Skunk Works Updated +Created
Analytic continuation Updated +Created
visualizing the Riemann hypothesis and analytic continuation by 3Blue1Brown (2016) is a good quick visual non-mathematical introduction is to it.
The key question is: how can this continuation be unique since we are defining the function outside of its original domain?
The answer is: due to the identity theorem.
Nucleotide Updated +Created
Horizontal gene transfer Updated +Created
Ways in which it can happen:
Figure 1.
Graph of life
. Source. horizontal gene transfer transforms the tree of life into the graph of life! Fuck my life.
Lexical category Updated +Created
Good documentary film Updated +Created
Ideal gas law Updated +Created
Formal language Updated +Created
Recursively enumerable language Updated +Created
There is a Turing machine that halts for every member of the language with the answer yes, but does not necessarily halt for non-members.
Public domain Updated +Created
Fusion energy gain factor Updated +Created
Phase space coordinate Updated +Created
Riemann zeta function Updated +Created
Quran Updated +Created
Age of Enlightenment Updated +Created
Cross product Updated +Created
Projection (mathematics) Updated +Created
Matrix Updated +Created
List of proteins Updated +Created

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