x86 Paging Tutorial Updated +Created
This tutorial explains the very basics of how paging works, with focus on x86, although most high level concepts will also apply to other instruction set architectures, e.g. ARM.
The goals are to:
  • demonstrate minimal concrete simplified paging examples that will be useful to those learning paging for the first time
  • explain the motivation behind paging
This tutorial was extracted and expanded from this Stack Overflow answer.
Gridworld AI game Updated +Created
Waring's problem Updated +Created
And when it can't, attempt to classify which subset of the integers can be reached. E.g. Legendre's three-square theorem.
Amazon Machine Image Updated +Created
ARM Cortex-M0+ Updated +Created
OP_RETURN Updated +Created
bsub on foreground Updated +Created
Run bsub on foreground, show stdout on host stdout live with an interactive with the bsub -I option:
bsub -I 'echo a;sleep 1;echo b;sleep 1;echo c'; echo done
Ctrl + C kills the job on remote as well as locally.
bsub option Updated +Created
Ionic bond Updated +Created
Oleg Shakirov's findings Updated +Created
Starting at twitter.com/shakirov2036/status/1746729471778988499, Russian expat Oleg Shakirov comments "Let me know if you are still looking for the Carson website".
He then proceeded to give Carson and 5 other domains in private communication. His name is given here with his consent. His advances besides not being blind were Yandexing for some of the known hits which led to pages that contained other hits:
  • moyistochnikonlaynovykhigr.com contains a copy of myonlinegamesource.com, and both are present at www.seomastering.com/audit/pefl.ru/, an SEO tracker, because both have backlinks to pefl.ru, which is apparently a niche fantasy football website
  • 4 previously unknown hits from: "Mass Deface III" pastebin. He missed one which Ciro then found after inspecting all URLs on Wayback Machine, so leading to a total of 5 new hits from that source.
Unfortunately, these methods are not very generalizable, and didn't lead to a large number of other hits. But every domain counts!
16S ribosomal RNA Updated +Created
University of Cambridge slang Updated +Created
Amazon Elastic Block Store Updated +Created
Fermentation Updated +Created
p-orbital Updated +Created
d-orbital Updated +Created
f-orbital Updated +Created
SingularityNET Updated +Created
1MVpQJA7FtcDrwKC6zATkZvZcxqma4JixS Updated +Created
The fee/change address of cryptograffiti.info.
Multisig Updated +Created

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