First mentions of bitcoin on YouTube Updated +Created
Incoming links Updated +Created
By Ciro Santilli:
By others:
Strong CP problem Updated +Created
Install and first run Updated +Created
At 7e4cc9e57de76752df0f4e32eca95fb653ea64e4 you basically need to use the Docker image on Ubuntu 21.04 due to pip breaking changes... (not their fault). Perhaps pyenv would solve things, but who has the patience for that?!?!
The Docker setup from README does just work. The image download is a bit tedius, as it requires you to create a GitHub API key as described in the README, but there must be reasons for that.
Once the image is downloaded, you really want to run is from the root of the source tree:
sudo docker run --name=wcm -it -v "$(pwd):/wcEcoli"
This mounts the host source under /wcEcoli, so you can easily edit and view output images from your host. Once inside Docker we can compile, run the simulation, and analyze results with:
make clean compile &&
python runscripts/manual/ &&
python runscripts/manual/ &&
python runscripts/manual/ &&
python runscripts/manual/ &&
python runscripts/manual/ &&
python runscripts/manual/
The meaning of each of the analysis commands is described at Section "Output overview".
As a Docker refresher, after you stop the container, e.g. by restarting your computer or running sudo docker stop wcm, you can get back into it with:
sudo docker start wcm
sudo docker run -it wcm bash
runscripts/manual/ takes about 15 minutes, and it generates files such as reconstruction/ecoli/dataclasses/process/ (related) which is required to run the simulation, it is basically a part of the build. does the main simulation, progress output contains lines of type:
Time (s)  Dry mass     Dry mass      Protein          RNA    Small mol     Expected
              (fg)  fold change  fold change  fold change  fold change  fold change
========  ========  ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
    0.00    403.09        1.000        1.000        1.000        1.000        1.000
    0.20    403.18        1.000        1.000        1.000        1.000        1.000
and then it ended on the Lenovo ThinkPad P51 (2017) at:
 2569.18    783.09        1.943        1.910        2.005        1.950        1.963

Simulation finished:
 - Length: 0:42:49
 - Runtime: 0:09:13
when the cell had almost doubled, and presumably divided in 42 minutes of simulated time, which could make sense compared to the 20 under optimal conditions.
Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation Updated +Created
Very low frequency Updated +Created
Notably used for communication with submarines, so in particular crucial as part of sending an attack signal to that branch of the nuclear triad.
Standards Updated +Created
The LSB basically links to other standards with minor extensions, in particular:
A handy summary can be found at:
man elf
Craig Silverstein Updated +Created
Video 1.
How Google began by Craig Silverstein part 1 (2006)
Source. Talk given at the University of North Carolina. A possibly official invitation from the time:
Invariant vs covariant Updated +Created
Some sources distinguish "invariant" from "covariant" such that under some transformation (typically Lie group):
  • invariant: the value of does not change if we transform
  • covariant: the form of the equation does not change if we transform .
TODO examples.
Snap (package manager) Updated +Created has some very good comments on how snap is more closed than Flatpak.
Snap's permission system is extremely annoying, notably restricting access to home files. They need a popup that says "permission required by app, accept?" urgently!!!
DeepMind project Updated +Created
Model validation Updated +Created
TODO compare with actual datasetes.
Amazon Kindle Updated +Created
SHT_STRTAB Updated +Created
Sections with sh_type == SHT_STRTAB are called string tables.
They hold a null separated array of strings.
Such sections are used by other sections when string names are to be used. The using section says:
  • which string table they are using
  • what is the index on the target string table where the string starts
So for example, we could have a string table containing:
Data: \0 a b c \0 d e f \0
Index: 0 1 2 3  4 5 6 7  8
The first byte must be a 0. TODO rationale?
And if another section wants to use the string d e f, they have to point to index 5 of this section (letter d).
Notable string table sections:
  • .shstrtab
  • .strtab
Film about the financial crisis of 2007-2008 Updated +Created
Figure 1.
The Men Who Stole the World by Benoît Bringer
. This timestamp contains a good explanation of how banks were knowingly reselling bad loans at incredible profits. It features Richard Bowen, previously from Citi Group compliance.
Open source GPU compute benchmark Updated +Created
RISC-V priviledged ISA Updated +Created

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