See also Ciro Santilli's critique of rooting for sport teams.
It is not a practical fighting style. But it is an awesome game/exercise.
"Dojo" is the japanese version of the word that unfortunately came to dominate in the West, the original is of course Chinese Dao4 chang3 (道場) which means:
- dao4 (道): Taoism, the Enlightned Path to something
- chang3 (場): suffix indicating "a place where you do something"
Football is a synonym for association football, can we be done with that! The word "soccer" is an aberration.
See also Ciro Santilli's critique of rooting for sport teams.
Why football is the most popular sport in the world by Desmond Morris
. Source. More info at Video "Why football is the most popular sport in the world by Desmond Morris".Ciro Santilli's sport of choice circa 2020, see also: Ciro Santilli's cycling.
Only people who need to drive a car should be allowed to drive a car anywhere near a city, e.g. people who work door to door, people who are disabled, etc.
Countryside driving is fine. If going to a city, you just have to drive to a parking outside of the city where you then take the public transport. And those who live in cities must leave their cars there too.
Everyone else must walk or cycle from home to public transport.
Cars just destroy everything, they make everything ugly:
- this was extremely clear to Ciro Santilli as a cyclist. He previously lived in a place with few cars and the countryside was so pleasant. Then he moved to a place with more cars and it was shocking. It's a mixture of pollution, noise, and the fact that roads cut up the countryside that just make things not pleasant at all. Dual lane roads in particular are just a terrible thing. You can hear them from afar, much before you see them.You can just see as tiny little villages surrounding the bit city and it's oversized motorways are more or less homogenized into one big city mass, the process is clearly visible as you cycle out of the big city and the villages become nicer and more unique as you go along further out.
- even within cities, cars completely dehumanize the streets. For example, Ciro once lived in a small dead end street, and he would have gladly opened his front window more often to meet the neighbours. But just the noise of cars passing by every so often makes it impractical to work like that.
The Zatoichi effect applies well to the problem of cyclists:This is the main drama faced by cyclists.
- they are not really pedestrians, and pedestrian paths are not suitable to them because they are too narrow, of not smooth, or curved. But pedestrians will always have enough political power to have their paths, because they live around the paths
- they are not really motor vehicles, because motor vehicle paths are too wide and too fast for them. But motor vehicles will always have enough political power to have their paths, because people are lazy and stupid, and because as the world stands, individually you just don't have any reasonable choice to go anywhere.
Lobbying groups:
- Shifter youTube channel: Has many videos about making cycling as means of transport. He's from Calgary, Canada.
- Ban Private Cars in London
- Reclaim the Streets
- they make some large bike rides to promote themselves, good method
- 2024 cyclists with car skeletons
The traffic is designed for cars, which makes many red stops for bicycles completely stupid.
In a bicycle you just have too much more control and awareness than in a car, so if the way is completely clear, you should be allowed to stop, look if the way is clear, and then run reds.
Of course, this does increase the chances of hitting pedestrians a little bit. But the risk change feels so little that it would be worth it. Studies quoted by Wikipedia corroborate. It just feels extremely unintuitive to make cyclists stop in certain places when the street is clear.
- Should cyclists be allowed to run red lights? by The Guardian 2015
Edd Sorenson is the greatest cave body recovery diver ever, performing incredible stunts of endurance and bravery in his many body recoveries.
He even saved a few cave divers alive, which is extremely rare as almost all incidents lead to deaths.
Besides that, he was also one of the early proponents of sidemount diving, a method of diving that allows divers to enter through smaller restrictions than the traditional back mounted diving. The method was initially considered dangerous, but after technical developments which Sorenson contributed to became the dominant form of cave diving.
Sorenson also made technical and educational contributions to civilian rebreather diving, which he mastered and often used in his many body recovery missions, as the method allows him to stay underwater for longer periods of time.
On top of all that, he's a great storyteller, which together with his physique and demeanor helps to cement his fame.
His name is Danish:ørensen He looks incredibly military, but apparently isn't: He had an excavation business in Portland, Oregon, and wanted FIRE movement to Florida. He got a bit hurt by by the dot-com crash, but still managed to move after liquidating all assets.
This is another perfect example of how shitty our world is. The dude wasted his life until he was 40, and then only when he started doing what he really loved did he become mega famous and succesful. Video "What Would You Do If Money Were No Object by Alan Watts" comes to mind strongly yet again... After the move he relocated to the Jackson Blue Spring area.
The popular Spider Man golf position
. Source. Camilo Villegas.About 50k subscribers on 2021, which feels way too little for the video quality and quantity.
Ciro Santilli believes that this channel will go very far, certainly achieving 1M subscribers in they keep it for one or two more years. Update: it didn't, as of 2024, shame.
They are Utah-based, and they do many many amazing weekend trips. They mostly drive from home to some trailhead, and then climb up and down it the entire day.
No technical rock climbing, only bouldering, but they still manage to reach many amazing places, and there is a level of danger in many of their ascents.
The cool thing about this channel is that as the name suggests, they are not professionals, and what they do can be done by anyone without working full time on it, as long as you have adequate preparation.
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