Mathematics wiki Updated +Created
Beta (climbing) Updated +Created
Bacterial conjugation Updated +Created
Braindumping Updated +Created
There are two ways:
AWS service Updated +Created
Pierre and Marie Curie University Updated +Created
Chemosynthesis Updated +Created
Injective function Updated +Created
Mnemonic: in means into. So we are going into a codomain that is large enough so that we can have a different image for every input.
Quantum jump Updated +Created
Coaxial power connector Updated +Created
Chicago Updated +Created
Review article Updated +Created
xkcd 927: Standards Updated +Created
Surjective function Updated +Created
Mnemonic: sur means over. So we are going over the codomain, and covering it entirely.
Steve Wozniak Updated +Created
Germany Updated +Created
Greece Updated +Created
Thermo Electron Updated +Created
Bohr-Sommerfeld model Updated +Created
Refinement of the Bohr model that starts to take quantum angular momentum into account in order to explain missing lines that would have been otherwise observed TODO specific example of such line.
They are not observe because they would violate the conservation of angular momentum.
TODO confirm year and paper, Wikipedia points to:
Brain reading Updated +Created

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