Politics of China Updated +Created
Cybersecurity Updated +Created
File format Updated +Created
File sharing Updated +Created
Musculoskeletal system Updated +Created
Brady Haran Updated +Created
Sagittarius A* Updated +Created
Brits can't say "no" directly Updated +Created
If you ask for something, and they don't want to do it for whatever reason, they won't say no. They will say "I could do it, sure, no problem" and just never do it, nor explain why they don't want to do it!
And then if you don't understand that this actually meant "no" and push things further, they might eventually say "no", but they might become offended that you didn't understand them at first!
Please just say at least "yes" or "no". And if you're feelig specially nice, say "why no" which helps a lot the asker sometimes, though that's optional since people are entitled to their privacy. Just don't waste our poor foreigners' time with "bhlarmeh"!
Perhaps East Asia is a similar and more severe case of the same problem. But at least in their case it is so obvious that you already expect it.
The polar opposite apparently beign Germen and the like.
Why we can't find more bibliography on this?
  • www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/ywt98p/why_are_british_people_so_indirect/ "Why are British people so indirect?". Now deleted body with some fixes, bullshit deletion procedure they have:
    I've worked with people from all over the globe, but its when i work Work with British people it's always frustrating.
    From conversations to communicating what they would like me to do for them in notes. Never direct. Confusing and unclear. When I ask politely what they are asking me to do I get some patronising passive aggressive BS.
    Most times I don't even have to ask questions or clear things up. I try to make sense of everything, but sometimes I have to ask. In my job its important that I have the exact facts. I need 100% clarity from colleagues, so decisions I make don't come back to bite me on the ass. My clients don't have time for British behaviour like that. I don't have time for that.
    Why are Brits do indirect and passive aggressive in the workplace?
    The best comment:
    Brits do tend to be a bit passive aggressive, but we're also generally quite logical and reasonable creatures. Be direct and just say 'look, cut the bullshit, tell me your honest opinion, I won't take offense' and they should open up more.
    Nice try Johnson, I'm not falling for that trap.
  • www.facebook.com/soverybritish/posts/things-that-mean-no-yeah-could-do-im-easy-really-well-yes-and-no-well-see-maybe-/1497343080313575/
    Things that mean "no" by "Very British Problems":
    • Yeah, could do
    • I'm easy really
    • Well, yes and no
    • We'll see
    • Maybe
    • If that's what you fancy
    • I'll see how I feel
  • letstalk.voiceprint.global/talking-with-the-brits-the-problem-with-indirectness/ "Talking with the Brits - the problem with indirectness"
Video 1.
How I Faked Being American interview with Jack Barsky
. Source. The former East German spy undercover in the USA says:
I had learned to speak English and write it as well as anybody, but I hadn't become an American culturally.
My behavior was still very German.
Having now learned the difference between the German style and the American style, I have been trying to adjust and soften the way I'm approaching things.
Germans are in your face, they will tell you what they think even if you don't ask for it, and they will criticize you at any chance they get.
And that was me.
And there's still a residue of that left.
Americans will be a little more passive, sometimes passive aggressive, and they wrap everything, every piece of bad news, in some kind of a velvet cloth so it doesn't hurt that much.
Domain-specific language Updated +Created
Evil. Just use Python instead for software, and a well known data file format for data, please.
Learned society Updated +Created
PBS Updated +Created
Futurama Updated +Created
Nupedia Updated +Created
Selection rule Updated +Created
phys.libretexts.org/Courses/University_of_California_Davis/UCD%3A_Physics_9HE_-_Modern_Physics/06%3A_Emission_and_Absorption_of_Photons/6.2%3A_Selection_Rules_and_Transition_Times has some very good mentions:
So it appears that if a hydrogen atom emits a photon, it not only has to transition between two states whose energy difference matches the energy of the photon, but it is restricted in other ways as well, if its mode of radiation is to be dipole. For example, a hydrogen atom in its 3p state must drop to either the n=1 or n=2 energy level, to make the energy available to the photon. The n=2 energy level is 4-fold degenerate, and including the single n=1 state, the atom has five different states to which it can transition. But three of the states in the n=2 energy level have l=1 (the 2p states), so transitioning to these states does not involve a change in the angular momentum quantum number, and the dipole mode is not available.
So what's the big deal? Why doesn't the hydrogen atom just use a quadrupole or higher-order mode for this transition? It can, but the characteristic time for the dipole mode is so much shorter than that for the higher-order modes, that by the time the atom gets around to transitioning through a higher-order mode, it has usually already done so via dipole. All of this is statistical, of course, meaning that in a large collection of hydrogen atoms, many different modes of transitions will occur, but the vast majority of these will be dipole.
It turns out that examining details of these restrictions introduces a couple more. These come about from the conservation of angular momentum. It turns out that photons have an intrinsic angular momentum (spin) magnitude of , which means whenever a photon (emitted or absorbed) causes a transition in a hydrogen atom, the value of l must change (up or down) by exactly 1. This in turn restricts the changes that can occur to the magnetic quantum number: can change by no more than 1 (it can stay the same). We have dubbed these transition restrictions selection rules, which we summarize as:
Knol Updated +Created
Very similar to OurBigBook.com!
People who worked on it:
Video 1.
How to use Google Knol by Hack Learning (2011)
Source. One of the last users of the website for sure! The owner of that YouTube channel is a Mark Barnes:
Video 2.
Jimmy Wales on Google's Knol (2008)
Replying to a listener phone-in question WNYC radio, mediated by Brian Lehrer.
It was about to launch it seems, and it was not clear at the time that anyone could write content, as opposed to only selected people.
Jimmy then corrects that misinformation. He then clearly states that since there can be multiple versions of each article, including opinion pieces, like OurBigBook.com, Knol would be very different to Wikipedia, more like blogging than encyclopedia.
Video 3.
Google Knol: the future of academic journals? by Doug Belshaw (2010)
EPUB Updated +Created
This is a good thing. It basically contains an entire website, with HTML and assets inside a single ZIP, and a little bit of metadata.
It is incomprehensible why browsers don't just implement it as they already have all the web part, and also ZIP stuff:
The situation is so sad. Ubuntu 21.04 doesn't come with a reader installed by default:
Waldorf education Updated +Created
RSA (cryptosystem) Updated +Created
Based on the fact that we don't have a P algorithm for integer factorization as of 2020. But nor proof that one does not exist!
The private key is made of two randomly generated prime numbers: and . How such large primes are found: how large primes are found for RSA.
The public key is made of:
  • n = p*q
  • a randomly chosen integer exponent between 1 and e_max = lcm(p -1, q -1), where lcm is the Least common multiple
Given a plaintext message m, the encrypted ciphertext version is:
c = m^e mod n
This operation is called modular exponentiation can be calculated efficiently with the Extended Euclidean algorithm.
The inverse operation of finding the private m from the public c, e and is however believed to be a hard problem without knowing the factors of n.
However, if we know the private p and q, we can solve the problem. As follows.
First we calculate the modular multiplicative inverse. TODO continue.
Ciro Santilli's father Updated +Created
Rickrolling Updated +Created

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