Timelike-separated event Updated +Created
Gel electrophoresis separation of SNPs Updated +Created
Package manager Updated +Created
Linux Foundation Updated +Created
The fact that this foundation has a bunch of paid, closed, certification courses makes Ciro Santilli not respect them at all. They should be making open access content instead!
ncdu Updated +Created
rsync Updated +Created
x86 Updated +Created
Logarithm of a matrix Updated +Created
de Broglie relations Updated +Created
Relates particle momentum and its wavelength, or equivalently, energy and frequency.
The wavelength relation is:
but since:
the wavelength relation implies:
Particle wavelength can be for example measured very directly on a double-slit experiment.
So if we take for example electrons of different speeds, we should be able to see the diffraction pattern change accordingly.
Micro Bit v1 Updated +Created
Spectroscopy Updated +Created
Linux insides Updated +Created
Documents the Linux kernel. Somewhat of a competitor to Linux Kernel Module Cheat, but more wordy and less automated.
Bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide Updated +Created
Discovered in 1988, the first high-temperature superconductor which did not contain a rare-earth element.
Arch Linux Updated +Created
Respect. Big respect. Those people are hardcore from scratch hackers, and their wiki is amazing: wiki.archlinux.org/
It's just that Buildroot is more hardcore ;-)
But can you build the ISO full from source: Linux distribution buildable from source
Windows Subsystem for Linux Updated +Created
Even added UI app support as of 2022: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/tutorials/gui-apps That's awesome!
Measurement and circuit based quantum computers Updated +Created

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