laboratory.
It's still not that far though, only about 20 kilometers, and today is also a populated area.
Ciro Santilli maintains that they chose the site because the name is so cool. Wikipedia says it is derived from the Forest of Argonne, maybe it even shared etymology with the element argon.
Founded partly due to the influence of Edward Teller who thought Los Alamos National Laboratory was not making good progress on thermonuclear weapons, large part of which was developed there.
Located in Tennessee in the East of the United States.
This is where the X-10 Graphite Reactor was located.
An intermediate step between the nuclear chain reaction prototype Chicago Pile-1 and the full blown mass production at Hanford site. Located in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Figure 1.
Exterior of the X-10 Graphite Reactor in 1950
. Source.
Produced the enriched uranium used for Little Boy, located in the area/predecessor of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Historian Alan B. Carr:
Publicly released documents from the Los Alamos National Laboratory are marked with this identifier. This is for example the case of each video on ther YouTube channel: E.g. Video "Historic, unique Manhattan Project footage from Los Alamos by Los Alamos National Lab" is marked with "LA-UR 11-4449". contains "How to Get an LA-UR: Using RASSTI to Release Your Work" which is of interest: That document documents the acronym's expansion, plus it leaks some internal-only URLs such as
TODO is there somewhere you can search for the document for a given identifier? Some PDFs are listed at:
Name of the Los Alamos National Laboratory site during the Manhattan Project, before it was renamed to Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Centerpiece of the CEA since the beginning of the French nuclear weapons program, headquarters since 2006.
As of 2023 the place was blurred on Google Maps staellite view, no wonder.

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