AC adapter Updated +Created
De novo DNA synthesis Updated +Created
As of 2018, Ciro Santilli believes that this could be the next big thing in biology technology.
"De novo" means "starting from scratch", that is: you type the desired sequence into a computer, and the synthesize it.
The "de novo" part is important, because it distinguishes this from the already well solved problem of duplicating DNA from an existing DNA template, which is what all our cells do daily, and which can already be done very efficiently in vitro with polymerase chain reaction.
Many startup companies are attempting to create more efficient de novo synthesis methods:
Notably, the dream of most of those companies is to have a machine that sits on a lab bench, which synthesises whatever you want.
TODO current de novo synthesis costs/time to delivery after ordering a custom sequence.
The initial main applications are likely going to be:
but the real pipe dream is building and bootstraping entire artificial chromosomes
News coverage:
Video 1.
Nuclera eDNA enzymatic de novo DNA synthesis explanatory animation (2021)
Source. The video shows nicely how Nuclera's enzymatic DNA synthesis works:
PDF Updated +Created
Meh Updated +Created
Database management system Updated +Created
A software that implements some database system, e.g. PostgreSQL or MySQL are two (widely extended) SQL implementations.
Directed graph Updated +Created
Characteristic polynomial Updated +Created
Eigenvector Updated +Created
Personal finance Updated +Created
  • the American stock market gives 10% / year, which is about 2x over 10 years. It has been the sure-fire best investment on a 10 year horizon for many decades, and should serve as your benchmark.
  • risky diversified investments (e.g. ETFs that track a market index) are basically the best investment if you can keep your money in them in the long term (10 years)
  • risky investments can gown down for a while, and you cannot take your money out then. This effectively means risk is a form of illiquidity
  • investment funds have taxes, which eat into your profit. The best investments are dumb index tracking investments (like an ETF that tracks the stock market) that are simply brainless to manage, and therefore have lowest taxes. No fund has managed to beat the market long term essentially.
  • when you are young, ideally you should invest everything into riskier higher yielding assets like stock. And as you get older, you should move part of it to less risky (and therefore more liquid, but lower yielding) assets like bonds
    The desire to buy a house however complicates this for many people.
Shel Kaphan Updated +Created
First Amazon hire, wrote and led the team that wrote v1.
He looks like an older and more experienced dude compared to Bezos at the time.
. also mentions that unlike California, there's no sales tax in the state of Washington, which is important for selling books.
Video 1.
Shel Kaphan interview by Internet History Podcast (2015)
Video 2. Continues to Grow by NBC 15 (2014)
Source. Features short excerpt of filmed interview with Shel.
Figure 1.
Shel Kaphan
. Source. TODO year. Presumably more or less close to publishing date of source at 2020.
Build automation Updated +Created
Object-relational mapping Updated +Created
Voting Updated +Created
Undirected graph Updated +Created
Chromosome Updated +Created
Epigenetics Updated +Created
Point groups in three dimensions Updated +Created
Binance Updated +Created

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